来到德国后,人们面临的最大文化冲击有哪些?(中) [美国媒体]

quora网友:我是墨西哥人,在德国叫沃尔芬比特尔的“小”城市的一所德国大学里学习了六个月。这儿有几件事,我发现真的很有趣:指关节-节拍: 在每节课结束时,学生们用指关节在桌子上敲出一系列德国节拍,向教授或演讲者致谢,甚至到今天我都觉得很有乐趣。守时:通常墨西哥人、拉丁人是出了名的不守时,而在另一方面德国人因为守时而闻名世界..........


What are the biggest culture shocks people face when coming to Germany?



Robert Wesley Snyder Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering Candidate B.S. Chemical Engineering
Answered Sep 15 2016
I had an experience that shocked me. Incredible generosity and hospitality. This would never have happened to me in Washington D.C. where I was living at the time.
I was in college attending a research conference at the University of Vienna with my girlfriend and was trying to get to Germany to visit Neuschwanstein (the castle that the one at Disney World is based on).


We had taken the train across the border for many hours and were sitting in a station waiting for our connection. It was getting to be around 2 am and we were starting to get nervous about what we were going to do.
The train seemed to not be coming (we probably missed it or something). I was having a beer with my girl in an empty bar with the exception of one man at another table. I speak passable German but my girlfriend didn’t and the man struck up a conversation with us in perfect English.



We told him we were going to Berlin and he asked where we were going to stay. I told him we were just going to find a hotel or a youth hostel.
He said “No no you should come stay at my house. Let me call my wife.”
He then proceeded to rent a car and drive us 3 hours to Berlin! I slept in the back seat most of the way. We then got to his place met his wife and spent the next several hours talking and laughing (and drinking).
I did wind up having the worst hangover I can remember but they took care of me. I think they may have felt guilty about letting me sample all their Real German beers that are almost as strong as wine (like 10% ABV). We met their little 5 year old son andthey gave us a tour of Berlin.
Then they cooked us dinner and we stayed ANOTHER night and then were on our way.
Who does that? In America? These are people that randomly invite strangers they meet at a bar in a train station to stay at their home for the weekend.



Ray Pastrana I've studied German for 4 years and I've lived there for 6 months
upxed Aug 5 2016 R26; Upvoted by Ellen Vrana Have traveled to 35+ countries in as many years.
I’m a Mexican who just spent 6 months studying at a German university in a “small” city called Wolfenbüttel (right where they make Jägermeister).


And there are a couple things that I found really interesting:


1.    Knuckle-clapping: At the end of every class the students thank the professor or lecturer by knocking their knuckles against the table in a sort of german-clap. Even today I find that amusing. (Jobst von Steinsdorff wrote on the comments the explanation to this pretty interesting)

指关节-节拍: 在每节课结束时,学生们用指关节在桌子上敲出一系列德国节拍,向教授或演讲者致谢,甚至到今天我都觉得很有乐趣。

2.    Punctuality: Mexicans and Latins in general are famous for not being very punctual. While on the other hand Germans are worldwide known for their punctuality. I can say that that is true for any official appointment: Lectures meetings classes bus and train stops but not for parties. At least between young people (20-ish).



3.    Cleanliness: Almost every public place classroom shop and street is extremely clean. And all the time. I’ve been to Amsterdam and other French cities and they are not as clean as German cities.


4.    Take off your shoes: It doesn’t matter if it’s your grandmas or an strangers house. You have to take off your shoes. So you better sew any holes in your socks!

脱鞋: 与是你祖母的还是陌生人的房子没有关系,你都不得不进屋脱鞋,所以你最好看看你袜子上有没有洞。

5.    Mineral water: A lot of people buy boxes of mineral water even though that tap water is drinkable. I guess they just like it a lot.


6.    Red lights: I doesn’t matter if there’s not a car in sight. You can’t cross the street if there’s a red light on. Period.


7.    What’s 24/7?: You might say that Germans are lazy. Most stores and government dependencies open from 09:00 until 15:00 with 1 or 2 hours of break. And NOTHING opens on Sundays. Maybe one bakery but that’s it.

24/7?:你可能说德国人懒。大多商店和政府部门从 09:00 开门到15:00 ,中间还有1-2小时的休息,并且星期天没有谁开门营业,可能有一家面包店,但也就只有这一家。

And those are the most important ones. I hope that you find this helpful!



Wow I didn’t expected to see so many likes. Thanks guys!


Regarding the red light issue some people have pointed out to me that I isn’t that harsh. All I can say is that while some people do it (I did is sometimes) it is illegal so if a cop sees you you’re gonna have to pay a fine of 10 Euros and that’s some money that I would rather invest in a beer.


And here are a few more S H O C K I N G things about Germany:


R26;    Best father-day ever: They celebrate Vatertag in a very distinct manner. groups of men legal-to-drink-aged men and sometimes women go out to the streets and parks with something called “Bollerwagen” a sort of wagon that is equiped to storage and supply beer and sausages to the group of people. Everyone would be tipsy by midday at the park and the guys would just stroll with their Bollerwagen while enjoying their beer and food.

最棒的父情节: 他们用非常独特的方式庆祝父亲节,一群已到合法饮酒年龄的男人,有时也有妇女,带上“推车”(一种被用作储存东西的四轮车,为这群人供应啤酒和香肠)走到街头和公园,车上装的是为这群男人准备的啤酒和香肠,每个人到中午都会狂饮而烂醉在公园,这伙人就这样带着他们的“推车”闲逛,以享用他们的啤酒和食物。


R26;    DIY cigarettes: A lot of people smoke in Germany. That’s a fact but students and a lot of people buy their own tobacco filters and rolling paper and do their own smokes. They have told me that they save a lot of money. I think that they would save a lot more if they didn’t smoke.


R26;    Quiet we’re eating: I am used to me very noisy. If you go anywhere in America and I mean USA and all Latin America our restaurants and public places are pretty noisy. But everytime that I would go to the mensa (cafeteria) at my university or any other restaurant it seems as if the people weren’t talking at all they speak at a very low volume and that also surprised me and also called some attention to my table for being always the noisiest.

吃饭时很安静:我已经习惯吵闹,如果你去美国任何地方(也会跟我一样)。我的意思是:美国人和所有的拉丁美洲人,在我们饭馆和公共场所是非常的吵闹。但是我每次去我们(德国)大学的mensa (自助餐厅) 或者其他饭馆,令我十分惊讶,他们说话非常小声,似乎这些人根本就没有讲话,我坐的桌子总是因为吵闹引起注意。

That’s it hope you guys find it helpful!

