Posted byu/lesliemcamus 14 hours ago
Only I can understand my kid. She's like "HAJKFHJCSJVBSHDJWAHGLKHN" and I'm like"OK I will get you a piece of sausage in just a minute."
NoxDineen 420 points·11 hours ago
Makes me feel a bit better about finding kids utterly incomprehensible.
jamese1313 131 points·8 hours ago
Same I'm constantly corrected by my gf and her family for misunderstanding her(soon our) niece and nephew. Luckily the kids have no problem reiterating and rephrasing until I get it which is probably good for all of us in the long run
Janders2124 30 points·7 hours ago
Ya it always weird meeting a kid and they say something to you and you have zero fucking idea what they just said. So you play it off like you understood and "ya that's cool".
sedentarily_active 11 points·3 hours ago
I always tell people not to feel bad if they don't understand my toddler. Hell sometimes I can't understand her.
4d656761466167676f74 6 points·2 hours ago
Old people too. Half the people in nursing homes are exactly like this.
jeronisaurus 91 points·10 hours ago
whisper whisper COUGH!! whisper Yes honey sometimes dogs are brown..
vastoholic 6 points·6 hours ago
I can’t understand my nieces and nephews but my brother and his wife know exactly what they are trying to say.
meg4n 1.2k points·11 hours ago
This is so true I have a brother who is like 15 years younger than me and when he was a toddler I couldn’t understand a word he said but my mum understood perfectly.
queenmadd 475 points·9 hours ago
I had this except I could and she couldn’t with my brother 7 year gap. “Sock me” he wants his socks on and that was when he made some sense 😅
我也有过这种情况,只不过是我能和差我7岁的弟弟交流,而我妈妈她则不行。“袜子我(Sock me)”他想穿上袜子的时候会这么说,这还是他能表达明白的时候😅
rooooooookie 482 points·8 hours ago
"Me think why waste time say lot word when few word do trick." -Kevin Malone
(正确的用法是:I think why waste time saying a lot words when few words can do the trick.)
queenmadd 131 points·8 hours ago
I believe it stemmed from ‘feed me’ got him fed therefore ‘sock me’ ‘water me’ seemed so logical to me. He didn’t get what was so funny.
我觉得他认为这句话和“喂我(feed me)是”一样的,所以“袜子我”、“水我(water me)”在他看来是一个逻辑。他没意识到这多有意思。
greenbabyshit 98 points·7 hours ago
A couple more years and he'll figure out 'beer me' and then it's all downhill
再过个几年他会说“啤酒我(beer me)”,然后一切就开始走下坡路了。
PelagianEmpiricist 18 points·6 hours ago
It takes time. I was adopted by friends. My niece was two when I met her. Took me weeks for my brain to start interpreting her toddler accent.
When her brother started talking I understood him perfectly.
Different toddlers still take time but it dépens on how heavy their toddler accent is.
It's really fuckin weird.
luardemin 6 points·5 hours ago
I get you. I have three younger siblings and one of them still talks in a weird way and I’m basically the one translating all the time.
RockYourWorld31 745 points·13 hours ago
"With mayo? I didn't raise you right."
byscuit 356 points·10 hours ago·edited 10 hours ago
I work at a children's hospital and speak fluent English and Spanish. I honestly can't discern what the fuck kids under 5 are trying to say 80%+ of the time. I just smile at them and talk to the parent mostly
otis_the_drunk 150 points·9 hours ago·edited 8 hours ago
People talk all cutesy to babies like they're pets which leads to toddlers with poor language skills. This is why reading to small children improves their development; it allows them to learn language earlier and with more depth which in turn helps them more fully understand the world around them.
I could probably find/lix a study on this but it seems like common sense that a human being learning a language through immersion will have an easier time of it if the language is consistently spoken clearly.
purpledot_ 144 points·8 hours ago
Early childhood professional here. While reading to children absolutely helps foster language development (among a multitude of other things) baby talk is also beneficial to infants in recognizing and learning language! Mothers talking that way is actually instinctual!
Source: masters degree in early childhood education
Newfypuppie 26 points·7 hours ago·edited 2 hours ago
Yep isn't baby talk for for kids in the 2 word phase it helps them parse words right?
