法中两国将于明年共同研究海洋气候变化 [美国媒体]



France and China both key leaders of the Paris Climate Accord now that the US is leaving have unveiled a new satellite to better predict storms and model climate change. The China-France Oceanography Satellite (CFOSAT) includes two radars that can study both wind strength and direction as well as the direction and wavelength of ocean waves. The latter can help scientists predict heat waves and other important climate data according to recent studies.


CFOSAT will be used primarily to improve forecasting accuracy particularly for hurricanes and other ocean-spawned storm events. "In practical terms it will be used to improve forecasts of strong storms cyclones or waves for all coastal activities" France's research lead on the project Daniele Hauser told the AFP.

CFOSAT将主要用于改善预报准确性,特别是对于飓风和其他海洋产生的风暴活动。法国在项目上的研究领导Daniele Hauser告诉法新社,“在实际使用上卫星将被用于改善对所有沿海活动的强风暴气旋或波涛的预测。

Data from the satellite will also help scientists improve climate models by better understanding how oceans affect the atmosphere. "We think that if we can improve climate change predictions we can better prevent it" Hauser said.

来自卫星的数据能使科学家更好地了解海洋是如何影响大气层的,从而帮助他们完善气候模型。 “我们认为,如果我们可以提高气候预测准确性,我们可以更好地预防它。”Hauser说。



The satellite was originally supposed to be a partnership between the French and European space agencies. However France and China have been working closely on space technology over the past decade prompting the change. Both parties acknowledged the political element while saying there were technical reasons too. "We partnered with France because we were certain of the support of both states but also because of France's expertise in wave analysis" said China's CFOSAT project manager Lili Wang.


The 650 kg (1450 pound) satellite is set to be launched next year from a rocket in China's "Long March" program. Given the spate of hurricanes in 2017 made unusually powerful by global warming any extra forecasting accuracy can't come soon enough.



 B 1 day ago
Prediction - they will confirm that the climate does indeed change.

Resist Liberal Fascism 1 day ago
Fun fact : China pumps out more CO2 than the USA the EU and Japan combined.


Resist Liberal Fascism 1 day ago
Socialism never made any country great.

val 1 day ago
When talking about Climate Change like this article refer to it as Looking for Signs of Man Made Climate Change. The Climate on earth has been changing since it's creation.


David 1 day ago
Why China? Biggest contributor to pollution and exempt for over a decade. Trump is right again.


Sam 1 day ago
Thank God the rest of world is still led by people who have a brain and a conscience. People that know enough pollution will kill anything. In the meantime our regime is pushing dirty energy instead of clean and taking all limits off of pollution in their worship of the money god. So ashamed of the USA in these dark times.



Laurence 1 day ago
I don't care if you believe in man-made or natural global warming. This kind of technology helps with forecasting climatic natural disasters in the making. The US is giving up on leading the world in technological advancements. It's truly sad when we have a group of politicians and millions of their ignorant followers lead us back into a past filled with myths and superstitions and bigoted parochial mindsets.

我不在乎你认为全球变暖是人为造成的还是自然造成的。 这种技术有助于预测正在形成的气候自然灾害。 美国正在放弃自己在科技进步上的世界领先地位。 我很伤心地看到,我们的一群政治家以及他们数以百万计的无知追随者正在带领我们重回到那充满神话、迷信和固执己见的狭隘思维模式的过去里。

Nick the idiot 1 day ago
So after pushing climate change for years they will begin studying it next year. Funny.

Living Dead 1 day ago
Prediction they will discover only money from America will save the world.


Alvin 1 day ago
This article is basically confirming that if the US won't lead other countries will.


Richie T 1 day ago
China France and England. They've enacted laws that set a cut-off date for selling gasoline and diesel vehicles.



OmarBinZaid 1 day ago
So typical of Americans Want to argue with everyone over hard facts. Climate change is being driven by the industrial world Why is this hard to understand? Cleaner technology is the way forward. The era of fossil fuels is coming to an end in the next decades.


scott 1 day ago
The USA was a leader until we got a pumpkin eater as president now we watch as china is number one and we are number 10

后加上去:(译者注:pumpkin eater:是英国的一首童谣,故事的主角Peter无论怎么做都留不住他的妻子,所以吃南瓜的男人,是指留不住妻子的人。)

Nina 1 day ago
How do you get almost unanimous agreement on man-caused global warming? Get representatives from 200 countries into a room and ask for a show of hands from those that would like to be given billions of dollars from the United States that they can spend as they wish even skim off most of it for their personal enrichment? Up go 199 hands of people that now fervently believe in man-caused global warming.


big daddy 1 day ago
Yup. The smart countries. Also China has about 95% of the solar panel business and most of the wind turbine as well and we want to keep digging for "clean" coal!



Cy 1 day ago
Now as an anti-science denier has surrounded himself with more fossil fuel shills in the White House has hamstrung our EPA scientists and continues to attack clean and green renewable energy France and China are now taking the lead in climate change research as America falls backwards!


Joe L 1 day ago
France and China will have teams of expert scientists engineers and PhD's studying the ocean for the next year. These findings will then be craftily refuted by a Lowe's kitchen specialist Larry Johnson positing it as "bunch of hogwash designed to get them scientists richer". Despite being armed with data predictive modeling atmospheric and pelagic analysis Larry will postulate that all of this scientific mumbo-jumbo is designed to manipulate "the sheeple" a sagacious term coined by the astute prophet and vitamin salesman Alex Jones.

