Is China's rise inevitable?
Leandro Garcia Aspiring Traveler
Answered Aug 20 2016
Maybe not an answer itself but anyways:
People talks about military dominance of the US… in modern world military matters less every day what determinate if a country is dominant over another is trade if it has what others need if it can support economically other countries etc.
Besides if you… lets say nuke china you will unleash a global crisis will be shortages of almost every consumer product(guess where are your phones laptops and cars made) many export goods will lose it market(comodities like soy iron coal etc) can any government handle the local and international repercutions of such situation?
China has the biggest market is the biggest manufacturer exporter and is moving millions of people out of poverty every year.
Its building relationships with other developing countries that probably will have a major role in the future(like all the investment that has done in africa)
China historically(or the region where modern China is) had had the biggest GDP of the world the inability of keeping up with the industrialization of the west make it become a backward and poor country but its recovering there is no way of stopping that.
Michelle Zhou
upxed Aug 23 2016 · Upvoted by Luiz Giaconi Foreing Relations and Politics post graduate
China is not rising China is returning returning to her natural position. In the Chinese or indeed the Indian prospective the rapid growth is not a rise but a return to the natural order of things. From the antiquity to the middle of the 19th century China and India accounted for half of the world’s GDP. And China was always economically militarily and philosophically the central power of the far East. Not by force but by cultural richness.
Again~ China is not a rising power no countries in that size could rise that fast and that big. It is all because they have the experiences. China is now in a transformation of quantitative into qualitative changes her return is unstoppable.
Alvin Hovasapian
Maybe in the pre-industrial age having a larger population would have been an advantage but in th...
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Wang Yaojun
Wang Yaojun works at Vocational Education and Training】
Answered Apr 1 2016
Like it or not China will be a power that every country must face to. Chinese people are industrious and hard-working plus the vast territory. So we'd better accept it as a basic common sense that China will rise. Additionally mutual understanding and mutual respect should be taken through cooperation and interaction. In case of competition among countries I think it's OK to protect one's own country but we must take cooperative way to tackle global issues such as carbon emission global warming to name just a few.
Finally I suppose that every country will rise at some time in the future their people will choose how to develop and what direction to go by what means to take as well.
Peter Gould former Widgit Inspector
Answered Sep 4 2016
Ask 1990-Japan about inevitible rise to supremacy.
China is dancing on a knife’s edge. Also I read enough to strongly beleive that most Asians (and alot of Chinese) are also very are of this. China may pull off economic longevitying but they nay not.aw
If they dont then they will be swollowed up by their own inbalances between the richwesternized coastal south and the poor and female lacking rural interiour.
Tom Xu Chinese who has overseas working experience
Answered Oct 20 2016
Is 200 years’ western domination inevitable?
No it is an accident of the history.
Just like everyone gets ill no matter how healthy he/she is the rise of west is an accidental temporary unexpected event an illness of the world.
Now the History is trying to recover itself.
Although the process may be a little bit painful it is inevitable since one needs to be healthy anyway.
Igor Fazlyev
Answered Nov 24 2016
It’s inevitable in the sense that it has already happened.
I think China will soon be plateauing both economically and in terms of population there are limits to growth but it’s going to be an important player on the worlds stage for the foreseeable future there is no doubt about that even if its economy hits a rough patch - the thing is China’s already got really big it has already risen if you will in purchasing power parity its economy is already bigger than that of the US.
Answered Apr 1 2016
If you look at Chinese history over the past thousands years you would appreciate that it would be a good thing for China to be one of the superpower in the world.
China has never invaded other countries through out its thousands years history except some small borders wars here and there.
When China was strong whole world especially the East Asia enjoyed peace and prosperity. When China was weak the world especially the East Asia were in chaos and wars.
It is inevitable for China to rise:
1) Chinese people and philosophy
2) People around the world are happy and supporting Chinese rise peacefully surely the US wants to keep its hegemony in the world to incites some conflicts around China but all those countries know the US' intention and thus keep neutral and keep watching US' solo action.
China has become what it is today by one generation of "under educated people". The new Chinese generation is well educated and can compete with any nation in the world stage.
Yes it is inevitable for China to rise to a world power especially economical superpower as Chinese does not believe "Gun and warship diplomacy" but develop sufficient advanced weapons to defend its economical power worldwide
Thomas Musselman
Answered Oct 20 2016
Population size is not destiny. Look at the Netherlands and Singapore. China has a populations too large for its type of territory which has oversalted soil and too little water (polluted and depleted aquifers). There is no guarantee that a large population will lead to wealth nor invention. Tiny Norway contributes as much to science as China does.
China’s increased wealth also is in large part due to bringing women into the work force and taking people out of non-productive agricultural labor. Its low labor cost advantage is ending and jobs fleeing to Bangladesh and Vietnam.
William Hennigan lived in China
William Hennigan 在中国居住
Answered Sep 2 2016
No it is not inevitable.
For a couple of thousands of years the Huaxia culture was the most powerful culture in Asia. For those thousands of years the Huaxia went conquering adjacent land people and/or kingdoms - they were particularly successful in conquering when managed by their overlords like the Mongol and the Manchu. And they enriched the people of Zgong Guo. But the culture stalled out approximately about 1760. Around that time they became unable to feed the people of Zhong Guo and were saddled with a government that could not protect the people and entered into a 150 year period being susceptible to lesser cultures - lesser referring only to the populations of the “lesser cultures”.
The Huaxia culture has historically been very powerful and very resistant to any modification. The PRC today is making profound efforts to rebuff any western culture impression on the Huaxia culture. It is this same culture that stalled out 150 years ago. Similar to the hubris and arrogance that the Qing exhibited when faced with the western cultures in the 18th and 19th centuries.
华夏文化史上是非常强大的,并且抵制任何变动。中国现今正在为除去任何西方文化对华夏文化留下的印记做出意义重大的努力, 继续150年前突然停滞不前的文明。类似于18世纪和19世纪面对西方文化的到来时,清政府展现出来的傲慢和自负。
(乱入:据说在 《东方化-亚洲世纪的战争与和平》说到有次中国在接待美国一流的代表团的时候(满是亿万富翁和举足轻重人物)非常傲慢地说中国代表了几千年的文明,而美国200年历史不过是其中一段小插曲,让他们恼火和惊奇中国面对西方不再卑躬屈膝 )
In addition the west tends to view China as a monolithic nation. It is not. The ancient fault lines remain in the non- Han people that practice the Huaxia culture within modern China. This is the greatest fear of the Chinese - and the PRC - the fracturing of China similar to the fate endured by the USSR.
All this said the rise of China is not inevitable nor is it prohibited to happen It could happen as the PRC desires. Merely that the path forward faces some historical problems that potentially can disrupt the plans of Asian dominance and reside in the PRC’s ability to successfully navigate them.
Answered Aug 23 2016
Japan too looked unstoppable just a few decades ago. The Soviet unx was projected to overtake the US economy in the early 80s. But conformism demographics and disastrous economic policies proved fatal to both. China seems to have exactly these same problems only magnified many times over. It is relatively easy to produce phenomenal growth when you are just catching up and copying other economies but when it comes to innovating only an open free and diverse society can deliver growth. I for one will not be surprised to see China ultimately share the fate of Japan and the Soviet unx.
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