quora网友:沙特人对于西方国家有一些偏见,但是,他们对其他亚洲国家的人也是有偏见的。西方人总体上还是会受到更多的尊重。至于这些人是否应该得到这些尊重,这是另外一个话题了。当然,我毫不怀疑有一部沙特人会对大多数的南亚人和东南亚人有偏见 。
Why does Saudi Arabia treat South Asian and Southeast Asian people worse than western and East Asian people?
1. AnonymousAnswered Apr 4, 2016
I love how I have beennominated to answer this potentially explosive questions. I am also sure that Iam going to be downvoted and possibly booed. So, I choose to answer thisquestion anonymously. The person who nominated me should know that I amanswering it after previously clicking pass.
In Saudi, respect isnaturally attained based on the nationality of the person. It is never theindividual identity of a person but rather the national identity of the person.Saudi's in general like to generalize. They apply certain characteristics toeach nationality to each individual and that is the sum of all that person has achieved even if it isdifferent in reality.
In addition, theimportance of each nationality is based on what level or extent of power thatnationality plays out on the International stage. For example,Americans....Saudis generally consider Americans along with British and otherEuropeans as very powerful. Their economies are big and consequently theirimportance is high. It also helps that Saudis as a culture view fair skin as aplus and dark and colored skin as a minus.
Moreover, it wasStandard Oil in America that brought forth its expertise to set up SaudiAramco. Till the late 1980s Aramco stood for Arabian American Oil Company.Since the 1980s Saudi govt took over full control and has been renamed SaudiAramco with a different logo.
更何况,是美国出技术帮助沙特阿拉伯建立了阿美石油公司(译者注:1933年,美国加利福尼亚美孚石油公司与沙特阿拉伯王国签署协定 ,获得了在沙特阿拉伯东部进行石油勘探、开采、加工 、运输、销售66年的特权 。同年开办加利福尼亚-阿拉伯美孚石油公司。1976年沙特政府与该公司达成了由沙特政府全部接管的基本协议。)。直到上个世纪80年代,阿美石油公司的含义都是“阿拉伯人和美国人的石油公司”!从上个世纪八十年代开始,沙特政府开始接管控制阿美石油公司,从此,阿美公司才更换了新的图标。
Then from the Saudipoint of view, a country's economic status is viewed by how many economicmigrants they send over. It is a sad fact that India, Pakistan and other SoutheastAsian Countries have more economic migrants. However, the no. of migrantscoming from China/Korea and Japan are less.
Lastly, Saudigovernment looks at the diplomatic cloutthat the embassies have. Countries like India, never bother about theircitizens lying overseas. In fact, this is one reason why Indians and Pakistanisare treated so badly. In contrast, if an American was involved in Saudi Arabia,the American Embassy would swoop down to save them. This also helps.
下图:不堪忍受折磨试图逃跑 印度妇女遭沙特雇主砍掉右手![]()
Sadly, it is a fact thatSaudis have their racism so deeply entrenched in their minds that no matter howfar or fast the economies of certain countries grow, their small minds willnever grow large enough to embrace change and stop their prejudiced views.
2. Qamar Munir(此君说话不加标点,愁人!!!)Qamar Munir, Lived inSaudi Arabia for a while.
Answered Apr 3, 2016
Saudi Arabia has thefourth largest immigrant population in the world the largest of them beingIndians while the second are Pakistani so it would make sense that when a ruleor law is broken by an immigrant it is most likely a South Asian because theyare so many in numbers.
Also Saudi is right nowin a process of phasing out the large number of illegal immigrants and thepolice are encouraged to be harsh with them to create a sense of fear amongother immigrants who stay back in Saudi Arabia illegally and take up jobs.
Most of the South Asianpopulation are laborers with low wages while the western people are mostly ifnot all very rich and hold high positions and unfortunately poor people insociety are treated poorly by others that is human nature however a rich andeducated South Asian will not be harassed by officials as money andqualifications hold value no matter where.
You can notice this attraffic checkpoints that people driving high end luxury SUV are rarely asked tostop for checking no matter who is sitting inside while old beat up cars aremost susceptible to inspection.
Lastly I have noticedthat a lot of Saudis are arrogant and take huge pride in their culture andheritage and have a negative attitude towards migrants while the migrants dueto this also have a negative attitude towards Saudis and this has created arift between them
3. Safir AzizSafir Aziz, Was. Am.Will. Be in Riyadh for a while.
Answered Apr 3, 2016
I stand to objectMr.Qamar Munir. Though i agree a very few of them. The reasons I find justifyingmy point are as followsSince the Westerners and East Asians are not very inclined to work in Saudi Arabia (due tovarious social factors and much better priorities), there is no influx inmillions akin to the South or South EastAsians.
Due to the abovementioned factor only a niche of Westerners &E Asians do come here, 99% ofthem being professionals meanwhile the vast majority of South or S.East Asiansare less educated doing menial jobs, many of them even do not have clear legaldocumentations to support their stay or the job they do.
One check at the crimerate comparison for the two Asian geographic populace here and you will be further convinced about theactions that seems biased otherwise. Those seasoned bootleggers, drugtraffickers or petty crime thieves are all South or S.East Asians (Incomparison)Now these factors makes the latter probable violators in the eyes oflaw enforcers, increasing the chances of them being scrutinized or checked forby the concerned more often. You cant blame the local law enforcers for this.
Now coming to theattitude of ordinary citizens here. From my experience, they have decentrespect for professionals or the educated lot, no matter from which hell holeyou are. I assume it is is the same inmost societies around the world, the well learned are given more respect.
Though there exist apositive bias towards Westerners ,as is in any Asian countries or elsewhere.The Westerners always receive more respect (Whether they deserve it is aseparate matter) I wont deny the fact that a small percentage of Saudis doactually look down on the south Asian orSouth East Asians mostly.
沙特人对于西方国家有一些偏见,但是,他们对其他亚洲国家的人也是有偏见的。西方人总体上还是会受到更多的尊重。至于这些人是否应该得到这些尊重,这是另外一个话题了。当然,我毫不怀疑有一部沙特人会对大多数的南亚人和东南亚人有偏见 。
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