为什么明朝的郑和探索亚洲国家的时候没有开展殖民?就像哥伦布在新世界干的那样。 [美国媒体]


Whydidn't China during the Mingdynasty colonize Asia like what Columbus did tothe New World when Zheng He explored the Asiancountries?


Shijia Wei, lived in China
Updated Apr 9, 2015
China had a tributary system, so allsurrounding states engaging with China had to pay tributes andrecognize Chinese suzerainty.
China was a continental power, it had little to no experience of founding andmanaging overseas territories far away from the mainland. The centralizedbureaucracy was specialized in administrating a cohering land, not a disjoinedone with parts that are spread far from each other.


China was a proud (you may also say arrogant) and self-centric civilization,regarding its own territories as vast, rich and abundant and the centre of theworld, so there was little motivation to settle in far away "lesser"territories that were deemed barbaric and uncultivated.
About Zheng He, you may like to readthis:Why could Islam be spread to Indonesian and Malaysian natives but not tothe Chinese living in the same communities?

中国文明是非常傲娇(你也可以称之为傲慢)和以自我为中心的,觉得自己领土广袤、物产丰富、富裕、是世界的中心,所以它没有动机去占领那些遥远的小地方,他们觉得这些地方都是野蛮、未开化的。关于郑和,这篇文章你可能喜欢:Why could Islam be spread to Indonesian and Malaysian natives but not tothe Chinese living in the same communities?

Zheng He's expeditions were notmotivated by territorial expansion. It is believed that Yongle Emperor, whoinitiated the expeditions, was trying to hunt down and kill the exiled JianwenEmperor, whose throne Yongle usurped. Because of this dubious nature of theexpeditions, they were later wiped out from the official records. The voyageswere supported by the eunuch's faction (which Zheng He belonged to), while thescholar-bureaucrats opposed it from the begin, since they regarded it as aviolation of longstanding Confucian traditions and a token of the eunuch'striumph over the bureaucratic administration. After Zheng He died, the eunuch factionfell from power, so you may say the voyages died off along with theiradmiral.  The later Ming emperors stopped the voyages and imposed aprohibition on sea expeditions with the reason that it violated the first Mingemperor's testament:


Some far-off countries pay their tributeto me at much expense and through great difficulties, all of which are by nomeans my own wish. Messages should be forwarded to them to reduce their tributeso as to avoid high and unnecessary expenses on both sides.


Greg Kemnitz, wrote the innards of "the world'ssmallest (SQL-capable) database"
Answered Mar 13, 2015
Ironically, Europe soughtcolonies because it was so hard for Europeans to conquer each other. Unlike the giant land empires of Asia that unified very early in history,Europe's geography made it very hard for single big empires to develop, andwhen they did (like Napoleon's), they lasted only briefly as they were underconstant attack.


As for Spain, "Hidalgo" is short for "hijo de algo" orliterally "son of somebody" in Spanish, and was used as something ofa pejorative for minor, generally somewhat poor nobles who had to go out andseek their fortune instead of having lands to support them.  The Spanishconquistadors, in particular, were almost all hidalgos.  The hidalgoswere the backbone of the Spanish armies that fought the Muslims during the Reconquista,and were effectively out-of-work by 1492, when the Reconquista was complete and- not coincidentally - Columbussailed the ocean blue.

至于西班牙,“伊达尔戈”,"hijode algo"的简称,西班牙语的字面意思是“某人的儿子”,被用作未成年人的贬义。通常都是某些穷困的贵族不得不自己去寻求自己的命运,而不是拥有土地来支持他们。西班牙征服者,正好大部分都是“伊达尔戈”。这些没落贵族们是西班牙军队在“再征服运动”中与穆斯林战斗的中流砥柱,然后在1492年被弃用了,当“再征服运动”结束后,并不是出于巧合,哥伦布向蓝海起航。

So, if you have a bunch of entrepreneurial, combat-hardened, but out-of-worknobles, what  do they do?  They build ships - or get investors tobuild ships for them  - and go off to seek their fortunes, by trade,conquest, or both.
For the most part, this is how the various "companies" that didbusiness and set up trading networks - and occasionally physical empires - cameabout.  They were very rarely direct acts by governments, but were moretypically "ventures" that may or may not have had royal sanction butnot much in the way of actual royal support until they were initiallysuccessful.

在大多数情况下,这就是大量从事商业活动、建立贸易网络、偶然成为天然帝国的“公司”们的起家之道。 他们几乎很少由政府操纵,他们更多的是有典型的“冒险精神”,有些经过皇家授权有些则没有,但实际上由皇家支持并不太多,直到他们开始变得成功。

Oddly, this could be thought of as similar to "outsourcingfailure": let the little independent group succeed or fail, and if itsucceeds, the king jumps in later...)
That said, the never-ending wars fought in Europe required constant cashflow,which ended up requiring overseas colonies and trade networks.


