South Korea's tourism body fears a huge drop in visitors as a diplomatic row with China starts to bite.
The Korea Tourism Organisation (KTO) predicted there could be 4.7 million fewer foreign tourists this year than in 2016 - a drop of about 27%.
韩国旅游发展局(KTO)预测今年的外国游客可能会比2016年减少470万人次. 这相当于降低了27%.
China has banned travel agencies from selling package tours to Korea in protest at Seoul allowing a US missile defence system.
中国已经禁止旅行社组织赴韩旅游团 这是中国抗议汉城同意美国在韩部署导弹防御系统的反制手段.
Visitors from China made up 46.8% of tourists in South Korea last year.
Richard 14 hours ago
The Koreans are resilient and will overcome it. I was in Korea in 1959 to 1960 and again from 1961 to 1963. It was a very war torn country in those days and how they have overcome that amazes me. Yes I was in the Army and yes I went back to get married to my Korean girl friend. We have been married for 54 years. Now days people have Samsung phones TV's Hyundai cars Kia cars and many other Korean made items. China Russia and N. Korea will just have to get over THAAD.
韩国人是富有韧性的他们会克服如今的困难的. 我曾经去过两次韩国 分别在1959年到1960年还有1961年到1963年. 当时韩国是个战争蹂躏过的国家.然而他们走出困境的手段令我吃惊不已.当时我正在陆军服役 是的 我第二次去韩国是和我的韩国女友结婚. 我们的婚姻已经持续54年了. 如今 人们用三星的手机和电视 现代汽车 起亚汽车还有其他各种各样的韩国产品. 中国俄罗斯和北朝鲜再怎么拿萨德说事都没用.
Sue 7 hours ago
If this is true then we have power to economically let China know. Do not purchase things made there! Buy American made products which I have been doing my best to do ! Maybe it would show them they need to step up and help with YUM YUM in Nkorea!
如果这是真的那么我们要让中国明白我们有能力从经济上给中国一个教训.别买中国制造的东西! 我已经在尽我所能的去购买美国生产的产品! 也许这样做可以让中国明白他们需要帮忙在朝鲜问题上动点真格的.(翻译不能....求助.....)
Zach 13 hours ago
Chinese tourists have money but they are rudest most obnoxious travelers on the planet
中国游客是有钱 但他们也是这个星球上最令人讨厌的粗俗无礼的游客.
p b 8 hours ago
so there is a crazy man with nuke miles away from south korea and japan/other nations and china is punishing south korea for basically trying to protect itself? could you imagine the response if CHINA was the ones who were in their position. smh
Rex 14 hours ago
Koreans are Cucks sacrificing themselves protecting Japan. THAAD will help Japan at the expense or S Korea. THAAD will not help S Korea one bit.
韩国人是牺牲自己来保护日本的王八。( Cucks为cuckold的缩写 ),萨德将以牺牲韩国为代价来帮助日本。萨德将不会对韩国有任何帮助。
D P 12 hours ago
May be US could send more tourists to prop up tourism in SK...on the other hand probably not because most of us don't know where SK is on the map.
PatrickD 10 hours ago
This may not hold true about declining tourist specifically Chinese tourist visiting S Korea. It's the knock off products from China that the Korean sells to ALL Tourists. Let's face it Korean's theatrical out performed any country Day Time Soap Opera and everyone wants to see Korea because of that. Among other things such as cultures and shear beauty of Korean Peninsula. So stop selling cheap knock off products from China. Korean people are selling themselves short because Korean products are better products. The US is no difference. A lot of Chinese fake products in the US.
ANDY L 10 hours ago
if the SK are so confident in their advance military..then why do they need US protection? You cant beat a country when they have a military first policy which mean soldiers comes first before civilians. they have been training since birth to fight the americans. Everyone in NK have military training since birth. The SK have a few years training and most are soft Kpop listening liberals. The NK are trained to kill ..you cant defeated that.
Michael Wan 6 hours ago
Most agenies in China stopped taking group tour to S Korea volunterily to show to their customers where they stand on the national interests and there is no much of customer demand for travel to S Korea anyway.
大部分中国的旅行社已经自发停止带团赴韩旅游. 向客户表明自己在国家利益问题上的立场,同时也没有多少游客要求去韩国旅游。
george 9 hours ago
Trump and his followers in Congress make a lot of noise about sanctions ; but soon they will learn that sanctions work in both directions.
特朗普和他在国会里的支持者说了一堆关于制裁的废话; 但是很快他们就会认识到制裁会伤害到制裁和被制裁双方.
D P 11 hours ago
The Chinese people banned SK tourism not government. Yes Chinese people have nationalistic feelings too.
中国人并不是被政府禁止赴韩游的. 他们同样也是有民族感情的.
S M G 11 hours ago
It should be consequences for allowing Thaad to be placed at where Chinese security is threatened. What American did in Cuba crisis?
这应该是韩国批准部署萨德的后果 这对中国的安全构成了威胁. 古巴导弹危机的时候 美国又做了什么?
wow 12 hours ago
No one wants to visit there anyway!
无论如何 都没人想去那里旅游!
VerminStrategy 12 hours ago
Korean singer actress and tourism decline because China fans are steering ship and other interest in Thai actress - singer and tourism as well as Indonesia singer and actor - actress + tourism.
韩国的歌手 演员还有旅游业都受到了打击. 因为中国的粉丝转而向了其他方面 例如泰国艺人还有印尼的歌手和演员还有旅游业.
FemmeBaby2k1 13 hours ago
China is never say ban SK tourist. Media mislead information
中国从来都没有禁止赴韩游. 媒体释放了错误信息.
Stanley 12 hours ago
China under WHO cannot ban any visitors to any nation except the one under UN sanction. BBC is lying here. All US and world newsmedia never report this ban except BBC.. which is fake news. tourism continues in Japan in huge no and smaller no to S Korea. If banned there won't be a single tourist.. UK's BBC Reuters are now becoming Fake news campaigns...
中国是加入了世贸组织的(原文是世卫组织 貌似是他打错字了) 在世贸组织规则下中国不能禁止游客去任何一个国家旅行 除了一个被联合国制裁的国家.(指朝鲜) BBC在这个报道里撒了谎. 除了BBC 美国和全世界的新闻媒体都没有报道出这个禁令...那这就是个假新闻. 中国赴日游持续火爆 而赴韩游的旅客不是没有了而是人数少了. 如果中国有禁止赴韩游的禁令那就一个中国游客都不会有..如今 英国的路透社和BBC正变成假新闻制造者.....
A_Dog 9 hours ago
Well isn't that Korea's fault?
好吧 难道这不是韩国的错吗?
WRC 14 hours ago
they weren't banned from selling the packages to Korea they are discouraged to "promote" the packages
zho 14 hours ago
yes S. Koreans need only THAAD.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...