中国警方射杀28个“恐怖团体”分子 [美国媒体]


Chinese police shoot dead 28 from'terrorist group'


Chinese police have killed 28 members of a"terrorist group" in the mainly Muslim Xinjiang region, authoritiesannounced Friday, in the bloodiest such operation in months and as Beijing denounces Western "double standards" inthe wake of the Parisattacks.


Pat F 12 hours ago
I'm guessing you won't be seeing Chinataking any Syrian refugees in.


I. 14hours ago
Learn from the Chinese. You don't arrestthe terrorists. You execute them on the spot.
When it comes to dealing with terrorists, the rest of the world is light yearsbehind the Chinese. I'd say Russiais the closest of the countries that deals with terrorists realistically.


A 16hours ago
Interesting how whenever the Chinesesubdues terrorists, everything has to be put in quotation marks, and givenalternative justifications to cast the Chinese government in a bad light. 
Makes you wonder how much we really hear of what the US does, and if it's not being castin a certain light to show us only what they want shown, doesn't it?


wenh 18hours ago
I read from somewhere quoting somethingsaid by Russian's Putin about how to treat terrorists (this is not an exactquote, but, is a pretty close one): Forgive them is not our duty, it is God'sduty. Our duty is to send them to God. I do not know if this was truly whatPutin said, but, I must say, if this was truly what he said, then he is a verysmart #$%$, smarter than many in the US. Look, how much did we struggle withthe camp in Guantanamo Bay?


Jason 10hours ago
Every Government on earth should step upand finish these terrorists. If they do not want to live free, then kill themall and send them to Allah as they claim. Putin has already said that he willhunt all the perpetrators of the bombing of the plane in Egypt even to thedeepest parts of the sea or the depth of hell, they will be hunted untiljustice prevails. And i like the way he said before sending the bombers, letsus not just increase the bombing campaign but we do it in a way for theterrorists to see what really happens when you need to be punished in responseto your terrorist act. The are dying like flies sprayed by insecticide.


Jerome 17hours ago
I saw this coming a mile away. The Chinesewould use what happened in Paristo crackdown on Muslims in Xinjiang. But, the Chinese acted faster than even Iexpected.
The Chinese have invaded the region with ethic Chinese and displaced thepopulace!!
Anyone who fought back were executed!!


nick 18hours ago
The Whole World MUST adapt a zero tolerancepolicy toward Islam.


Alan 11hours ago
This is why the Chinese hate U.S.
When we were attacked at 9/11 or Bostonmarathon, the Chinese gave us their 100% support. They didn't quote the socalled "right groups" or "foreign experts" to make excusesfor these terrorists. When Paris was attacked,the landmark tower in Shanghaiturned on the French national colors and support poured from all walks oflife...
Now, when it's their turn to receive our support, we put the terrorists inscare quote, we drag out some lib professors, we invite some"experts," we go to some "right groups," we go all the wayto make it look like it's the Chinese fault that the terrorists attack them.From God's sakes, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement mentioned in this articleis labelled by U.S.government as a terrorist organization!!!!!!!!! Somehow, the lib media has thetenacity to say "foreign experts doubt its link to global terrorism." 
Any wonder why the Chinese, or even the world, hate us?


stan 14hours ago
I lived in china for almost 30 years I am aAmerican and I admire china for taking care of terrorist. The Han Chinese inthe north and western part of Chinaare muslims and Chinahas tried to work with these people and build them homes and have peace but fromtime to time they go on a killing spree and kill innocent people. So when China tellsthem enough is enough that's what they mean and when the police and military goin they take care of the problem fast. not like in America where they just talk and morepeople die from terrorist. GOOD JOB CHINA. MISS LIVING THERE.


Jackie 18hours ago
I got to give the Chinese credit wherecredit deserve. I wish we would do the same thing in the U.S. if aperson is proven to be a terrorist or support them in anyway should receive thesame sentence. Oh yeah, rapist, child molester and murder too. 
Can you imagine how safe it would be and people would think twice about committingthis horrendous crime. And the money we save can be use to improve our roads,bridges and parks etc..!


TheWorldHasGoneMad 19 hours ago
Say what you want about the Chinese, theyaren't stupid. They're going to purge radical Islam from their own countryfirst and then go after ISIS for revenge.

