在中国乘坐高铁是怎样的感觉? [美国媒体]


How does it feel to take the high-speed train in China?


Derek Harkness, Civil Engineer
Answered Apr 7
Chinese high-speed railways are an exceedingly comfortable way to travel. 
Most cities have built new train stations to accommodate the high-speed trains. These stations are all clean modern architecture. In the larger cities, they might feel more like airports, but somehow even larger and more spacious than airports. There will be some shops and restaurants but not as many as you might find in an airport. Then again, there will be shops nearby in the surrounding streets.
Like airports, you have to go through security checks and wait in a departure lounge. Unlike the airport, you don’t have to check in hours before hand, and security queues are usually just a few minutes. Not a major issue. I have arrived at a station with just 10 minutes till my train and no ticket but still got on in time (though I did have to run through the departure hall and down the stairs).
The facilities are brand spanking new and well maintained. The high-speed rail is one of the points of pride of the nation and they do keep it up to standard. That said, even the regular trains in China are maintained to a high standard. The regular trains might be old and dated but they are well staffed and clean. The staff throughout the network are well trained and diligent.
Above is the massive departure hall of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. This station is right beside Shanghai Hongqiao Airport and at the end of subway line No.2 making it very easy to get to. Most new high-speed railway stations are a bit out of the town centre, so not as convenient for connecting transport as the older city centre stations used by the regular trains, but most cities have extended their local transport to connect to the high-speed network.
The seats are very comfortable. A first class ticket costs similar to an economy air ticket for the same journey. I know which I would rather sit in. Even the second class chairs provided plenty of space. There is enough space that I can sit cross-legged if I want to.
Freedom to move about is great too. The aisles are wide enough that you can get up and stretch without disturbing anyone. You can use your mobile phone, use the internet, or work on your laptop. There is also a restaurant car where you can buy some food - though limited to microwaved rice meals or instant noodles. The toilets are large, clean and comfortable to use too.
There is very little feeling of motion. The train doesn’t rattle, rock or sway. Even when braking into a station platform, you can barely feel it.
There are not many things that I could improve upon, but I’ll give a few. I would like a power outlet at each row or seats to charge my phone or laptop. Some extra English language signs would be handy, especially when in smaller cities. Finally, I would like for people who don’t have Chinese ID cards to be able to buy electronic tickets more easily. Currently, you have to go and claim your ticket from the counter staff before entering the departure hall, whereas, Chinese people just beep through with their ID cards. (Though I did once board just by waving my phone with the booking confirmation number on the screen.)
If you are travelling around China, take the train wherever possible. It is so much more convenient than flying.










Adam Richards, lives in China (2011-present)
Updated Oct 20
When you buy the ticket, you feel that price-wise maybe you should have flown domestic instead.
When you arrive at the station 10 minutes before the train leaves instead of an hour before, you feel like okay you’ve saved some time. At the very least you’ve saved yourself hanging around an airport for a while.
When you sit down in your seat and realize that you can actually move your legs, or get past your neighbor without disturbing said neighbor, you feel skinnier.
When you look out your window and see rural China flying by, you feel caught in a time-warp.
When you walk up and down the aisles at your pleasure and convenience, you feel the blood circulating.
When you use your 4G (or portable wifi) on the trip without anyone telling you that it interferes with the operation of the vehicle, you feel productive (more realistically, you feel entertained/distracted).
When you rush out of the car with your fellow passengers (and a few of the crew) to have a smoke at one of the longer stops, you feel a head rush.
When you realize that your North American infrastructure is light years behind China’s, you feel ashamed.
EDIT: Thanks for all the upvotes. And thank you as well to the Quorans who have suggested that “light years behind” might not be an appropriate phrase to use here. I’m aware that a light year is a unit of distance, not time (This is not the Millennium Falcom making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!). Please understand I’m using this phrase idiomatically.


