阿拉斯加骑警:妇女在乡下小屋里被强奸5周 [美国媒体]


Alaskatroopers: Woman raped over 5 weeks at rural cabin


ANCHORAGE,Alaska (AP) — A woman told police an abductor raped her up to six times a daywhile she was held captive over a five-week period in rural Alaska, with thelast attack committed as she heard a military evacuation helicopter landingnear the man's remote cabin to take her to a hospital.


The womansaid Daniel Selovich, who goes by the nickname Pirate, used duct tape to bindthe two together at night and placed a rope around her neck so she couldn't runaway, Alaska State Trooper Matthew Iverson wrote in anaffidavit.

这名妇女称诱拐者Daniel Selovich(小名海盗)夜里用布基胶带把两人绑在一起,并用绳套住她的脖子,这样她就跑不了了,阿拉斯加州骑警Matthew Iverson在宣誓书中如此写道。

Jessica 5 hours ago
Was therapist black or just normal?


A 5 hours ago
so shewas raped in the car hours after being picked up and then they went to a motelwhere they had consensual sex for several days before taken to the cabin andbeing raped? Sounds fishy


DeniseW 4 hours ago
Sheprobably met him online, and didn't do a background check, because had she, shewould have found out about his past sexual abuse: 
In 2010, he was arrested in New Mexico on California charges of rape andassault, he was extradited to Californa to face charges in a Shasta County casedating to 2004. In that case, he had assaulted and raped an unknown Redding,California woman in December of that year. According to court documents in thatcase, he had led the woman “to an area near the bottom of the Cypress AvenueBridge to look for a friend who he claimed owed him money.” DNA evidencesecured from the woman led police to Selovich, who had a DNA sample in thenation-wide DNA Index System that had been deposited there by the state ofFlorida in 2007. It is unknown why Selovich had not been brought back toCalifornia at that time.
In the California case, Selovich pled guilty to assault, and the rape chargewas dropped. In that case, he was listed as a transient.He was sentenced tofour years.


PaulP 5 hoursago
I'vealways said, females should do NOT go with anyone who picks you up in a U-Hauland takes you to a remote Alaskan cabin and ESPECIALLY if his name is Pirateand he keeps a lot of duct tape and rope around.....it's just not a good idea.


Timothy 6 hours ago
Lots ofthings don't make sense with that story. Starting with the six times a day, andending with the medevac.


Sharon 5 hours ago
Soundslike an internet hook up gone bad.


John 5 hours ago
This isone of the most poorly written and confusing articles I've ever read from theAP. The author should pursue other careers.


GreatWhiteHope 5 hours ago
When willyou WHITE people understand that your negative behavior reinforces ourstereotypes of you?


ToddG 5 hoursago
If I readthat correctly, she was first raped then had consensual sex at a motel over thenext few days? Smh


CLARENCE 5 hours ago
I knew hewas white, white men are responsible for over 75% of the sex crimes in america.


dude 5 hours ago
I'veheard of people granting consensual sex at one point to get raped by theindividual later but I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting raped andthen granting consent afterwards.


Kyle 5 hours ago
I'm notquite understanding how he raped her within hours of their initial encounter,but then after that they decided to go to a motel and have consensual sex for afew days? Sure this chick isn't bi-polar or something? Wouldn't be surprised ifthey met online on some 50 shades of grey fantasy bull($)hit that took a darkturn. If you're gonna meet someone online, deciding to go to their 'cabin'within days of meeting them in person probably is the smartest move to make.Just a thought......


Throwaway 5 hours ago
Why isthere a statute of limitations on tax evasion but not on rape?

