如何看待西方媒体污蔑中国拉拢欧盟组成贸易反美联盟?如果是真的那么欧盟会答应吗? [美国媒体]


Should Europe accept China's proposal of anti-U.S. alliance on trade?


Thomas Hanson, History Buff, incessantly curious
Answered Wed
I think it is a smart power-play by the Chinese. I don’t think it will be successful, but it is a smart move. China is trying to limit US influence. Currently, the US is top dog on the global stage, as a military, diplomatic, and economic powerhouse. No one can really rival our military (sorry China), our diplomatic credibility is waning but still strong, and the only place that China can really rival our power is our economy.


The US has been pulling away from the world stage and been more protectionist on trade under President Trump. We have pulled out of the TPP (essentially a big alliances to limit Chinese influence in its own backyard and thereby help limit its ability to exert economic pressure globally). We are angry with NAFTA (ensuring that US resources are spent in areas where they can do the most good to our allies and to the homeland). And the tariff increases are just the latest phase of our war against our own economic health.


But how does this involve Europe? Europe benefits immensely from US trade and US from European trade. It is a good thing, a healthy thing. And yet with the US running around, reneging on trade agreements, creating tariffs with no cause, and generally annoying our neighbors and trade partners Europe might be looking at the offers the Chinese are making with some seriousness.


That is a mistake. China doesn’t want nor need economic partners. They want economic slaves. For China, a better economy isn’t even the goal. It is about expansion of power. Economic power is one of the surest ways to ensure general power. It requires significant economic resources to be a military superpower, so if they have the largest economy in the world, they can pose themselves to be a military superpower as well as economic. And with the other two, diplomatic credibility (generally) follows. So for China, it is part of a larger strategy to spread its influences around the planet. And if Europe enables it, they will be powerless to stop its spread.


This might seem slightly alarmist, but the facts remain. China rarely treats anyone on a fair basis, especially on an economic level. And with Europe’s economic unity in (let’s be fair, its in tatters at this point with all of the problems going on in the EU), China sees a ripe opportunity to expand, especially by taking advantage of US weaknesses.


Ray Comeau, A decade in China, interest in geopolitics
Answered Wed
Thanks for request
China is inviting the EU to participate
“The summit is expected to produce a modest communique, which affirms the commitment of both sides to the multilateral trading system and promises to set up a working group on modernizing the WTO, EU officials said.”
Trump is seeking to:
Break-up the EU and has encouraged France to do its own Brexit
Break-up the WTO
Eventually the EU will realize what Trump intends to do to the EU.
China is doing what is logical, when Trump’s actions threaten the international rules for international trade created by cooperation among the worlds leading nations for many decades.



Madoc Karthaus, lives in Europe
Answered Thu
Pretty obvious if you think about it. Smart move, makes sense, but China is playing with fire here, the EU could unify in their hatred of the USA and rival China and the USA for world dominance and the “one superpower” title.


Adrian Lee Magill, Video Company President/Artist BA SFU, VFS (diploma), Author
Answered Thu
I think this is to be expected when one country decides it is going to take on the world.
The world resents the United States right now and Trump has given China exactly what it wanted: a reason to solidify alliances and fill the vacuum that tariffs and counter tariffs between the US and other countries creates.
It is perceived in the world that there must be a world leader. It is also perceived that the US no longer wants the job. China is making a grab for the position and if the trade war does not hurt China too much in the long term, they might just start dictating the direction of the world economy.
If there is too much economic reliance on one country - any country - then they might just get that type of power.
I hope this helps.


Robin Daverman, World traveler
Answered Fri
Should Europe accept China's proposal of anti-U.S. alliance on trade?
According to the linked article, the so-called “anti-US alliance on trade” that China proposed was about two things:


One: issue a “sternly worded letter against trade war” diplomatically,


and two: jointly bring a complaint to WTO against unilateral US increases in tariffs, under the transparently fake “national security reasons”. Canadian milk, German cars, and Chinese industrial policy are not “national security” issues for the US, by any stretch of imagination.


Both measures are fully in compliance within the established international legal and diplomatic framework. Should Europe accept this proposal? Frankly, if EU has any pretension about caring for global welfare, it shouldn’t “accept” this proposal. It should be the one who proposes it.


The big picture of this proposal is about taking the initiative to prevent the economic equivalent of “Iraq Invasion 2”. So far the US government has unilaterally announced tariffs against EU, China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, India, … Rwanda, etc. All without prior consultation, in violation of WTO rules. This kind of disorganized, random, gratuitous, trade wars are not good for the rest of the world, and not even good for the US. Just like Iraq War 2.0. So the best thing to do, and the most responsible thing to do, is to organize a resistance with the goal of bringing everyone to the negotiation table, so that governments and business leaders can negotiate with each other in an orderly fashion, without throwing the whole world trade and financial transactions into turmoil. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Plaza Accord, Paris Agreement, … these are all negotiated in orderly fashions, with action plans preceded by gradual transition period, so that each government can use the time to put in the social and economic support structure for their citizens. This is the right thing to do, and the legal way to do it. Surely it doesn’t benefit anybody to be viewed as unpredictable and untrustworthy?


But will Europe take the lead and do the right thing? No, of course not. Have you seen a “sternly worded letter” from the joint European Union against Iraq War 2.0? Or the war in Libya or Syria? Even when these things are making millions of refugees storming Fortress Europe, the Mediterranean being filled up by the bones of thousands of migrants a year drowning in it, and the Nazis becoming fashionable in Europe again. A totally predictable outcome!


