中国有贫民窟吗? [美国媒体]

quora网友:中国的成就已表明,这些贫民窟在一开始就没有必要被创造出来,或者继续存在在现代社会中。 中国政府了解下村-维纳宏观经济学,并且明白利用中国人民银行和各省的人民银行分行,(中国政府)可以创造无偿信贷,从而为每年创造二十个一百万人以上的新城市,以及根据需要重建许多中国的主要城市提供了资金。


re there slums in China?

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George Tait Edwards P.h.D. Integration of Shimomuran With Wernerian Macroeconomics University of Southampton (2020)
Answered Mar 25


Yes but the vast slum cities in the rest of the developing world don’t exist in China.


Most economic development has involved the creation of vast slums as the population drifts from the countryside to the cities in search of work. You can see in the favelas of South America and in most of the developing world the massive slums usually centered on major cities. One interesting and informative book about this is Mike Davis’s “Planet of Slums” Verso London and New York 2006 which describes in encyclopaedic detail the creation and persistence of slums in most of the developing world. The title of that book is based upon Davis’s belief that slums cover the whole planet. They don’t.

多数情况下,经济发展会导致人口从乡村向城市流动以寻找工作机会,从而制造出城市大片贫民窟。你可以在南美洲的贫民窟和大多数发展中国家的大城市中看到大片这样的的贫民窟。有一本对这方面记载详实且有趣的书是迈克·戴维斯所着的《贫民窟星球》, 于2006年发行于伦敦和纽约。此书对大多数发展中国家贫民窟的产生和存在进行了百科全书式的描述。 这本书的标题来源于戴维斯的认知,他认为贫民窟覆盖了整个星球。(然而)这(种认知)并不对。

As China has demonstrated there is no need for these slums to have been created in the first place or to persist in modern times. The Chinese Government understands Shimomuran-Wernerian Macroeconomics and knows that no-cost credit creation can be created by the People’s Bank of China and by each of the Provincial PBoC’s in order to fund the creation of twenty new cities of a million people each year plus the rebuilding of many of China’s major cities as required.

中国的成就已表明,这些贫民窟在一开始就没有必要被创造出来,或者继续存在在现代社会中。 中国政府了解下村-维纳宏观经济学,并且明白利用中国人民银行和各省的人民银行分行,(中国政府)可以创造无偿信贷,从而为每年创造二十个一百万人以上的新城市,以及根据需要重建许多中国的主要城市提供了资金。


China is unique in the culture of the world because it has now constructed 340 new cities with a final planned population of about a million people each since the year 2000. Some mistaken members of the Western Press have called these “ghost cities” but these reports fail to discriminate between the dying city areas of the West (such as Detroit and Precinct 75 in New York) and the recently born coming-to-life partly-occupied cities of China. A good corrective to these views can be seen at:


Wade Shepard who has lived in China for decades has an excellent book on this subject:

曾在中国居住过几十年的韦德·谢帕德(Wade Shepard)写过一本关于这个问题的优秀着作:

The Story of Cities without People in the World's Most Populated Country (Asian Arguments): Wade Shepard: 9781783602186: Books

(上述标题为副标题,该书名为Ghost Cities of China)

And it should be noted that virtually all of these cities that were advertised as “ghost cities” are now being populated:


Chinese Ghost Cities Coming to Life


Where Chinese slums exist they are much smaller old buildings that have not been taken over by the construction companies and they have been left there as temporary housing for construction workers. These are the only true slums in China and these areas are sure to be taken over and developed once the city construction is complete.



Paul Denlinger Have lived in China Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written spoken)
Answered 18h ago
Originally Answered: Why are there no slums in China?
Because they are not allowed and municipal officials are held accountable to prevent them from forming.


Chinese cities have low-income housing but the buildings are not allowed to degrade to the point where they become slums. Buildings which are 20–30 years old are frequently torn down and replaced by newer buildings.


In order to have slums you need old buildings. In most Chinese cities the only old buildings which are allowed to exist only stand because they have historical status.


Terry Kang studied at University of Toronto
Answered Jun 22 2014
Disagree with answers above.


城中村(villages that encircled by urban space) just has the same environmental conditions as slums in other countries.


However the social essence is totally different.


For slums they appears during the urbanization. ( due to the increasing gap between rich and poor urban poor has to live in places with poorer conditions. And the places like that are called slums)


For chengzhongcuns in China they are villages originally exist around the limited urban areas during the process of suburbanization and urban sprawl( urban expantion) the villages then have to be surrounded by urban boom. That's the process of how chengzhongcuns form.



Don Johnson,我在中国生活过很久
Answered Apr 17 2014
Yes but not nearly as many as in other large developing countries.


Huge areas of informally built housing on the edges of cities that aren't served by utilities or public services like you see in India Brazil and Africa basically don't exist in China. However there areas in many Chinese cities called "城中村" meaning villages in the city which are slums: very crowded very poor infrastructure (single water taps serving hundreds of people no sewage treatment) few or no parks open spaces schools or hospitals. They are almost completely populated by migrant workers.


These places are former villages that have been swallowed up by expanding cities. The former villagers usually live elsewhere in the city and are now landlords renting out their old houses to migrant workers who need a very cheap place to stay. One big difference between these areas and typical developing world slums is that most people that live in them are employed and don't consider themselves permanent residents. They also don't have the culture that slum areas in other countries have despite their poverty - more like temporary very cheap worker housing.


Many Chinese cities have made it a priority to demolish "villages in the city" and rebuild the areas with better quality. The problem is that this eliminates badly needed low-cost housing for migrant workers; replacement housing usually is more expensive even if affordable housing is included.



Former village area in Ningbo



Answered Apr 17 2014
Yesthere're slums in China.
But you don't get to see them often in the centers of Chinese cities because it's simply not allowed.
So most of these so called slums scatter around the outskirts of the citiesand in a much much more smaller scale compared to those in other developing countries.


However with the cities expanding so fast that many urban villages have became strongholds for the those coming from the rural areas looking for a better life  (we don't call them slums Although they ARE slums).


From a positive aspect they provide living space with low rents to people and introduce new workforces to the cities.But from another angle the living facilities in the urban villages are sometimes very poor and don't catch up to the needs sanitation has become a great concern.What's more they are breeding social problems such as crime drugsprostitutionit's quite a headache to the cities.


One picture speaks more than a thousand words.


Here's a photo I took in 2012Huangbeiling villagesingle story housescenter of Shenzhen city20mins away from HongKong.Those girls standing there were prostitutes.


Now the Shenzhen government is taking a great effort to put these villages into reconstruction.


These are what the above looks like now.


Now let's take a look at a successful showcase after the reconstruction project(Tianmian VillageShenzhen).


Well of course with no doubt the rents will go higher after reconstrutionbut it's still acceptable for most peoplewhile the rest have to think about moving to a new placeafter all it's hard to take care of everyone.