Joseph Wang, Chief Scientist, Bitquant Research
Answered Feb 28, 2015
The main Europeans were able to conquer the new world was that they broughtwith them diseases which the natives had no resistance to.  This causesthe population of the Americasto crash, living an empty continent for the Europeans to colonize.
In Asia and Africa, the natives were immune to the diseases, the populationsdidn't crash, and China kept expanding until it hit an army that was able todefeat it.  In Central Asia, this was theRussians.  Toward the south it was the Burmese.


Joseph Boyle
Answered Mar 1, 2015
Settler colonies are expensive and risky with little benefit.Besides expending manpower, they mean your political enemies have a safe placeto plot rebellion. English religious dissidents could found colonies onlybecause the English state was so divided with civil war in the 1600s, andfailed in several later attempts to get them back under control.


French Protestants founded Fort Caroline which gave its name toCarolina and La France Antarctique at Rio de Janeiro but the Catholic Spanishand Portuguese quickly destroyed the heretic footholds. After Catholic Franceput down its Protestants in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, it strictlylimited the number of colonists to New France ensuring North America would speak English. New Netherlandwas there for beaver not settlement.  


Japanese pirates, traders, and mercenaries cut a swathe all over Asia but assoon as Japan was unified the new government cut all this off for security. 
China has been unified under land-oriented dynasties ruling fromBeijing for most of the last millenium. The exceptions were the Southern Song,the early Ming, the Taiping Tianguo, and the KuomintangRepublic of China,all founded in the Jiangnan area between Nanjing,Hangzhou, and Shanghai,and the new colony of Taiwanunder Koxinga and the later ROC.
The Mongols hunted down the last Song emperor at Hong Kong (HK's only historic event until 1840) as he tried to keep fleeing south where he might have established a maritime Chinese exile state.


The early Ming launched Zheng He's famous voyages before power passed back toBeijing which ended them as a security threat. [Thanks to Shijia Wei'sanswer, even Zheng He may have been searching for an escaped former Chineseruler who was a potential threat.]
When the Ming fell its diehards took to the sea, seizing Dutch Formosa whichlike Spanish Philippines and Dutch Indonesia had many more Chinese settlersthan Europeans. This state lasted for one strong ruler before the Qing took itover.

明代初期在政权移交到北京之前,开展了着名的郑和下西洋活动,政权迁到北京之后此项活动被视为安全威胁(感谢Shijia Wei的答案,甚至是郑和也可能在搜寻一位逃亡的、被视为潜在威胁的前中国统治者(应该指的是建文帝),)

The Ming and Qing also several times ordered all population to move somedistance back from the sea as part of their counterinsurgency against"Japanese" pirates, who like the European colonies actually containedmore Chinese. 
The Taiping Tianguo and Nanjing Decade ROC each lasted only a decade, thencontrol went back to Beijing.
Maritime China and Maritime Japan were able and willing but only Europeansallowed them to settle abroad. Their own governments did their best to preventit.


Andrew Lee, works at Gome Elcetrical ApplianceHolding
Updated Jan 11, 2016
Some people maybe say it was the consequence of the combinedeffect of  the politics,economy and ideology circumstance in that time.
However,as Isee it,the reason is the Ming dynasty can't get any benefits from conqueringother asia country.
First,when in the14-17th century,the Ming dynasty was one of superpower in the world.Theycreated the advanced civil servant system,possessed the powerful firearm andcan design the biggest seagoing vessel,at the same time,chinese earned silverand gold by sold the tea,silk and  porcelains. So they have lots ofwealth, why the need to rob?


Second,the Mingdynasty replaced the seat by defeated the Mongols.Nevertheless,after a seriescrutal war,the Mongols still keep great influence in north of china(even hadhijack a emperor of Ming in 1449).So the most of army and  war resoureswas used in north of china.After the Mongols,another nomadic ethnicrised----Manchus,and they eventually became a overriding military threat andwiped out Ming rulers.
By the way,I deny the ideology can influence politics,any ideology is created to serve politics.I don't think the Confucianism is one of the reason.Any way,no benefit no war.


Robin Daverman, world traveler
Answered Mar 1, 2015
Actually, very few countries managed to keep their overseascolony as part of their own territory. Kind of like the Great Britain and the U.S.- Britaincould colonize the land but could not keep the land.
There was no history in China where the central government was able to holdland masses that were physically not continuous, so it was never attempted. TheMing dynasty also had this perception that China was rich and culturallysophisticated, and all the other land they visited were poor and somewhatbarbaric, so what was the point.


Siddharth Pathak, Hindi Chini bhai bhai, 中印兄弟
Answered Mar 2, 2015
Asian countries didn't colonize the world on the scale of theEuropeans because the major Asian empires were all self sufficient. 
Mughals reached their biggest land extent under the reign of Aurangzeb, buteven then the Empire was always within the Subcontinent. Similarly almost allthe different Chinese Empires were all within the present boundaries. Thereason for this was mainly because of the self sufficiency and the sheer sizeof such Empires in population and land extent.