Paul Denlinger, Have lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken)
Answered Jun 16
Originally Answered: How does it feel to take the high speed trains in China?
They are very comfortable; MUCH better than flying.
In Chinese airports, you feel like a cow which is being sent to slaughter, except that the departure gates are always changing about 30 minutes before departure, and when they change, airport management makes sure that the newly assigned departure gate is at another terminal which is at the other end of the airport. Then, when you get there, you find out that your flight is delayed, but no one says how long it is delayed.
In contrast, Chinese train stations for high-speed trains are very modern, and they always depart on time. Depending on the class of ticket you purchased, you can stretch out on the train and spend all your time setting up your appointments on WeChat before you arrive at your destination, so this makes things much more efficient.
This is why I travel by train in China, and never fly if I can help it.

保罗•邓灵格 一直住在中国,台湾和香港;流利的普通话(书面、口头)

Vadim Berman
Jun 17
In Chinese airports, you feel like a cow which is being sent to slaughter
Did it change over the last 5–7 years? I remember flying in 2008–2009 (although it was the same route), it was generally efficient, although the service was a bit lacking.


Paul Denlinger
Jun 17 · 6 upvotes including Vadim Berman
I haven’t flown domestically in China so I can’t say.
Much prefer trains. Meet more interesting people on trains too.


Megan Cox
Jun 24 · 2 upvotes
I’ve flown through Beijing exactly 3 times to get to Shenzhen. Every single time my flight was delayed, which meant staying overnight in a crappy hotel and flying to Shenzhen the next day.
When business people come through and tell me they’re flying, I know there’s a 50% chance they won’t make it. 50% chance on a re-booking. And so it goes.
The flights are ALWAYS late.
Hong Kong is another story.


Eric H. An
Jun 17 · 1 upvote from Vadim Berman
Well, in China, things change everyday if you say.
If you compare air travel compare to 7 years ago, it might be a much different story.
In China, there are more than 50% of flights DO NOT depart on time due to various reasons inlcude but not limited to Weather Condition, Flow Control(most of the time), aircraft arrival delay(chain effect from previous flights). This is true especially at the larger airports.
A lot of times, the delay is announced but there is no defined time of departure announced.
HSR travel is much faster overall(the total hours spent during the travel is less), and more convenient, efficient, comfort. And most of times, it also cost less than air travel.

Andy Beales, lived in China (2010-2017)
Updated Mar 25
Originally Answered: What is it like to ride a fast train on a high speed rail in China?
I use the high speed route from Guilin to Shenzhen. I was surprised I was offered freshly ground coffee and Haagen-Dazs. OK, it was western prices, but nice if you're in need of a coffee fix.
I’ve used 2nd class, and 1st class. On this route the price difference is about 60 RMB, so I always go 1st. I normally think 1st class is a waste of money, in the UK it costs so much more for such little gain, in China you get a lot more for a small price increase. To me after living in China 6 years, extra space and slightly quieter carriage is worth 60 RMB.
1st class gives you more leg room, and the carriage is configured 2 seats each side, so less people in a car. This means it is quieter and less stressful getting on, also more space for luggage. However, no first class waiting room or priority boarding, as with soft sleepers and 1st class on regular trains.
There are power sockets, Hong Kong & British style built in, and airplane style tables, so I enjoyed catching up on photo editing on this route of 3.5 hours compared to flying 1 hour to reach the same destination. If you take into account if I fly I need to get there early, and many Chinese airlines are late, then the train is a great option.
I book my tickets with an app called China Train Booking (red logo), you can find it in the app store or play store. Then I opt to collect my tickets at the station.
One downside is that many stations have few English signs, or when things change (trains are delayed) there are no English speaking staff easily available to assist you. I speak mandarin so it's not an issue. If you don't speak Chinese don't worry, you just need a spirit of adventure and Google Translate.
Top Tip
Remember Google translate and anything Google in China is slowed down to almost unusable levels by the communist party firewall. Google doesn't have a good relationship with China ;). But, you can (On android) download the language packs to work off line. That could really help you when the unexpected occurs. You can’t download language packs for off line use on Apple.

