印度人是否痛恨英国人两百年的殖民统治? [美国媒体]


Is there any hate in Indians towards the British for their 200year occupation of India?


1.    Viral Bafna, Articled assistant(协议助理)Answered May 31
I'd like to answer this question but first let meintroduce to Dr Shashi Tharoor, a former Indian government minister and Memberof Parliament, made the case in a debate entitled 'This house believes Britainowes reparations to her former colonies', which was put on by the world-famousdebating society, the Oxford Union.

The main thrust of Dr Tharoor's speech was about theeconomic toll that British rule took on India.He said: "India's share ofthe world economy when Britain arrived on it shores was 23 per cent. By thetime the British left it was down to below four per cent. Why? Simply becauseIndia had been governed for the benefit of Britain. Britain's rise for 200years was financed by its depredations in India."


Dr Shashi Tharoor MP - Britain Does Owe Reparations.Headded by saying "In fact, Britain's industrial revolution was actuallypremised upon the de-industrialisation of India."Dr Tharoor, and the restof the speakers at the debate, were not arguing about a specific amount thatshould be handed over in monetary reparations, but instead asking whether thereis a debt, and whether Britain does owe reparations or not.


Concluding his speech, he said: "As far as I'mconcerned, the ability to acknowledge a wrong that has been done, to simply saysorry, will go a far, far, far longer way than some percentage of GDP in theform of aid." "What it required is accepting the principle thatreparations are owed. Personally, I'd be quite happy if it was one pound a yearfor the next two hundred years."


His impassioned and articulate speech, which wasreceived well at the Oxford Union, has struck a chord amongst Indians. The15-minute video of his speech has been shared thousands of times, and isalready the fifth most popular video on the Union's YouTube channel despiteonly being a month old.


It was a spiritied debate over a controversial issue,but in the end Dr Tharoor's side, which also included Jamaican High ComissionerNdombet Assamba and Ghanaian economist Dr George Ayittey, won the debate with185 votes to 56.

这是一个关于争议问题的一个深入的辩论,最终塔鲁尔博士的一方,包括以牙买加高级经济学家Ndombet Assamba和加纳经济学家George Ayittey博士,以185:56赢得了比赛。

2.    Shreyas Banthalpad, worked at Bharat Electronics Limited(就职于巴拉特电子有限公司)Answered Jul 13, 2014
Hate? No, not really. Very disappointed that some oftheir officers were not better "human beings" though. Yeah you readthat right. Some of them failed at something as basic as "beingHuman". Some of the things that they did while in India were just plaindespicable. No idea how they slept at night! Especially those who were involvedin Jallianwala Bagh massacre and similar events.

“恨”?不,没有恨,这非常令人失望,我不得不说他们的很多官员开起来很奇怪,你可以认为他们不是正常的人类。没错,我写的东西你没看错,在“如何做一个人”这件事情上面,他们有很多人是很不成功的。这些人在印度所干的很多事情都是很卑鄙的。不知道这些人在晚上是怎么睡得着的。那些卷入了贾良瓦那花园大屠杀和其它类似事件的人尤其可恶。(译者注:1919年4月13日,成千上万的人聚集,要求释放两位被拘留的领导人,Satyapal先生和Saifuddin先生。朝圣者从旁遮普省的各个角落来到这座城市。英国雷金纳德•戴尔准将带来五十名廓尔喀族火枪手,然后雷金纳德•戴尔准将命令军队向人群开火十分钟,指导他们的强手对准试图跑向大门的公众人群。 英国政府公布的数字是370人死亡,1200人受伤。 其他来源的死亡人数已超过1000人。“......在对阿姆利则惨案调查时,戴尔将军说,他唯一的遗憾是,他没有杀死更多的人。他还用装甲车挡住了出入口并还用机枪向人群扫射。之后,英国人强迫人们在街道上爬行通过一个英国军官脚下。)

And of course how they handled the Bengal famine of1943. Apparently Churchill said that the famine was in fact the fault of thelocals "for breeding like rabbits". To put things in perspective,anywhere between 1.5 million to 4 million people died due to that famine.


