特斯拉拟在中国投资建厂 - 中国正在成为电动汽车的巨大市场 [美国媒体]


Tesla has reached a deal to build a factory in China

China is shaping up to be a huge market for electric vehicles


Tesla has made an arrangement with Shanghai’s government to built a manufacturing plant in the city’s free-trade zone, according to The Wall Street Journal, which cites reports from people briefed on the company’s plans.


The WSJ reports that Tesla will own the factory, rather than partner with a local manufacturer, as it typically the case. Chinese officials have recently begun to consider relaxing some of the more stringent rules concerning local partners, as a way to encourage electric vehicle manufacturers. The arrangement would be the “first of its kind for a foreign auto maker,” but will likely not allow Tesla to avoid a 25 percent import tariff.


In June, Tesla confirmed that it was in talks to build a factory in Shanghai, ending months of speculation about the company’s plans. At the time, a spokesperson explained that while the company anticipated keeping most of its production in the US, it did “need to establish local factories to ensure affordability for the markets they serve.”


The world’s largest market for automobiles, China has recently worked to encourage the development of a robust market for EVs. In September, Xin Guobin, the country’s vice minister of industry and information technology, noted at a forum that the country is beginning to phase out sales of fossil fuel vehicles as it works to cut its carbon emissions, and that existing manufacturers will need to begin building more EVs in the coming years. As such, establishing a factory in China will be a major deal for Tesla as it works to ramp up its production around the world.


[–]jenprogressive88 137 points 6 days ago 
interesting bit here so far is that technology transfer or local partnership is not a part of the deal


[–]i_already_forgot 79 points 6 days ago 
I think they already released all their patents publicly anyway.
This is probably to get into the Chinese market more than anything else.

[–]leochen 35 points 6 days ago 
All patents are released....

[–]arthurpaliden 15 points 6 days ago 
All patents are public. That is the whole point of a patent. Secret patents cannot not work ergo they do not exist.
Now trade secrets are secret but have no legal protection.

[–]Akyrael 1 point 5 days ago 
As well as to gain access to many strategic rare earth metals that China produces 90%+ in the world, which they limited international access to several years ago.


[–]tw0725ll 19 points 6 days ago 
Not on paper, at least.
Watch for the completely independently developed Teska Model 5 car coming out of China in a couple of years, with a 400 mile range (or 150 miles when not driven in a perfectly level, wind-free indoor track at 20 mph).
In an odd twist for Chinese knockoffs, build quality may improve over the original.

未来几年,看看中国工厂完全独立生产的特斯拉Model 5,有400英里的时速范围(或在非完美驾驶状态下的150英里,室内无风车道上是20英里每小时)。
[–]PokeEyeJai 34 points 6 days ago 
BYD had long been making electric cars in China for a decade now.

[–]leochen 35 points 6 days ago* 
Warren Buffett was actually approached by Tesla asking for funding, he backed BYD instead and told Elon his business model would fail.
Now that Tesla is at a critical juncture, having made no profit over the past years and model 3 production been a clusterfuck, looks like Warren*'s prophecy may come true.

现在是特斯拉的生死关头,过去几年一直没有盈利,model 3的生产看起来就是胡闹,看来沃伦的预言要成真了。
[–]Buck-Nasty 23 points 6 days ago 
Buffett invested like 200 million in byd, his investment is now worth 2 billion.

[–]pisshead_ 6 points 5 days ago 
What would 200 million in Tesla have turned into?

[–]Buck-Nasty 16 points 5 days ago 
About the same, it started around $30 dollars and it's now $340.

[–]catmeow321 3 points 5 days ago 
Yea but Tesla is worth more than Ford in market value. I think that is a bubble, because Ford , BMW, and Toyota can shift quickly into all-electric quickly so Tesla won't have a huge monopoly on all-electric.

[–]imatripandahalf 1 point 5 days ago 
    Ford , BMW, and Toyota can shift quickly into all-electric quickly
Not really. They have to outsource their battery packs as it is. GM and BMW are the only ones even close to beginning the 1000m race. But then they are barely to the starting block when Tesla already has a 500m head start.

[–]Intense_introvert 19 points 6 days ago 
I've been saying this for a while now, but the Tesla fanbois come out in droves to downvote without commenting. Elon's legacy will live on even if Tesla doesn't. They failed to meet any of their production goals for any of their previously launched products; why anyone thinks the Model 3 is going to go smoothly is beyond my comprehension.

我早就说过,但特斯拉的粉丝成群结队的点反对,也发表任何评论。即使特斯拉破产,埃隆的遗产也会存在的。他们先前推出的产品没有满足任何产品目标,为什么还有这么多人认为Model 3将会顺利产出,真是难以理解。
[–]leochen 20 points 6 days ago 
If there is one thing Elon has been successful at is cultivate a cult of personality; many of "his ideas" received publicity and funding are recycled from the trash bin of history of innovation (vac-train rebranded as Hyperloop, reusable spacecraft, commercial rocket travel).

[–]Intense_introvert 11 points 6 days ago 
Yep. America peaked in the 1960's, and the lack of innovation in this country has only been encouraged through controlled experiments that have no failures, and a society that is risk averse and does not learn from failures.

[–]czechonesauce 2 points 5 days ago 
A lot of modern innovations were in some way related to DARPA. That's one of the true drivers behind innovation; Skunkworks. Got nothing to do with recycling ideas from the 60's. The 60's & 70's just had much more public investments, so logically you'll see some crazy ideas popping up. Making an idea is not that hard, it's quite simple. But executing it, that's truly the difficult thing.


[–]Intense_introvert 2 points 5 days ago 
The societal approach is very different since the 1960's. You have a society that has become more complacent and only seeks to either make it big or goes for the low-hanging fruit.

[–]Sarvina 1 point 5 days ago 
If youre going to talk about peaking... lets talk about the 90s. The internet was huge and among the top 3 inventions in the last century.