The Indus-Gangetic plain in North India and Yangtze river delta region in EastChina are the two most fertile lands in the world which always meant a highamount of people living in those two regions. Any Empire that controlled theselands were already draining a huge chunk of resources managing these lands.


China and India have been, for almost all of their existence as civilizationsbeen self sufficient. Both had huge number of things which others wanted, buthardly anything others had which Indians or Chinese wanted. This influenced thecultures to be very inward looking. During the early times of the Ming dynastythere was no rival in the world which came close in being the most dominantentity in the world. This changed during the later periods of Ming rule as theMughals reached their zenith in Indiaduring the heights of Akbar and Shah Jahan. But despite the shift in powerdynamics, neither of the Empires were interested in anything concerning withthe Europeans who started making an appearance around this time.


This doesn't mean that Chinese and Indian Empires didn't colonize or influencetheir neighboring lands. They certainly did. Southeast Asia is heavilyinfluenced by India and China and about a thousand years ago virtuallyall of Southeast Asia was under the influence of Chola dynasty in Southern India.
But it would be a mistake to consider Chinese and Indian colonialism would havereflected European colonialism, because the main reason Europeans subsided suchmassive lands was not because the European governments themselves waged war andcolonized the far off lands, but it was their corporations that did so. Indiawas colonized not by the Queen's armies but by the East India Company.


Kingsley Tsang,native Cantonese speaker
Answered Feb 28, 2015
I'll add that:
1. There was no great economic imperative to colonize. At the time, China/ Ming wasstill the silver sink of the world. Traders from Europe, India, and the Middle East purchased silk, tea,and er China.The balance of trade became such a drain that the British eventually tried tobreak the imbalance with the opium trade a few hundred years later. When peoplewere stuffing money in your pocket and you can get foreign stuff through trade,there was little incentive or will to look outward.


2. Confucianism. What we have now is great; what we aspire to become is thatprefect past. "Let's leave these barbarians along. Make sure they payrespect/ tribute to us and acknowledge we are great."  


3. Threat in the north. By md. Ming, the Manchus in the north became an issue.They eventually became the overriding military threat and wipe out the Mingrulers. There was no resource to spare for colonization scheme.


Clark Mula
Answered Mar 1, 2015
The Ming dynastywere afraid of foreigners. 
The Ming came to power right after the Mongol Yuan dynasty. They spent alot of time getting rid of the Mongol influence. They made it illegal to useMongol names etc. 
If they invaded or created colonies in the poorer countries, they would beat risk of falling down the same pit that they did with the Mongols. TheMongols came in and got rid of most Chinese culture. They killed Confusionscholars and burned schools. 
The Chinese were paranoid about outsiders so they tried ot limit theirinteraction.


Xuan Su, There is your truth, my truth and whatreally happened. This is my truth.
Answered Jan 14
Because Ming dynasty's official policy put importance ofagriculture way above the importance of trading. Under that policy, there issimply no way for a far away colony to return a profit for the country. So anysuch adventures would not be supported. So instead, the government concentratedon establishing better relations, and gaining prestige, by granting gifts underthe tributary system.


Mike Chow, ex-Quoran
Answered Feb 28, 2015
There were several attempts to attack and invade countries likeJapan and Vietnam during the Yuan dynasty with disastrous results.
For the Ming empire the most immanent threats were from the north.  Therewere still nomadic tribes and the old Mongolian foes to be dealt with.  Sothe military resources would not be reserved for overseas expansions.
The 1st emperor of Ming specifically laid out a list of countries not to beattacked.  Many of them were southeast Asian countries that paid regulartributes to China.  This effectively ruled out Ming's possibility to colonise any SE Asiancountries.  


The Qing empire basically inherited Ming's oversea policy except when it neededto attack Taiwan.   For the first 100 years Qing was an aggressiveexpansionist but mostly on land.   There were always higherpriorities elsewhere in the empire that a high sea campaign was never on thetable.


Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about history, and notesome general patterns.
AnsweredApr 15, 2015
There was no large military advantage, as as Spanish found whenthey followed up the initial discovery.


Anudeep Ravi, overthinking stuff .... or AmI? దేశ భాషలందు తెలుగు లెస్స
Answered Feb 28, 2015
The only logical Explanation. They couldn't
They did some Regime Changes in Indonesia region, by supporting DemakSulatanate and the like against Existing empires, But that was the extent oftheir Political Interference.
This is 14-15 century.  people around Indian oceanwere not so Fragmented and Isolated like 17-18th centuries.
Ming Dynasty may have been Powerful, But no one is That Great. Had others beenDisunited, We could have seen a different version of colonialism, with Chineseemperor demanding Tributes across the Indian Ocean.


Quora User, Life Warrior in China
Answered Apr 14, 2015
Colonization is an imported new idea for Chinese. The closestadministration to colonizaiton in ancient Chinese history is it control overthe Silk Road. And even on Silk Road, Chinese officials treated their subordinate subjects byConfucian doctrines, which prohibits brutality and exploitation.

