奥巴马将赠予菲律宾两艘船以向中国发出信号 [美国媒体]


In signal to China,Obama to give 2 ships to Philippines


MANILA, Philippines (AP) — With a toweringwarship behind him, President Barack Obama announced Tuesday that the U.S. willhand over two ships to the Philippine Navy to boost its maritime securitycapabilities, in a bid to show the U.S. and its allies won't be cowed by Chinain disputed waters far off its coast.


g-mo n 1hour ago
Thank you U.S shamed on you China


Benrene 20 minutes ago
Why don't we just give the USA away aswell. The Government is pretty free with hard earned money from every citizenhere. Give our money away, and send our kids to fight for Countries that thinkwere stupid to begin with. We can't run our own Country, and Congress wants usto run everyone else's. How much money did we agree to now give Israel. It was3.1 billion to begin with before they said they need more. FOR WHAT!


Jericho Jackson 51 minutes ago
What a clown this guy is. He can't sayRadical Islamic Terrorism but he has no problem picking fights with the onlytwo countries in the world who could give our military a run for their money.It's like he wants Americato go down in flames. 
Oh yeah, please don't list all of his accomplishments, which is a list ofAmerican successes that he virtually had nothing to do with. Yeah, I get it,the stock market is up. However, I assure you that has nothing to do with Obamaand everything to do with the fact that you can never keep America down.


Rav 1hour ago
why are we giving our ships to phillipines....our people worked so hard to built with sweat and tears, and blood


Timur 20minutes ago
Chinawill continue to build on those islands. I am sure the two ships will help.


Ray 51minutes ago
A Coast Guard and a unarmed research ship,this is aid against Chinese threats?


Joseph 32minutes ago
Dangerous Times: Obama Surrenders. Obama isthe anti-Reagan. He is the anti-Lincoln and the anti-Truman. Reagan, Lincoln,and Truman never lost track of the moral high ground. This administration hasnever found it. What seems to motivate Obama and his kind is a bitter hatredfor all that is good and decent in America. It is an inversion ofvalues, driven by demagogues like Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright.
The Problem of Selfishness. Barack Obama's moral exhortations are almostwithout exception unseemly. When the nation was giving him the hairy eyeballover his longtime association with the crackpot racist grotesque JeremiahWright, Senator Obama responded by lecturing the nation about racism, as thoughwe, rather than he, had a problem. [...] That's our president: sensitive tocriticism but immune to irony.


robert h 54 minutes ago
I am not a naval strategist, so please tellme how a coast guard cutter (with one 5" gun) and a an unarmed researchvessel will improve the Philippinesability to defend itself?


Captain 56 minutes ago
Obama gives away cell phones too.


Hanna 24minutes ago
Maybe he could give his 2 daughters to Isis


STR 1hour ago
Philippines should start buying and not asking anything for free... Best thingsin life are not free, actually. Start purchasing some powerful weapons to beable to defend yourself not only from China but from nations someday..Its good for your economy as well..


Hanna 26minutes ago
He could scare China by resigning and having theoffice of president filled with a MAN


Real 11minutes ago
Obama will not rest until a war breaks outin Southeast Asia.


wayne f 47 minutes ago
When will he give America away!