ScipioLongstocking 26 points·7 hours ago
I don't know the science but I work with kids who have autism and we do this. We will also use singing. Kids with autism will often have difficulty with language skills. If the child will only communicate non-verbally but they are physically able to talk we use baby talk like "baba" and "lala" when we start teaching them language skills. I've done this with kids up to 6 years old. Singing is also another way we get kids to begin talking. It's much more fun to sing than talk so we use music they like and try to get them to sing along. It gets them used to using verbal language.
cannakitty 30 points·8 hours ago
Baby talk helps them learn to make the right sounds but you have to start talking to them normally more and more as they get older. You shouldn’t be using baby talk for a toddler anymore.
lesliemcamus 45 points·9 hours ago(贴主)
I totally agree! I have a brother who is now 4 (who I practically raised as well) and compared to other toddlers his age I feel as though he has excellent language skills because my family and I never really “baby-talked” to him. I would always speak to him as if I’m speaking to someone my age ever since he started learning how to talk. If he didn’t understand me I would explain it in a way for him to get what I was saying. I personally think I’m the reason why he’s so good at communicating now. Lol
Kyle1873 23 points·8 hours ago
It amazes me that people don't realise the nonsense their kid babbles is the kid trying to impersonate the adult you gotta talk right for them to copy.
JimmerUK 81 points·8 hours ago
It's weird.
I was watching old videos of my daughter the other day and I could not understand a word she was babbling about but in the video we were having a full-blown conversation.
jorleeduf 72 points·10 hours ago
When I was a toddler my brother was the only person who could understand me so he had to translate everything to my parents.
lizbunbun 59 points·7 hours ago
I did this for my little sister 3 years younger.
Sister: Waaaaahysjikdnnhh
Me: she says you hurt her feelings dad
Sister: Wuujhbbnnmddmm. Ujnbbb mmjj mjh
Me: she didn't like it when you took her snacks away. She wasn't done with them yet
Sister: bbbdbooojkmmbbeeevssnjj...
Me: and she doesn't want you to do that ever again without asking.
Dad: ... ... ... I am sorry i hurt your feelings and i will ask in the future before taking away your plate.
妹妹: Wuujhbbnnmddmm. Ujnbbb mmjj mjh
妹妹: bbbdbooojkmmbbeeevssnjj...
asdf785 63 points·9 hours ago
My kid's always like "HDJAHBUSHDIDNINEELEVENFHAJDJSJ" and I'm always like "Sure son"
我孩子总是这么说 "HDJAHBUSHDIDNINEELEVENFHAJDJSJ"。然后我总是这么回复,“好的,儿子。”
TipperofCows 13 points·5 hours ago
Omg why would you agree to something like that?! There's going to be peanut butter everywhere! Have fun...
Justanothergamerwife 10 points·5 hours ago
Wait why are you happy? What did I just agree to?
StrawberryShartCake_ 113 points·11 hours ago
I can relate to this so much but for the longest time I didn't know others couldn't understand them including my husband.
theladyofundisclosed 20 points·9 hours ago
I had that same issue. I still get that look from people waiting for me to translate when I forget. But it sounded so clear to me!
ryankoch38 33 points·9 hours ago
Thank God. I thought my 3 yr old was fucking retarded. I mean she still is but at least her speech isn't abnormal. "Fjjddmnfn fkfkdjnene nwldllllalal kfbfb fodn." Oh okay.. let me shower first and I'll take you to the park with a turkey sandwich.
噢,感谢上帝。我还以为我3岁的孩子他丫是个智障。我的意思是她现在依然是智障,但是至少还能表达清楚自己要说什么。"Fjjddmnfn fkfkdjnene nwldllllalal kfbfb fodn."哦,好的.....让我先洗个澡,然后我再带你去公园玩,还会给你带上火鸡三明治。
Dodgiestyle 58 points·9 hours ago
I have to use my 5 year old to translate my 2 year old. He's my interpreter.
"Son what the hell did she just say?"
"She wants the baby tiger not the daddy tiger."
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