日本的野望 - 日本真心想建立大东亚共荣圈吗? [美国媒体]


Were the Japanese sincere about a Greater East AsiaCo-Prosperity Sphere?


1.    Trevor Mearns, Language School Owner
Answered Aug 18
The “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” was aeuphemism used to justify the invasion and occupation of foreign countries,subjugation and murder of their populations and plundering of their resources.Most governments in the world do the same thing.I’d say that if you want to see the generaltrend of what would have become of the Prosperity Sphere take a look at Japan’spostwar economic policies (a lot of which would be illegal in the US and mostfirst world countries) up to the early 90’s after which some very powerfulpeople pulled the plug on their economy and cut them off at the knees viaexchange rate manipulation.


Despite Japan’s profound effect on the global market,they’re sole desire was to benefit the Japanese people alone: Japanese productsout to the world, foreign money into Japan PERIOD. Japan had virtually zerocompetition within the country, wanton price fixing and direct coordinationbetween industry and financial institutions to maximize GDP and profitability.The whole country was effectively run like one, unified monopoly from the topdown.


The world outside Japan fell under a kind of openseason policy and was used simply as a feed bag. Hence the huge backlashagainst Japan in the 80’s. It was a state coordinated economic revival/takeoverwith indirect American backing via access to markets and military protection.


If the Prosperity Sphere had continued, they would’vedone the same thing only taken the extra step of enslaving, murdering, andgenerally destroying anything (and anyone) that wasn’t historically Japanese.I’m pretty sure it would have been about as fun as North Korea is today.


2.    Feifei Wang
Feifei Wang, I learned Chinese history in Chinese
Answered Aug 27
Imagine you have a dog.And one day you tell your dog,if I get a raise, I'll get a better dog bed for you.That's about the same kindof sincerity Japanese have when they're talking about their “East AsiaCo-Prosperity Sphere". You think Nazis are the only people who believedthe idea of “master race"? Oh… I know all you white people just LoveJapan, your model Asian country, the proof that democracy works everywhere. Andall that painting and ritual and docile women… Surprise surprise, ImperialJapan was not that different from Nazis.


They don't see Chinese or Koreans or any of Asianpeople as equal. They killed millions of us, experimented on our people, rapedour women, and tell lies about how these poor women were willing and happy sexslaves. And 80 year old women had to relive their nightmare just to get aproper apology from their government, and they're still waiting.And now peoplebelieve they're sincere in their “co-prosperity” BS.I guess at the end, some ofus would get better dog beds if Japan had their way.


2.1       Kihiro Tanakamaru
Sep 1 · 43 upvotes including Feifei Wang
I, as a Japanese, is very sorry for the monstrousatrocities that the Imperial Japan Army. What the ****. I am extremely ashamedthat we Japanese people who are taught to be polite from day One could do suchblasphemy. Please accept our apologies for the completely unreasonable actsthat we perpetrated in WW2.

作为一名日本人,我对日本帝国军队犯下的滔天罪行感到非常抱歉,太他妈xxxxxx .我很羞愧,我们日本人从小就被教育要礼貌,日本军队的做法是对这种教育的亵渎。请接受我们诚挚的歉意,我们在二战当中做了很多非理性的行为。

2.2       Feifei Wang
Feifei Wang
Thank you! While I really appreciate the gesture, Idon't hold you or any modern Japanese people accountable for the crime ofImperial Japan (except those who pay tribute to the war criminals…) The reasonI think it is important for the Japanese government to apologize and accept theresponsibility is so that the same thing doesn't happen again. War is bad foreveryone.


3.    Kihiro Tanakamaru
Kihiro Tanakamaru
Answered Aug 18
No, they were using it as a tool to invade southeastAsian countries, most of which were colonised by the West. They tried to seizethem from the Western Powers to gain access to their natural resources. They openlyannounced that they would treat all races equally, but guess again. Theyactually murdered people who they deemed were an “enemy race”, such as ethnicChinese, or white people living in the region. Some can say they wereabsolutely racist and considered only their kind the superior race.