The same lack of principle is put on display to the rest of the world once again. President Macron and Chancellor Merkel don’t seem to understand that if the US is intent on trade war, there’s no way Europe can escape. In fact, the economy of the US and China are largely complimentary - the US makes cars, airplanes, precision instrument, drugs, movies. China makes household electronics, clothing, toys, utensils. But you know whose industries are direct competitors with the US? Europe.


The US has Boeing. Europe has airbus.


The US has Ford and GM. Europe had BMW and Mercedes.


The US has Merck and Pfizer. Europe has Roche and Novartis.


The US has Caterpillar. Europe has Siemens.


The US has F-35. Europe has Rafale.


There is no Chinese brands in any of these high value-add industries on sale in the US. Europe and Japan are the ones with big market shares in the US domestic market. If you hit the Chinese, you’ll have to import the same stuff from Indonesia or Vietnam, because you are not going to take the $400 a month job sewing shoes. You still have the trade deficit, just from different countries. But if you hit these European brands, now that’s really going to do something.


And yet, the best Europe has to offer is “we can be your ally against somebody else”. Macron to Trump: "You need allies, we are the ally" Really? Like if someone breaks in your house to rob you, you tell him “please spare me because I can help you rob my neighbor’s house”? This is the much-trumpeted “European Value” in action?


So here we are, 500 million Europeans with nuclear arsenal need 300 million Americans to protect them from 100 million Russians, and a $17 trillion EU economy needs to throw other countries under the bus to save the bargain on ~ $400 billion exports. You can’t even make this sh*t up.


European Leadership, ladies and gentlemen.

女士们先生们,这 就是欧盟。

Andreas Mihardja, PhD from Georg-August University of Göttingen (1969)
Answered Wed
Why would China do it ? Is it their counteraction, for the US forcing the countries effected by the Steel and aluminium embargo to ally against China?


It is no secret, that their is anawkward pressure to every ally, that the US is imposing the tariffs, just to force the US ally’s, EU,Canada and Mexico, to unite against China to receive an exemptions from the steel and aluminium tariffs.


The top Trump’s trade secretaries are negotiating this kind of action against China. Of course this Trump administration don’t consider using standards ethic. In negotiation it is a rule, that you never put your opponents against a wall and force them to take your term or get lost. This is called black mailing. Trump has put all the US-allies against a wall for unclear reasons using obscure defense laws of 1962 [the trade expansion act] and tariffs laws of 1932 , that has failed and not even touching / effecting the root problems in the US - China trade imbalance. Negotiation with ally’s must always be on equal footings. It is not the era of the Marshall plan anymore - all the allies are developed and rich. Results of this negotiation tactics the blackmailed allies will retaliate and the negotiations will go no where. The US allies regard the Trump administration as unreliable and will wait for the next administration. The Trump administration will of course become furious and take irresponsible actions. This kind of tactics was used against the DPRK and we will expect the same result - nothing will be achieved. Only empty wordings are being spread comparable to an gas-filled air balloon.


Answering the question, “Should Europe accept the Chinese proposal —- “!.


First of all there is no such proposal - probably from the Trump’s supporters corner, through their news sources.


Secondly, why should China do such an unethical action when two strong allies are quarreling. This is called the politics of “Divide et Impera” a tactic of colonial powers. I guess China will not use this opportunity to use such an unethical tactic.


Third the US allies still don’t except China as their equals. For them China is their future competition in controlling the world hegemony. The control of the hegemony is now disturbed and out of balance by the Trump administration , but the next and future administration of the US will be in sync and be part of their orchestra again. Trump’s presidency is for them an unreliable ally and US will not be accepted as a serious country.


Mas Miwa, former Engineer at Hughes Space and Communications
Answered Wed
Europe is like the Titanic, she is sinking, but Europeans think she is unsinkable. Let’s see how many actions against the EU by Trump’s administration? Pull out of the Paris Accord on Climate Change. Pull out of the Iran Accord on nuclear disarmament. Condemn NATO nations for not paying their fair share. Criticized most EU leaders. We are attempting to renew diplomatic connections with Russia. We pull out of the UN Committee on human rights, We threaten to pull troops out of Germany. We threaten to not only tariff German cars, but ban them from the US. Now we have a trade war with the EU.


For those that think we still have an alliance that just needs a little repair, you are daydreaming. Maybe the Europeans don’t need to form an alliance with China, but they should certainly coordinate their WTO complaints before Trump pulls the US out of the WTO, as he has threatened. If the Europeans think they can work without China, they are headed in the wrong direction.


Hamadi Bahri
Answered Wed
It may sound like a good idea, but I don’t agree.


True, it could be very tempting because of Trump’s behaviour, but I believe Western European governments will know better. Trump is Trump, but the US is still a member of the democratic countries club and it will end up recovering its senses, hopefully in a couple of years.


In the meantime, Europe should of course retaliate against the US, by taking short term but radical countermeasures, so that the American government knows that there are consequences when you betray your allies. Even punctual agreements with China and Russia can be useful.


However I don’t see a real alliance with non-democratic regimes taking place against America. Because you may expect the US to come back to a decent behaviour, but not China or Russia. Not without a change of regime.

