奥地利“布卡禁令”首日——女性被强制除去面纱 [美国媒体]


Women forced to remove the veil on day one of Austrian burqa ban


Muslim women in Austria were forced by police to remove their facial coverings on Sunday, as an anti-burqa law came into effect.


The so-called 'burqa ban' prohibits facial coverings including niqabs and burqas, and also places restrictions on surgical masks, ski masks and clown make-up worn in public. 


Yesterday, a woman wearing a niqab facial veil, which only leaves the eyes uncovered, was seen being told to remove her veil by two police officers in Zell am See, a city south of Saltzburg.


Those who defy the ban could face a fine of 150 (£132).


While the rule applies to some non-religious facial coverings, it is mostly perceived to be directed at the extremely modest clothes worn by a minority of Muslim women.


Full veils remain rare in Austria despite the surge of migrants and refugees into Europe in 2015, but they have become a target for right-wing groups and political parties. 


The measures, similar to those in other European Union countries such as France, also apply to visitors even though large numbers of Arab tourists holiday in the Alpine country.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has previously indicated her support for a similar law in Germany, saying: “Our law takes precedence over codes of honor, tribal or family rules, and over sharia law.”


Some Muslim groups in Austria have criticised the ban. Carla Amina Bhagajati of the Islamic Religious Community in Austria said the “handful” of fully veiled women she knows of in Vienna “now are criminalized and... restricted to their homes.”

奥地利一些穆斯林团体批评了这项禁令。奥地利伊斯兰宗教社区的Carla Amina Bhagajat 说,她认识的维也纳“屈指可数”的带全脸面纱的女性“如今被视为犯罪……被限制在家中。”

The legislation was brought in by the outgoing centrist government of Chancellor Christian Kern. The government said: "Acceptance and respect of Austrian values are basic conditions for successful cohabitation between the majority Austrian population and people from third countries living in Austria." 


However, the strong support for the new law could point towards political upheaval in Austria's general election on October 15.


Austrian parties campaigning on anti-migrant messages are predicted to win and form a coalition government, reflecting a swing to the right in a country that has mainly had centrist governments since World War II.


The election is expected to see the anti-immigration Freedom Party (FPOe) come second or third and potentially enter a coalition with Sebastian Kurz of the centre-right.


Other measures that came into force Sunday include immigrants signing an "integration contract" and compulsory courses in the German language and "values".


onomatopoeon2 days ago
Outstanding. Go Austria!


henry2 days ago
How about Canada and the USA implementing the same rules.


Lady2 days ago
Those who want to wear their veils are welcome to divorce their husbands and go back to their home countries where they can wear whatever burqua they want.


Madeline Knapp2 days ago
If women are coerced to use the full face covering they SHOULD stay in their homes.


Jean-Paul2 days ago
the face veil and burka is nothing more than a cloth prison. who does not agree with our values that woman have the same right ans man does not belong in our society and our culture. we will not give up our culture in order of those that come here to live the advantages of our society but demand their social structures. if our culture is not good enough in the basics then you have no place and no right to demand from that culture. stay where you belong. you cannot have what you want if you refuse to belong.


Mike2 days ago
Good for the Austrians. Their country, their right.


Gil2 days ago
This is lip service. The inly way to protect European lives and values is a complete deportation of muslims right now. Deport them


Mark2 days ago
Tell the muslims that they are always free to leave if they don't like it.


Pointy one2 days ago
“Our law takes precedence over codes of honor, tribal or family rules, and over sharia law."..........boom, there you have it, should be mandatory all over the world.


Michael2 days ago
Removal of the veils is the first step in assimilation, if they can't take that step, they can go home.


Eagle2 days ago
Don't stop at banning face veils. Ban Islam just as you would any ideology that promotes death to outsiders. Nazism is banned in Europe which killed much fewer in history than Islam has.


fedupman2 days ago
All western nations need this law. Only criminals need cover their faces.


Fleendar the Magnificent2 days ago
Don't ban the face coverings, ban the people who WEAR them.


Adriana2 days ago
As a woman, I don’t like to see other women oppressed but if women want to bring their oppressive religion with them to a freedom loving country, they have to obey the rules of the country they CHOSE to move to. If they want to continue their ways, they should stay in their country. Don’t affect others who don’t practice your religion. It’s selfish on your part. We built the country to be great as it is which is why you chose to come here and not the other way around. Don’t be selfish.


Nick2 days ago
There are very few nations in Europe that are standing up for their own culture I applaud Austria and Poland for doing so


patrick2 days ago
good. I will volunteer for a force to get the rest of them, too and take that #$%$ off their head. This is Europe. We don't have backwards Islamic values here. Women can dress as they please they are not cattle they can make up their own mind. The Islamic women hate that #$%$, too. If they get out of the Islamic country they live in, the first thing they do is ditch all the burqa and hijabs and wear western clothes. They only do it there because the muslim men will beat them if they don't. horrible religion


Max2 days ago
It's about time.

