为什么有些人更容易受到蚊子的青睐? [美国媒体]


Why are some people more susceptible to mosquito bites?


Mosquitos are one of the worst things about summer, with the ability to turn an idyllic evening in the great outdoors into a borderline unbearable scratching frenzy. But why is it that some people seem to suffer more at the hands of these blood-sucking insects than others?


Researchers in the UK are in the process of determining the extent to which genetics affect how attractive we are towards the bugs using nothing less than 200 sets of smelly already-worn socks. We certainly don't envy them! 


The study
The socks were taken from pairs of identical and non-identical twins, with the hope of establishing which odours produced attractive (and, conversely, repellent) chemicals. Lead researcher James Logan told Scientific American:

调查研究的领导人詹姆斯·罗根(James Logan)在采访中告诉《科学美国人》杂志,这些成对的袜子来源于同卵双胞胎和非同卵双胞胎们,学者们希望通过研究袜子来确定到底什么样的气味含有能够吸引(或者令蚊子反感)蚊子的化学成分。

"We know very little about the genetics of what makes us attractive to mosquitoes. We hope this study will give us more insights into the mechanisms that help change our body odors to make us more or less attractive to mosquitoes."


The team chose to use twins for their work after prior research on a smaller sample showed mosquitoes to be seemingly more attracted to identical twins compared to non-identical twins. Logan added:


"If we can identify important genes, perhaps we could develop a pill or medication that would allow the body to produce natural repellents to keep mosquitoes away."


In the next stage of the research, the team plan to place the smelly socks in a wind tunnel along with mosquitoes.


Previous research
This is not the first time that the science behind mosquito bites has been examined. It is known that genetics accounts for a whopping 85% of humans' susceptibility to the insect bites, with certain elements – such as high concentrations of steroids or cholesterol, when found in excess on the skin's surface – making them swarm closer.


It's also been suggested that mosquitoes target people who produce excess amounts of certain acids, like uric acid – which trigger the insects' sense of smell – while pregnant women are also more likely to be bitten. However, it seems that the process of attraction begins a long time before the bite – with the pesky bugs able to smell their dinner from up to 50 metres away.


Despite all the research, scientists still reckon it's going to be a long time before we figure out a way to prevent insect bites. Until then, the NHS recommends taking the following steps: 


Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers / skirts.


Keep cool.


Use insect repellent.


The current study is being conducted in affiliation with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

