微信被描述为苹果最强对手 [美国媒体]


WeChat App in China Described as Apple's 'Toughest Rival' as iPhone 8 Launch Nears


Apple's difficulty in garnering a larger share of the smartphone market in China has been looked at recently by The Wall Street Journal, which described the ubiquitous mobile app WeChat as the iPhone's "toughest rival" in the country. Citing data from QuestMobile, on average WeChat is said to have captured nearly 35 percent of each user's monthly smartphone usage time, averaging about 1 billion monthly active users in total.


The problem for Apple is that WeChat is an entire ecosystem, with one app allowing users to pay for services, text, call cabs, watch videos, play mobile games, and access cloud-based "mini programs," or apps that don't need to be downloaded to a device to be used. Because all of these WeChat features are universal across smartphone brands, analysts speaking with The Wall Street Journal questioned whether or not Apple is "losing its edge" in China.


Specifically, Apple saw a sales drop in Greater China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) in the first half of this past fiscal year, with revenue falling 13 percent in the period. According to analysts looking towards the launch of the iPhone 8, that device's success "largely depends on sales in China."


Skeptical investors are asking whether consumers in China will pay $1,000 for a new iPhone, when they spend more than 60% of their phone time inside a system from Tencent or from rivals Baidu Inc. and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. “That’s the question: Is Apple losing its edge?” said Katy Huberty of Morgan Stanley, who remains optimistic about Apple’s prospects in China.

持怀疑态度的投资者开始问:当超过60%的时间被花在腾讯或它的对手百度和阿里巴巴的系统里时,中国消费者会花1000美金买苹果8么?“问题就是,苹果是不是正在失去优势”摩根斯坦利的Katy Huberty说,但他对苹果在中国的前景依然保持了乐观。

Apple has been making moves recently to focus on China, including naming Isabel Ge Mahe as vice president and managing director of Greater China, who is said to ensure that Apple's products and services appeal specifically to China users. Just this weekend, Apple also removed VPN apps from the China App Store, a move that could potentially help Apple gain favor with Chinese authorities.

苹果最近在中国方面开始有一些举动。包括任命Isabel Ge Mahe为副总裁以及大中华区的董事总经理。她被要求确保苹果的产品和服务能够十分吸引中国用户。就在这周末,苹果还下架了中国区程序商店里的VPN程序,这一举动有可能会帮助苹果获取中国当局的好感。

Some iOS 11 features -- such as the new QR code scanner in the Camera app -- are also seen as a way for Apple to appeal to users in China who are used to having these abilities on hand with WeChat. If Apple doesn't continue to bolster its software, solely relying on upgraded hardware changes might not be enough to convince iPhone users to stick around, according to analyst Ben Thompson.

一些IOS11里的特色,比如相机里新增的二维码扫描功能都被看做取悦中国用户的举动,因中国用户已经习惯了早已具有此功能的微信。分析师Ben Thompson说,如果苹果不再加大软件方面的投入,而只是依赖硬件方面的提升,将不足以说服用户继续支持。

Tailoring software for the market could be critical to keeping the iPhone competitive. Otherwise, Mr. Thompson wrote, Apple runs the risk that the phone’s appearance becomes the only thing that matters when Chinese consumers buy a new device.


Such a shift potentially would force Apple to overhaul its entire business model, moving to a system where it releases a new-looking phone annually rather than every other year, as it does currently.


In terms of market share, market research firm Warren Capital noted that Apple and the iPhone have taken fourth place in China, behind Oppo, Vivo, and Huawei. Apple dropped to fifth place in terms of smartphone devices shipped in Q4 2016 (with Xiaomi added into the mix along with the previously mentioned Chinese brands), and in April Kantar Worldpanel's data noted that iOS dropped to its lowest share of the China smartphone market since 2014.

在市场份额方面,市场分析公司Warren Capital说,苹果以及苹果手机排在第四位,前面是Oppo,Vivo,和华为。在2016年第四季度,在智能手机出货量上,由于小米的加入,苹果掉到了第五位。今年四月Kantar Worldpanel的数据显示IOS的市场份额降到了2014年以来的新低。

Thompson points to WeChat as a major reason only 50 percent of China-based iPhone owners stayed with Apple when purchasing a new phone, while in other countries that number is closer to 80 percent on average. Since users spend so much time within WeChat and rarely see any other advantages to owning an iPhone, the app "has turned Apple into just another vendor in China," which analysts see as particularly problematic for Apple as the iPhone 8 launch grows nearer. 

在中国,人们购买新手机时只有50%的人会考虑购买苹果,而在其他国家是80%。Thompson 指出,微信是一个很大的原因。因为用户在微信上花费如此多的时间,而很难看出拥有苹果手机有啥优势,这个程序“把苹果变成了只不过是另一个销售商”,分析师们把这看成苹果的大麻烦,尤其是苹果8马上就要发布。

During a visit to China earlier in the year, Apple CEO Tim Cook told local media outlet Caixin, "We're not just someone who's here to access the market. We've created almost 5 million jobs in China. I'm not sure there are too many companies, domestic or foreign, who can say that." Ultimately, Cook said that Apple isn't afraid of the challenges it faces in China, telling the site that Apple is "here to stay."

今年早些时候,苹果CEO Tim Cook访问中国时告诉当地媒体,“我们来中国不只是要进入这个市场,我们还给中国创造了五百万个就业机会。我不觉得有很多其他公司能这么说,别管本地还是外国的”。最后,他说苹果不害怕在中国面临的挑战,“苹果将在中国扎根”,他说。

“It's time to make iMessage multiplatform.”
It's too late. That would just give existing iOS users even less reasons to stick with iPhone.


“I've always considered WeChat a backdoor for China to access users phones.”
That’s because it is.


“Apple could pull WeChat from the app store but then face the backlash. If it's not pulled, the popularity of WeChat grows. It's a tricky situation.”
If they did that then based on the article Apple would surely lose more ground in china 
The app seems to be popular independent of Apple in which case people may feel that any smartphone capable of running it is good enough for them.


This is related to the "in-app tipping" ban a few weeks back, which followed the original reports about the tremendous position of WeChat in the Chinese market as related to Apple Pay. It would seem Apple was asleep at the switch until they read Gruber's website one morning, and now a Chinese woman is in charge of Apple China... 
Was anybody fired? They threw Forestall under the bus for less.
But then again, this is the same group of visionaries that gave-up the keys to the kingdom to Facebook and Twitter, baking them directly into iOS in an unprecedented and utterly foolish move in 2012. 
Flash forward to 2017 and say hello to the dead App Store, FB zombies roaming the streets, Fake News and President Twitter. 
Great job, fruitcakes! X-)


Well of course. WeChat is ok with being censored and ok with handing over user info to the government.
Apple isn’t willing to make these concessions (yet), and until they do, they’ll never make up any ground.
IMHO, this battle is already lost, and making such compromises would only erode Apple’s image and current customer base.


There's not much Apple can do about it, really. WeChat is heavily controlled by the Chinese government, thus paving the way for it to be so widespread within the country. There are plenty of other highly valued U.S. tech companies that aren't even doing business in China, so it's not the end of the world. The app downloads seem to be doing well in China too.

