如果两国发生战争,呼吁美国提供帮助对抗入侵者,你愿意为哪个国家战斗? [美国媒体]

先说明我是美国人。我很好奇你愿意为那个国家战斗? 为那个国家献身?reddit网友:我愿意帮助所有欧盟国家和几乎所有的南美国家,除了靠右的那些奇怪小国,比如秘鲁和厄瓜多尔,还有我想我也不会帮委内瑞拉和混蛋阿根廷。我不愿意帮助任何非洲国家。我愿意帮助所有楼主罗列的国家,新西兰,澳大利亚,还有如果特么的情况紧急的话,我会为你而战的,南极洲。


To preface this I am an American. But I was curious what countries you would willingly join the military to defend and possibly die for.

先说明我是美国人。我很好奇你愿意为那个国家战斗? 为那个国家献身?

For me I would be willing to fight to defend Canada the United Kingdom Germany France Japan South Korea and Taiwan.


Edit: I thought I should add countries I would specifically fight against.
Mexico China and Saudi Arabia.



Before my daughter was born? NATO Japan South Korea Taiwan and maybe Israel.
Now? Nope sorry.


Without question: UK Canada & France
Most likely: South Korea Japan & Israel
Maybe: Norway Germany & Mexico
No: Everyone else
Hell no fuck them: Saudi Arabia


(Brit here) I'd want to go and fight with south Korea regardless of how close an ally they are if they lose they'll fall under the North Korean Regime (presuming they invade) and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.



I've worked with a lot of NATO and ISAF military members. I have a lot of respect for the Eastern Europeans especially the Romanians and Polish and the Australians. If there was a blow out war I'd be ready to support NATO and Australia in a second.


I'm generally a non-interventionist but if I had to pick I would include your list plus Jordan as they've been quite the asset and Bhutan because they deserve to be left the fuck alone as one of the few countries left on earth that doesn't bother anyone. Possibly also Iceland because they're too small and sparsely populated to help themselves. But they have that whole island nation thing going for them which is nice.


None foreign and not even the US' own military except under extraordinary circumstances (total land envision). I am not the soldiering type and I don't like violence and confrontation and I feel no allegiance to our allies.



Canada UK Germany France Japan South Korea Israel Jordan Australia New Zealand and Mexico. But only if they didn't instigate it or if they had a good reason. I think that if a country started a war of aggression for the purpose of territory then they can handle it themselves.


I don't plan on joining up but if I had to choose who I'd defend it'd probably be Britain South Korea and Israel. Britain because of our long history of standing up for certain ideals together and the latter two because they're western-like progressive nations threatened by backwards 


After thinking about it a little more I might would add some of the Baltic Nations. But only because they are defenseless without NATO.
I feel a connection to the countries I listed. Time has made our countries grow closer together. Not a big fan of Israel. I care the most for them out of all the Middle Eastern countries but that's not much for me.



I honestly wouldn't willingly join to protect any of these countries. I would willingly join to protect our own. That being said if a similar situation did happen and I was drafted I would be more OK with it if it was a certain countries. NATO founding members Australia New Zealand South Korea and Japan to name the bulk of them. There's probably a couple more in there too probably Poland and Israel as well because of their history.


Whoever the president tells me to.
Personally I admire the Kurds.


Yes! Those fuckers deserve their own country after the massive ass-beatings they dealt ISIL. Plus they're kind of what we wanted Iraq and Afghanistan to become: liberal secular democracy that's actually competent in the middle east.



All of the EU most of South America excluding Peru Ecuador the weird tiny ones to the right and Venezuela fuck Argentina so I guess I'll pass on them too. None of Africa all the ones you listed New Zealand Australia and hell if push comes to shove I'll fight for you Antartica.


Well for me there is only a few countries where I would without question or doubt join to fight. The biggest one would be Taiwan. I would join the moment that war with China (lets be honest who else who declare war). My reasoning is simple I have family there.
For any other country it would depend on why the war happen. If I believe that nation's cause is just then I would join.



Canada Britain France and Japan. I see these countries as our closest and most trusted global allies who would likewise jump to the aid of the US.


Canada Mexico Costa Rica Panama Granada Dominican Republic Trinidad and Tabago Jamaica Philippines South Korea Japan Malaysia Nauru SingaporeNepal ROC Lithuania Poland Romania Greece Italy Ethiopia Finland Iceland Estonia UK Thailand Australia and Israel.

