美国反情报怀疑中国没有停止对其的间谍活动 [美国媒体]

华盛顿(路透社)——美国反情报主任Bill Evanina周三称他怀疑中国并没有履行最近所作的承诺,仍然没有抑制针对美国的间谍活动。美国网友:我可以100%确定中国没有减少对美国的间谍活动。就像我100%确定国安局依然在监视美国人民。

U.S.counterintelligence chief sceptical China has curbed spying on U.S.


WASHINGTON(Reuters) - U.S. counterintelligence chief Bill Evanina saidon Wednesday he was sceptical China had followed through on recent promises tocurb spying on the United States.

华盛顿(路透社)——美国反情报主任Bill Evanina周三称他怀疑中国并没有履行最近所作的承诺,仍然没有抑制针对美国的间谍活动。

Evanina told abriefing that he had seen "no indication" from the U.S. privatesector "that anything has changed" in the extent of Chinese espionageon the United States.

Bill Evanina在一个新闻吹风会上说他从美国的私营部门里并没有看到任何改变的迹象,中国依然像以往那样对美国进行间谍活动。

He said 90percent of private sector and government data systems intrusions are enabled by"spear-phishing," adding that spear-phishing played a role in themassive hack of security clearance data from the U.S. Office of PersonnelManagement (OPM).

他说90%的私营部门和政府数据系统的入侵事件都是受到钓鱼式攻击,称钓鱼式攻击在美国人事管理局的安全调查数据的大规模黑客事件中扮演着一定的角色。 论坛地址:

J M 2 hours ago
The questionhere is has America stopped spying on China (and other nations)?


Bob 3 hours ago
US citizens areskeptical that we do not have Muslim extremists operating in our government.Just look at the Alamoudi conviction. I personally think this explains a lotabout Obama's behavior over the last couple days.


Brian 3 hours ago
I'm 100%confident they are not. Just as I'm 100% confident the NSA is still spying onthe American people.


Blart 2 hours ago
China willcontinue to spy as will WE, it is the way of the world.


AReader 1 hour ago
Just to add tothis discussion, China has apparently just paid someone a hefty price for theIslands and Shoals off Malaysia and the Harbor Rights for the use of theirships as stop overs, of course that means that the Malaysian people are beingstopped from fishing in their own waters, so that only Chinese fishermen cannow fish their very own Malaysian waters. Some Malaysian General/Generals, Justgot a heck of lot of Money for selling Malaysian Land. I guess as he/they feltthe military is leaving the government, he/they had better get his/their moneynow for his/their country's land.


Emilio 55 minutes ago
China promisesare always broken. They actually does not know what promises mean. In 1997 whenHong Kong was returned to China, they promised one country with two systems for50 years they broke that promise. I was proud of China for what they haveaccomplished, and I was thinking of retiring in China. But, when they brokethat promise, I hated China with a passion. What my father told us when we wereyoung, never trust China. Now I know why.


Joe 1 hour ago
This should notbe surprising


FreedomExists In A Schoolbook 2 hours ago
American publicskeptical that US Government has even CONSIDERED curbing spying on US public.


Ggddccbb 1 hour ago
Ohplease...everybody's spying on everyone.


Patrick 2 hours ago
It is fairlycommon knowledge that spying is cheaper that researching and developing, alsothat China churns out cheap products they say because of cheap labor.
But as they say the danger is in the unsaid, I might be wrong but developingthe said products, might very well have come from spying if not downright copying.
Just a thought.


Ronnie 25 minutes ago
Neither have we


Massengill_D 2 hours ago
Is there anysimilar proof that they are required to curb their spying? The NSA issue hasoffered proof that the US spies on friends and rivals, alike. Are we to believethat this has been "curbed", or simply further hidden now that theother countries know what to look for?
The problem with offering a complaint on this particular issue is that theperson doing so much of the complaining is already known to be the one thatdoes this most often.
I seem to recall that there was an excuse of saying "everyone is doingit". If so, then everyone will continue to do it...the complainer,included.


Dr.Zhivago 38 minutes ago
Think about thedefinition of spy again. If you believe one country's promise they will stopspying on you, you are too naive and not fit to be a leader. The US even spiedon Germany, one of our best allies! Every country has spies. it's calledspying, meaning no one knows you are doing it until you get caught.

