Why Does White Liberalism Only Hate Asian Men?
As someone who feels that racism against AfricanAmericans, Muslims, Latinos, Indians, Native Americans (or any other kind oflookism) is evil, I think liberalism in theory is great. But white liberalism(and some other forms) only attack Asian men. This is not a new thing. It'sbeen this way for a long, long time. Realizing this has pushed me away fromwhite liberalism (I have always been anti-Conservative).
So why does white liberalism hate Asian men so much?
l Is it becauseAsian men are perceived to be the least attractive, and therefore the most"sexually useless" members of society? This means that no one wouldcare about what we have to say. And since no one cares what we say or wants todefend us, we become the target for all that racial hatred that whiteliberalism has repressed against other groups.
l Is it becauseAsians are the only group of POC that has the ability to one day compete withwhite economic global hegemony? (this seems to be the dominating theory in theAsian male activist circles.)
l Is it becauseAsian men are the least white (genetically) race in America? (Less populartheory but it pops up regularly.)
l Is it because ofthe ignorance of the fact that Asians are also a historically disadvantagedgroup?
l Is it becauseAsian men don't stand up for themselves?
l Is it because theAsian men of today are the paragon of healthy masculinity? (This becomesobvious when you realize that Asian men generally have zero "toxicmasculine" traits.)
l Is it because weare easy targets for fragile men to project on? They don't want to be the badguys or the misogynistic guys or the ignoble guys or the guys will small dicksor be feminine, so we are painted as the bad, misogynistic and ignoble guyswith small dicks who are feminine. (Another popular theory).
I think it's a combination of all of these, butperhaps these can be argued or modified. Maybe some attribute more to theproblem than others.
What do you think?
[–]hafu19019trumpet1901910 指标 14 天前
I forgot who said it. But someone said somethinglike white people are afraid a black guy will steal their wife. They are afraidAsian people will steal the economy. For a poor white person, he isconservative and scared of black people. He thinks a black guy will steal hiswife or something. Liberals aren't afraid of that. They are afraid that Asianinstead of white will be on top.
White liberals want to help a bunch of differentminorities. Minorities they feel will never be on the same level with them. Liberalshate Asian people because we often surpass them already.
[–]ArtfulLoungerHalfJewish, Half Taiwanese, 100% Shit at Math -1 指标 14 天前
|They are afraidthat Asian instead of white will be on top. White liberals want to help a bunchof different minorities. Minorities they feel will never be on the same levelwith them. Liberals hate Asian people because we often surpass them already.
You're saying this like it's somehow self-evident.Where are you pulling this from lol
[–]ArtfulLoungerHalfJewish, Half Taiwanese, 100% Shit at Math -2 指标 14 天前
I was referring to the part where you said they fearAsians being on top and that liberals hate Asian people. Most of my friends andI are liberals and I've literally never encountered this attitude in an actualliberal.
[–]hafu19019trumpet190196 指标 14 天前
As opposed to a fake liberal? Of course not allliberals hate Asian people. It kind of goes against the whole being liberalthing. But to deny that liberals aren't racist isn't true either. NYC is prettyliberal right?
Why didn't this get past the Grand Jury?
A liberal can still be racist. They can still have aholier than though attitude because you are a dog eating Asian person. Theystereotype just like everyone else.
[–]ArtfulLoungerHalfJewish, Half Taiwanese, 100% Shit at Math -1 指标 13 天前
Oh I'm not saying liberals aren't racist too,everybody's at least a little racist. I'm just saying I've never ran into aperson I knew to be liberal who had something against Asian people. They mightharbor stereotypes but my point is that most liberals have nothing againstspecifically Asian people
It's hard for NYC not to be liberal when you havepeople from all cultures around the world interacting with each other everyday.
[–]ihavearequestforyoujuststfu. pls. 6 指标 14 天前*
Going off the first point, I think the reason whyliberal women generally absolutely loathe Asian men is because liberal womentend to recognize that racism exists. They are somewhat aware of the racialhierarchy. While they may deny the existence of racism against Asian guys, theystill have an inner awareness of the fact that Asian men are the bottom of thehierarchy. Since power is an attractive quality in men, they would obviouslyreject the Asian man, who is the least powerful in that hierarchy.
Compare that with conservative women who probablydeny that racism exists (unfortunately) and generally don't know about the"hierarchy" (but they do have an internal hierarchy that white >black, brown. The Asian part short circuits in the conservative worldview). YetI hear from Asian men that they have more luck with conservative women thanliberal women.
This is probably why.
[–]ArtfulLoungerHalfJewish, Half Taiwanese, 100% Shit at Math 0 指标 14 天前
I've literally never hooked up with a conservativewoman. All the relationships I've been in and women I've hooked up with havebeen on the liberal end of the political spectrum.
[–]hafu19019trumpet190193 指标 13 天前
Too be fair you are from NYC. Unless you are hookingup on wall street I'm not surprised you've only hooked up with liberal women.
[–]ArtfulLoungerHalfJewish, Half Taiwanese, 100% Shit at Math 1 指标 13 天前
Exactly lol. So I don't get this weird fixation youguys have on liberal people specifically hating Asians.
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