A lot of people talk about the wealth that was takenout of India. You know what? I don't really care about the money. We can earnit all back. In fact we are well on that path right now.
It is the human cost that bothers me. The fact thatthe entire west was completely silent to these crimes against humanity.


So yeah, hate? Not really. After all, the currentgeneration British people weren't even involved. I doubt they even know of themagnitude of the crimes committed by their forebears. But I am verydisappointed. Not only with the British. But the entire western world. Thisconspiracy of silence must end. People must at least be educated abouteverything that happened. Exactly like it did. With no sugar coating.


3.    Nishit Patira, My personal opinion is my personal right. I will useit!Answered Jun 3
Originally Answered: Do Indians dislike British sinceBritain colonized India for almost three hundred years?
Pre 1947
There were different opinions about & towardsBritishers, depending on which of the following 3 groups you fall :-
Educated Indians - They were obviously very happyunder the British rule. They were the elite, well respected Indians. Thesepredominantly include lawyers, higher powers of the administration, police etc.

第一种 —— 受过教育的印度人:他们很乐意处在英国人的统治之下,他们是精英,是受人尊重的印度人。这些人主要包括律师,政府高级官员,警察等等。

Working Section - Although the concept of Middle classis pretty new, logically, the working section of 1947 fall into that category.They include the clerks, peons, mid level managers of mills etc. They were inthe “Don’t care” section. They were to an extent “The Lost Section”. They werehidden from view, lived a non eventful life and were not too good or too sadunder the British Raj

第二种 —— 受雇佣的人 :尽管所谓的中产阶级是一个很新的一个词汇,1947年的那些受雇佣的人口也是应该算入这个行列的。他们包括办事员,劳工,工厂中层管理人员。他们一般处在视线之外,他们过着不那么引人注目的生活,既不太好,也不太坏。

The Oppressed : The people who were oppressed byBritishers. These include budding entrepreneurs, farmers, industrialists wholost due to the unfair practices of Britishers, certain folks from the EducatedIndians section (who were marginalized or had a change of heart). It waslargely this group that initiated & fought for independence.


1947 - 1970
This era constituted the people who witnessed India’sindependence. They had bitter sweet memories of independence which framed theiropinion about Britishers.
Adversely Effected by Partition : Majority of Indiansdidn’t realize why was India being partitioned. They thought of this as a lastmove by Britishers to “Divide & Rule”. They look at Britishers withcontempt and hold them accountable for some of the issues that we have with ourneighbors.


Rest of the country : Most people in 1950, (except forthe emotional sentiment), wouldn’t find any difference in their life from whatit was in 1945. The lawyers, royalty etc. still enjoyed similar stature in theIndian society. Farmers were still facing droughts and there was noinfrastructure or Govt. resource to come to their aid. Mills and smallindustries still had no chance of competing with foreign goods.
So to a large extent, the lives of people wereunchanged in the first few years of partition. And sadly, a lot of people whoparticipated in the freedom struggle did not live long enough to witness thefruits of their struggle.


Post 1970
This era included people who were either too young in1947 or were born after that. These people had a chance to see the developmentof India as envisioned by Indians. Indian politicians, Indian civil servants,Indian engineers (with collaboration from Russia/Israel/France/Germany). Apartfrom textbooks and GrandMa’s stories, these people did not have any first handexperience of British Rule (The good or the bad). So, their views are prettyfluid. 


For most part they look at Britain for what it istoday (inventors of Cricket, responsible for bringing tea to India and a largeIndian diaspora). But every once in a while, their nationalistic fire burns upand they participate in the struggle to free Kohinoor and other artifacts“stolen” by British. In short, they treat Britain in the same way they treatevery other country - as long as the country is good to India, we would be goodto them.


4.    Sagnik Guha, B.A. Political Science (2018)Answered Jun 3
Originally Answered: Do Indians dislike British sinceBritain colonized India for almost three hundred years?
If by ‘British’ you mean, the current generation ofBritish, then no.Firstly, formal colonization was around 190 years (1757–1947)and not 300 years. Most Indians are acutely aware that the current generationof British are not responsible for the actions of their forefathers. There is ageneral stereotype of the British being snooty, stuck-up and withdrawn amongsome people, but I wouldn’t say its a dislike as such.


