中国新丝绸之路:对巴基斯坦来说是啥? [美国媒体]


China'snew Silk Road: boom or dust for Pakistan?


A glossyhighway and hundreds of lorries transporting Chinese workers by the thousands:the new Silk Road is under construction in northern Pakistan, but locals livingon the border are yet to be convinced they will receive more from it than dust.


The townof Sost is gateway to millions in customs duties, with its rickety stalls ofcorrugated iron engraved in Mandarin and Urdu, its cross-border secret agentsand its dusty petrol station's abrupt service.


It is thefirst stop along a new $46 billion "economic corridor" designed byChina in Pakistan.


MwaB 1day ago
WhilePakistan is building infrastructure & making ties stronger with China &Russia, India is involved in terrorism activities in Afghanistan, Nepal &Pakistan. Its seems like it has not learned its lesson from Sri Lanka. Indianeeds to understand that spending billions on weapons and financing terrorismwill not help it.
India ishome to quarter of the world's poorest people, i.e. 4 African states combined.70% of Indian population live below poverty line, 55% don't even have waterlines & electricity connection. Basically living in slums. More than 75%people defecate in open.
Itsmaking fool out of its people.


True 22hours ago
TheBrainwash US media
Everythingthe US does is good for the world.
EverythingChina does is bad for the world


Richard16 hours ago
Thebarbarians will see it as a target of opportunity to rape, pillage, murder, andset off roadside bombs. The cost of securing this route will vastly exceed anyeconomic benefit.


Emit 17hours ago
Seeing isbelieving. China talks but does another. A grand deception since the timeemperors and dynasties and it will never change - learned that from a Chinesefriend.


Yi 20hours ago
pakistanand china are brothers who can become more and more prosperous together.


Carlito11 hours ago
India isoccupying a large part of Pakistan and China. Pakistan will not win a war withIndia, Pakistan should team up with China to attack India. ......India is alsooccupying illegally Goa. Goa must be returned to Portugal. The Andaman Islandsis too far from India proper, they must be given full independence or joinBurma.


BLACKMECCA22 hours ago

Pakistanmilitary has carried out at least five major military offensives in Balochistanto crush the Baloch resistance movement against illegal occupation. The Balochin the first year of their occupation (1948) stated resistance against foreignPakistani invading forces. The first war of liberation was led by Agha AbdulKarim Baloch the brother of Khan Kalat, the then ruler of Balochistan. AghaAbdul Karim fought bravely and almost brought occupying Pakistani forces totheir knees. As cunning as it is – Pakistan – finally used some local triballeaders and parliamentary elements to deceive Prince Karim toaccept a so called negotiation offer.

巴基斯坦军队在俾路支斯坦至少发起5次大的军事进攻以打击俾路支反非法占领抵抗运动团体。在他们占领的第一年(1948年),俾路支人宣布抵抗非法入侵的巴基斯坦部队。第一次解放战争由Agha Abdul Karim 领导,他是当时俾路支斯坦统治者KhanKalat的兄弟。Agha Abdul Karim英勇作战,几乎将巴基斯坦占领部队打得落花流水。但是狡猾的巴基斯坦最终利用当地部落领导人和国会力量欺骗Karim王子接受了所谓的谈判请求。

H T 15hours ago

DUST.Why? China will bring Chinese workers to do the work, China will bring her ownconstruction materials. China will destroy the environment. FACTS.


John K 1day ago

In orderfor a country to develop, some changes must be made.that will affect the livesof some people. People are too used to status quo OR to good things that comeabout, but not the side effects. In the U.S., development took place at theexpense of the native Americans and then the Mexicans. In Pakistan, of course,locals should be able to benefit from the development. It's a matter for thePakistani government to sort out. But it should not be the reason for sayingthe Chinese funded development is no good.


indyck 16hours ago

I hopethis was not written by a jealous Indian.


Rogerperelman17 hours ago

China andPakistan are good friends.


Timur 22hours ago

Why can'tUS start some infrastructure projects that will eventually benefit people,instead of picking on that when some one else saw the opportunity and work onthat.