明年,法国和中国将有由专家、科学家、工程师团队和博士们组成的团队来研究海洋(气候变化)。这些发现将随后被Lowe(美国零售公司劳氏)的厨师专家Larry Johnson巧妙驳斥,并将其视为“旨在使科学家变得更富有而编造出来的废话”。尽管拥有大气层的预测模型和海洋层分析数据,Larry仍将视这些与科学有关的胡言乱语是为了操纵那些“盲从的人”——这个术语是由精明的先知和维生素销售员Alex Jones所创建的。
(译注:sheeple是由“sheep”和“people”拼合而成的词, 指"羊民";驯良百姓;指那些对一些主流或普遍接受的观念不加思考就随大流的人,是对牺牲自己的个性去顺从当局的人的蔑称。)

Paul 1 day ago
Pretty bad when China is now leading in studying climate change.........



TEN BEARS 1 day ago
France and China will study ocean-based climate change next year all they need is 20 million more USA dollars from Democrat politicians.

RICKJ 13 hours ago
According to the scientists writing for National Geographic magazine some of the Antarctic glaciers due to man-made climate change are melting at an unprecedented rated. That melt water will in fact flow into the surrounding oceans raising their levels slowly but surely. For many (not all) inhabited islands and island nations this additional rise in ocean height will eventually be catastrophic and same goes for many our world continent's shorelines. When?? As this will be a gradual change estimates range from 60 to 90 years from now. This is guaranteed. Unless of course the citizens and governments of our world stop denying PROVEN MAN-MADE global warming/climate change..... and stop playing their stupid-arsed political game of "hide our heads in the sand and the problem will magically disappear."

据科学家撰写的“国家地理”杂志报道,由于人为气候变化,一些南极冰川正以前所未有的速度迅速融化。而这些融化的水实际上会流入周边的海洋区域,虽然缓慢却将以稳定的趋势提高其水位。 对于许多(不是全部)有人居住的岛屿和岛屿国家,海平面的这种额外升高最终将会造成灾难性的(后果),许多我们世界大陆的海岸线(地区)也(有这种灾难隐患)。从什么时候(开始)??从现在开始的约60到90年间,这将形成一个逐渐变化的过程。 这是毫无疑问的。 除非我们的公民和政府不再否认全球变暖是人为造成的.....并停止玩弄其愚蠢“把头埋在沙子里然后问题就会神奇搬消失“的政治游戏(鸵鸟心态)。

Chris Adams 1 day ago
At least the u.s. tax payer wont be spending 95% of the cost



Alan 1 day ago
Do you media idiots even have a clue what climate change is? Do you? Think ice age. Think about how natural variability warmed the planet melting ice sheets thousands of feet thick and raising sea levels over 400 feet in the last 12000 years. Since then climate has been warming and often trends slightly up or down over a few decades. Not one single model the 'scientists' have run is able to determine the human part of any change. So alarmists it's time for all of you to do some reading and learn about natural history. Here's one: 'Lukewarming' by Patrick Michaels.

你们这些愚蠢的媒体们懂什么叫做气候变化吗?想想冰河时代,想想12000年前自然变异使气候变暖造成几千英尺厚的冰层融化,从而让海平面上升了400英尺的事例。从那时起,气候就在持续变暖中并在过去的几十年里小幅度地上下波动着。现在没有任何一个科学家建立的模型可以证明是人类的活动引发了气候的变化。你们这些杞人忧天的家伙,是时候去好好学点关于气候(变化)的历史了。这里就有本书可以拿去学习:由Patrick Michaels编着的《Lukewarming》。

Cy 1 day ago
As many of our anti-science deniers and tRump cultists still parrot the conservative media fake news of new coal-fired energy plants in China fact is they have been closing them at record speed and replacing them by installing a football field-sized solar array every hour and erecting a wind turbine every hour. China is #1 in renewable energy today as we decline under Fuhrer tRump.


jumin 1 day ago
most of the comments sounded like from people who never finish high school


JohnP 1 day ago
Ideas are great but without the U.S. funding it how will it ever get done?


Freedom is just another word 10 hours ago
How about they start mining all the junk floating in the ocean gyres?? and recycle it!



Angel 1 day ago
More complete and total B.S. propaganda pushing the scam of climate change!


MensaatAgeTwelve 1 day ago
I just love the fake CGI satellite in "orbit" pic. WHAT A JOKE. So with all the satellites "up there" you cannot take a pic of a real satellite? Why is that? Because they don't exist. Google Project Loon and you will see how balloon are needed!!!!!!!!! Bahahahahaha. Hilarious. And the trolls/sock puppets comment how great nassholes are. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!

我只是很喜欢那张在“轨道”上运行的卫星假照片。那就是个笑话,根本就是由CGI技术制作的。“天上”有那么多卫星,为什么就不能真的拍摄一张呢 ?为什么拍不了呢?因为他们根本不存在。谷歌气球的开发项目会让你看到我们对气球的密切需要!!!!吧哈哈哈哈哈。好开心。而喷子和挂马甲的人们则会评论这有多么棒。真是个笑话!

Freedom is just another word 10 hours ago
During the Obama administration we shared technology that we developed at Oak Ridge about Molten Salt Reactors with China. We are helping China to build MSR reactors instead of building them here. They can be constructed smaller cheaper and safer that regular nuclear power plants. They are so safe that if they possibly could overheat the fuel would simply expand into an overflow chamber and the reactor shuts down without any human interaction. If we had not cut funding for research in the 70's we could have almost free power nationwide by now. Google MSR Reactor design. http://fortune.com/2015/02/02/doe-china-molten-salt-nuclear-reactor/