4.    Benjamin Peterson
Benjamin Peterson, Lived and worked in Japan for manyyears.
Answered Aug 18
Yes, a high proportion of the Japanese people weresurprisingly bought into the concept — this can be seen from, for example, thediaries of WW2 Japanese soldiers who often wrote of the noble purpose of theirwar.We are doing this for the good of all Asians together,for we are as brothers
We get to tell everyone else what to do  many in the Japanese leadership, and manyindividual Japanese, of course, were probably completely and self-consciouslyinsincere. At the same time, of course, the reality was very different from theconcept; even when they meant well, the Japanese occupiers were often incapableof seeing the occupied people’s point of view and they wasted whatever goodwillthey started with. They were unable to overcome the fundamental contradictionin their position:


To the Japanese elite back in Japan, I doubt there wasmuch sense that the Co-prosperity Sphere concept was anything other than a toolto manipulate the Japanese people and conquer other parts of Asia. But for manyordinary Japanese, the concept was quite real and they believed, despitesubstantial evidence to the contrary, that they were making sacrifices in agood cause.This goes to show how little value ‘sincerity’ by itself actuallyhas, compared to critical thinking!


5.    Frank Duncan
Frank Duncan, works at Lockheed Martin
Answered Aug 18
Absolutely! But that was actually only part of theJapanese attitude/plan.The Japanese government had adopted the principle of theGreater_East_Asia_Co-Prosperity_Sphere in 1940. This guided the expansion ofthe Japanese Empire to encompass the cultural and economic unity of easternAsia under the control of Japan. It would be a bloc of self-sufficientcountries free of Western powers. A 1943 document, An Investigation of GlobalPolicy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus reinforced this position showing thatthe exploitation of other countries was a policy separate from the war.


It states that the Japanese, the Yamato Race, weresuperior to all other races and that the intention of the Greater Co-ProsperitySphere was domination over Asia and the Pacific region.Another principle wasthe Southern Expansion Doctrine (南进论 Nanshin-ron) which postulated thatSoutheast Asia and the Pacific Islands were Japan’s sphere of influence. This was greatlyformalized in the 1920’s and 1930’s with the Japanese takeover of the GermanPacific Empire which included the Caroline, Mariana, and MarshallIslands and Palau. These were felt necessary for Japan’s security andcontrolled by the Imperial Japanese Navy.


Another principle of Japanese doctrine was Hakkō_ichiu which was that the Japanese  people, being superior to all others, weredestined to rule. Hakkō ichiu (八紘一宇?, "eight crown cords, one roof"i.e. "all the world under one roof") meant that the Emperor of Japanwas to rule an empire, not of just the islands, but also many conquered lands.Consequently,not just the people, but the military had the concept that whomever theyconquered deserved it. They should be happy to have become a part of theenlightened ones even though the Japanese felt that all other peoples werelower than dogs.




6.    George Sawyer
George Sawyer, Three years living in Japan and back60+ times
Answered Aug 31
Were the Japanese sincere about a Greater East Asia Co-ProsperitySphere? The Japanese were very sincere in their desire to get rid of theWestern colonial powers so that the peoples of Asia could unite in service totheir true masters, the Yamato race of Japan.


7.    J Cheng
J Cheng
Answered Aug 18
In general it was an excuse to seize territory andobtain material for their war effort. This was especially crucial after the USplaced an embargo on oil and other raw materials crucial to the Japanese wareffort. However there were genuine believers amongst the rank and file. Onesuch example is Colonel Masanobu Tsuji. He was one of the key staff officersinvolved in the planning for the invasion of Malaya.


He believed in an Asia for Asians. He was lastreported to be in Laos presumably as an advisor to the North Vietnamesefighting the Lao Army and was presumably killed in action. There was around 400Japanese soldiers who joined the Communist Party of Malaya to fight the Britishafter the Japanese surrender. Almost all died of disease or were captured. Only2 made made it back to Japan.