安迪•比尔 住在中国(2010 - 2017)

Maple Ray, studies Electrical Engineering at North China Electric Power University (2020)
Answered Sep 23
I now am studying in Beijing and qualify to answer the question.It only takes 30mins from Beijing to Tianjin.
Lately,the authority announced “Renaissance EMU”(复兴号列车组) into reality,which has lifted the speed of high-speed train to 350 kilometers per hour.And meanwhile the time of 30mins has been shortened to 25mins.
A month ago,it took 9 hours to travel from Beijing to Nanchang(A city in the south of China).Today,the time has been shortened to 6 and a half hours.In fact trains of 350 kilometres per hour had come into use 6 years ago.However,due to safe concerns the speed had fallen back to 300 kilometers per hour.
•        Even with a higher speed,the price of the ticket remains the same.
•        The meals on the train are cheap.
•        It is more convenient than plane when you travel between two near cities.
•        The stability of the train is excellent while it runing with a such high speed.
•        The private space has been enlarged.It feel more comfortable sitting on seat.

Maple Ray就读于华北电力大学电气工程(2020)

Atlas Fairchild
Answered Jun 17
Originally Answered: How does it feel to take the high speed trains in China?
Really convenient I must say.
The speed, the service and the traffic.
One detailed picture shows the CRH net, but it is only due to 2015.
You can travel thousands of kilometer within several hours on the ground. For example :
From Beijing, the capital city in the north of China , to Guangzhou which lies in the south. About 2000kilos (1250miles) If you take a high speed train, it only takes you 10 hours,900RMB (150US dollars )for a seat. You can also order a business class to be more comfortable, allow you to have a good night. And the price raises up to 2800RMB (about $450)
You might ask Why not take a plane? Well, it means you need to takes a cub to the airport, wait for hours before you are up in the air. After landing, the same progress comes again …Sit besides to the big-ass engine, don't you forget how noisy it can be. Not to mention the delay, bad weather or some things else.
For my personal thoughts, taking the CRH is obviously comfortable, luxury, elegant.
You can take a subway, trans to the railway station underground, travel to thousand miles away. Walk in, pass the security check, choice a seat right above the tracks, go downstairs when your train arrived.Sounds familiar? Yeah, just like the airport. Everything is under your control, enjoying the moment, and the world seems to be such a nice place ~


Mario Rossi, 5th year in China
Answered Aug 13
Is not a mystic sensation. Really i don't understand what's all this fuss about.
Let's be clear high speed trains in China are good and cheap. But China isn't the only country with high speed trains and their trains aren't better than the ones you find in Europe, just cheaper ticket. Sure you can use your 4G on Chinese trains, while in Europe they have the WIFI, so not much difference. My longest trip was chongqing-suzhou.
So how does it feel? It feels like to take a high speed train. The same as everywhere else.
I guess the surprised people with a mystic crisis are Americans.

马里奥•罗西  在中国的第5年

Christopher Oliva, Living in China (Shenzhen and Shanghai) since 2008
Answered Jul 14, 2015
Originally Answered: What is it like to ride a fast train on a high speed rail in China?
Generally speaking, the experience is not bad. Train are new, hostess are well dressed, there is aircon, train are clean and they are on time.
Comfort is not too bad although compared with french tgv or German iec the quality of the seat are not as good and comfortable. Chinese high speed train are for me a cheap version of the foreign one. I wait to see how they will get old after 10-15 years.

克里斯托弗·奥利瓦  自2008年以来住在中国(深圳和上海)

Sakura Susami
Answered Aug 27
It feels like any other high speed trains in any other countries, except that the distance I get to travel is incredibly long, because China is incredibly big. And the train stations are incredibly massive and cool.
I find this on the Internet. I doubt you have seen anything like this before. It looks like they are going to invade some alien planets.


