过去几周以来,俄罗斯和美国都加大了针对伊斯兰国的军事行动。由于这个残忍的圣战组织继续在叙利亚和伊拉克肆虐,《外交政策》杂志邀请美国和平研究所的代理副所长ManalOmar(在和平与伊斯兰议题上,他是最重要的声音之一)和 Ayaan Hirsi Ali......
Islam Isa Religion of Peace
In the past few weeks, both Russia and the UnitedStates have escalated their military campaigns against the Islamic State. Asthe brutal jihadist group continues to wreak havoc in Syria and Iraq, Foreign Policy asked United States Institute of Peaceacting Vice President Manal Omar, one of the foremost voices on peace andIslam, and AyaanHirsi Ali, author of Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now, to debate what is behind this newest breedof extremism, and how can it be defeated. In the age of al Qaeda, the IslamicState, and Boko Haram, is there a link between the violence these groupsperpetrate and the faith they profess?
过去几周以来,俄罗斯和美国都加大了针对伊斯兰国的军事行动。由于这个残忍的圣战组织继续在叙利亚和伊拉克肆虐,《外交政策》杂志邀请美国和平研究所的代理副所长ManalOmar(在和平与伊斯兰议题上,他是最重要的声音之一)和 Ayaan Hirsi Ali(他是《异教徒:为什么伊斯兰现在需要改革》作者)就为什么会产生伊斯兰国这个新的极端组织以及要怎样才能打败该组织进行辩论。在这个基地组织,伊斯兰国和博科圣地共存的时代,这些组织所犯下的暴力活动同他们所声称的信仰之间存在关联吗?
Teacher 10 hours ago
Quran has 2 parts
The 1st part where Mohammed was a nomad exiled fromMecca and was desperate to gain followers..In that he preached
aboutcompassion,equality,kindness, christians and Jews were brothers, freedom forwomen etc
The 2nd part where Mohammed became awarlord,attacked Mecca and then started expanding his kingdom all acrossArabia...There he talks about jihad, how Jews and christians arent to betrusted, Kill or convert for infidels, raping non muslims is acceptable etc...
Muslims use the first part to preach to us whilethey secretly follow the second part
CHRIS 9 hours ago
1.5 Billions Muslims equals 1.5 Billion fools.Jesus Christ is the only truth
Wow 12 hours ago
What a political piece of garbage - what is wrongwith democracies in stating that Islam is a religion of peace - have peoplelost their minds? Islam will destroy democracy and all that comes with it -freedom of speech, religion, woman's rights, LGBT rights - what would possessliberals to embrace this religion and shun christianity that has proven to bethe religion of peace over the last 200 years - Europe and America were builton Christianity and its principals and anybody who says that is not true is simplyignoring the FACTS.
The left liberal are bringing about their nowdemise - and is that just the most stupid thing to even think. They equateChristianity with what privilege which is a bunch of made up baloney.
This world is going down the #$%$ hole fast.
Arnold 6 hours ago
The author of this article is full of KKRAPP.
The Koran teaches Muslims to war againstnon-Muslims and make them submit to rule by Muslims. The Koran teaches Muslimsto humiliate these non-Muslims, to show them that Muslims are superior tonon-Muslims.
The Sunnis and Shi'ites each teach that they followthe true Islam and that the others are heretics. They hate each other, and havebeen murdering each other for centuries.
The whole history of Islam, right from thebeginning, is a history of Muslims killing each other, and warring againstnon-Muslims.
sajib 11 hours ago
well if a continent is bombed ,invaded for half acentury then it don't need religion to fight for the billions of dollars ofwealth that is under the ground of middle east .For oil west has destroyedIslamic civilization ,kept playing of half a century old toppling govt &killing millions in different war games.Surely from those ruins only terroristwill rise nothing well will come out from that ruin which west has created
American Truth Teller 9 hours ago
Now let us look at the facts: WWI, WWII, Koreanwar, Vietnam wars were not started by Muslims. Bush alone killed over twomillions innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan and not to count over seventhousand young American slaughtered and over twenty thousand maimed. Americanskill over a million of their own babies every year even before they have chanceto see the day light. America had 46 school shootings this year alone whereinnocent civilians were killed for no reason. Now those who have negativecomments on this article, just put your hand on your heart and be honest if youare a human being.
Winston 9 hours ago
I could think of numerous words to describe islam,peace or peaceful would not be on that list.
Artur 6 hours ago
My father told me that if God created Men, it wasthe Devil who created the Jew.
Dennis 5 hours ago
"Islam Is a Religion of Peace" ya that'swhy they behead innocent people and burn people alive in cells and video tapeit... Is there anyone here that believes... Islam Is a Religion of Peace...
Keeping the Faith 11 hours ago
Complete BS story. Listen...if a person tries tofollow EVERYTHING in the Bible then they are considered to be a good Christian.If a person tries to follow everything in the Koran then they are considered tobe a good muslim. When the Koran says to kill everyone around them who is notmuslim if they don't convert, then they are a good muslim. The ones who are notout killing every one are actually the bad #$%$. Don't give me this trash abouta religion of peace.
Smokestack Jain 4 hours ago
All religion is cancer. Islam is just theChristianity of Middle Eastern terrorists.
Steve 9 hours ago
Are the daily atrocities we witness attributed bytheir perpetrators to their allegiance to Islam a distortion of Islam or Islamat its core? That is the question, isn't it? Obama assures us that theseperpetrators do not represent Islam and yet his administration goes to greatlengths to accommodate the religious sensibilities of the detainees at Gitmo.In any case the foundational templates of Islam, whose adherents claim is areligion but is in actuality much more as it naturally attempts to subordinatepolitical systems, cultural traditions, even economies, lend themselves to theuse of violence and divisiveness to achieve its ends. If Islam really wants togenuinely integrate itself into the current age it needs a Reformation to doso.
Henry 13 hours ago
Almost all religions have perpetrated graveinjustices against those of other faiths over the course of history, butblaming the West for Muslim problems is an easy and traditional Arab way ofpassing responsibility for intrinsic flaws in their religion onto others. Also,blaming US support for Israel and the "double standard" ignores thePalestinian Fedayeen attacks, sponsored by the entire Arab world, againstIsrael in the period 1948 to 1967, in defiance of the UN resolution which setup the state in the first place.
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