India and the UK are strong partners. My father workedfor over a decade at the British Council and they’ve organized a lot ofcultural exchanges between our two countries involving schools, theater, musicand so on. British influences are everywhere in India from our governmentsystem, to our legal system, our education system, our speech and writing andso on.


That said, as an Indian, I am slightly disappointedthat off late, Britain has been reducing its efforts to welcome Indian studentsat the undergrad and graduate level by denying chances for working andpost-graduation employment. London is easily one of the most popular foreignhigher education destinations for the well-off Indian youth, and this sends arather discouraging message to them.


5.    Ishan Gupta, works at LinkedInAnswered Jul 1, 2014
Well I think, what Britain achieved in 200 years,occupying nearly quarter of the world is a big thing. Though it involved a lotof bloodshed, wars and cost lives for millions of people... What happenedbeyond all that was wonderful: Transaction of ideas, united feeling, freedomstruggles, awareness of self in a global scenario and trade. Had people notbeen so oppressed, I don't think they would value democracy and freedom as muchas they do now, we consider everyone equal today, this would not have beenpossible without that gore period. 

200年前,英国人占领了世界上大约四分之一的领土,这实在是一件大事。尽管这涉及到一些杀戮,战争,数百万人生命的损失……但是,其结果也是非常精彩的:思想的交流,统一的感觉,自我存在感的增强,以及最后建立成了一个全球性的网络。如果人民没有被压迫过,我不认为他们会像今天一样那么珍惜民主和自由,今天我们认为人人平等,但是如果没有殖民主义的话, 我不认为他会成为今天的主流价值。

As a practical person I believe what Britain did atthat time, was right from their perspective, which nation didn't wanna expandor have their share of resources that time. Its admirable how a tiny islandachieved all that through discipline and dedication. 


So rather than hating, all nations and people shouldlearn, that if we get together, work together and be disciplined anddedicated.. we can win over anything, and there is no need to tramp over othersto do that. I don't feel anyone feels hatred towards British, on the otherhand, we learnt a lot from them, taught them so much and came to a betterunderstanding of each other.


6.    Apoorva Banerjee, A proud and free IndianUpdated Aug 4
No. Not towards the present generation at least.TheBritish Empire in India ended in 1947, which was 70 years ago. Since then,three generations of Indians & Brits have been born and passed.What WinstonChurchill did to my people in 1943, or what General Reginald Dyer did inJallianwala Bagh in 1919, is not to be blamed to today's Britons, just like howtoday's Germans shouldn't be blamed for the Nazi Holocaust.


What does annoy me as an Indian, is just a few things.Things like how British textbooks teach distorted history to their children.How the myth of the “benevolent” British Empire is flaunted, whereas thereality was violence, racism, famine and ethnic cleansing. Be it the Indians,or the African slave trade, or the ethnic cleansing of Australian aborginies,the riches and jewels the Brits see in the royal palace or Tower of London isill-gotten wealth through centuries of enslavement, loot and depredations.


I lived in Germany for two months, and all Germanshave accepted their past responsibility of the Holocaust, and hence are veryprotective towards their Jews and other minorities. However, Britain seems tostill deny it's past.Everything that former Britain did in India, was for thebenefit of empire. Those who say that it was for the benefit of the locals areliving in a fool's paradise.


If Britain acknowledges the fact that the colonies,particularly India had to suffer a lot as a result of the depredations of theEmpire, it would mean a lot. We don't want monetary reparations, a simple sorrywould suffice, because today's Brits are not responsible for the crimes of theformer British Empire.In a nutshell, hating Brits won't bring back the Indianswho died for securing our freedom. That is a reality.


In fact, I regret that our two people had to know eachother as enemies in the past. But the thing is, that we make peace with ourenemies, not our friends. Today, India and England are good friends, greatpartners. We're walking into the future together, with numerous trade deals,business partnership, people to people ties and much more.


It would be great if both of us could properly come toterms with our past. India loves the British, but do not be mistaken, for Indiahasn't forgotten it's past. However, India wouldn't fixate on the pasteither.We have come to terms with our past. It's high time that the Brits cometo terms with theirs.

