Quora:第一次在战场杀人是种什么体验? [美国媒体]


How does it feel to kill someone for the first time during a war?


Dan Rosenthal, OIF I/II vet, Infantry/RSTA. Many would; fewer could; I did.
Keep in mind that many veterans don't like to talk about things like this; for me, maybe it's a coping mechanism but I don't mind it. For me, it never felt like anything. It was a largely mechanical, defensive process, and it occurred in a very clear-cut scenario with no real question of "am I doing the right thing".


In Baghdad, 2003, a car drove by the front of our FOB, with several military aged men firing rifles from the back, while we were being hit by RPG fire from somewhere else. I had just finished watching an episode of Band of Brothers on the DVD player at the company TOC and was shuffling my way back to bed. One of the M240B machine guns engaged it from the roof and disabled the vehicle. I was in a fairly open, exposed spot at the moment so I took cover behind a wall, leaned out, sighted down my rifle and fired several rounds into the man aiming out of the rear passenger window. Can I say for certain it was my rounds that killed him? Probably not, as that whole vehicle was raked from front to back, but I'd say odds are highly probable that it was my shots.


How did it affect me? It didn't. I went to bed that night amped up from the adrenaline, but other than that I've never had nightmares about it, never spent time dwelling on it, etc. I've had my share of PTSD issues, but they were not related to this at all. Maybe that's weird and not the norm, maybe I was "desensitized by media violence" or whatever the buzzphrase is today, but I just think that I got all the mental and moral wrangling out of the way before it happened. And when the situation comes up, you revert to your training and act on instinct.


Roland Bartetzko, former German Army Paratrooper, Croatian Defense Council, Kosovo Liberation Army
I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but at first the feeling is pretty uplifting.


Imagine you are in a war: The enemy is trying to kill you all the time with every soldier and all its weapons.  You are scared to hell 24 hours a day and then comes the rare moment when you can unleash some hell for yourself.


That feels great. Everybody who is telling you different is a liar.  Everyday that you've survived in a war is great, but to get a kill tops it all.


When I fought in Bosnia and in Kosovo I saw one problem: Most of the times when you are shooting at somebody you can't be sure if he's dead or just injured.  He even might be unharmed and has just gone down to the ground to take cover.


Then there are your comrades who shoot at the same guy.  How to know which bullet hit him?


Almost always there is a certain level of uncertainty.  But still, there are very rare moments when it's pretty sure that it was you who killed. You feel no remorse at these moments.


The much bigger problem comes later.  No normal person likes to kill anybody.  War is an extraordinary situation where one does things which one would not approve of in normal circumstances.  When the war is over, sometimes months later, you start thinking about what you've done and your conscience kicks in.


I think that most soldiers who killed feel some sort of regret and would do a lot if they could somehow "undo" their killings. But these regrets come long after the action.


Hendrik Ehlers, 25 years as a civilian EOD in Southafrican war zones
I did not kill people directly, but some people died because I gave them tasks. They were tasks that I would have done anytime, take out landmines, defuse bombs, clear and blast arms caches. But you cannot do it all alone, you need your team. So, some of my team members have died because I sent them to do tasks. It haunts me. Every day, every night.


Jeff Carlisle-Tierno, Eight years of military service, OEF and OIF vet
At the moment, I was feeling pretty hopped up. “Heyyyyyy… I did this!”. I mean, you spend so much time training for it, now you finally get to do it. It's not so much about the killing - in regards at least to the regular soldiers, the guy on the receiving end is just doing his duty - it's about testing your mettle and coming out ahead. It's about answering unknowns… “Can I do it?”. Well, now you know you can.


Does the perspective change in hindsight? Sure. If I had to do it again, would I? Absolutely. As I’be said before, with regulars, I don't necessarily feel regret - it was gonna be one of us who didn't come out ahead, after all - but I do wish it hadn't had to turn out the way it did.

