为什么大家都用假名? [美国媒体]



Father visited China and told me a bit about it... Why does everyone use fake names? 
This is what intrigued me the most. He said he met at least 10 people named "Cherry" someone named Klaus and a bunch of Sunny Zhangs.
..Why? And why these names?


Because if they told you their name was Xùyú and that was their friend Xúyù a) you couldn't tell the difference and b) even if you could you couldn't pronounce either of them.
Chinese people pick English names that foreigners can understand and remember and that are easy to pronounce. However they suck at picking normal names especially kids so you end up with guys named "Devil" and girls named "Apple". Even the ones that don't name themselves something stupid tend to pick from the set of names that are a) easy to pronounce and b) trendy. "Julia" should be very easy for Chinese people to say but I've never met one. "Kristy" should be harder but I've seen a few.

因为如果他们告诉你他的名字是许渝(Xùyú)然后他的朋友叫徐玉 (Xúyù),你会分不清两者的区别,你甚至连两者名字的发音都不能发好。中国人会选择外国人能听懂、记住和容易发音的英文名字。然而他们常犹豫是否该挑个正常的名字,特别是小孩子,所以结果你会遇到叫“魔鬼”的男孩和叫“苹果”的女孩。即使是那些没有给自己取一个愚蠢的名字的人,也会选择那些容易发音和流行的名字。(取名字为)"朱莉娅"(的发音)对中国人来说应该很容易,但我从没见过(有人叫这个名字)。"克里斯蒂"(这个名字的发音)应该更难,但我见过一些(叫这个名字的人)。

"Julia" should be very easy for Chinese people to say but I've never met one.
Though Julia translates into 朱丽娅 which has a lovely connotation unfortunately it sounds exactly like 猪利牙 which means "pig with sharp teeth". Even for adults undoubtedly that's the first thing that comes to people's mind when they hear "Julia".


娅 and 牙 have different tones! Native Mandarin speakers won't be mistaken


Probably common English placeholder names for Chinese names that are difficult for non-native Chinese speakers to pronounce.

(注:英文中姓名占位符其实就是等于是假名,例如在Jane Doe和John Doe,这实际上是北美地区英文中惯用的匿名称呼,与中文的“张三”、“李四”相同。)


Although a convenient explanation after living in China for six years I've found this to be categorically untrue.


Names are very intimate in mainland Chinese culture and to be on a first name basis with someone you've just met is not comfortable for many Chinese people. In Chinese after pleasantries family names can be asked about and after a knowing someone a while you may learn and use their first name but often even acquaintances may keep using the family name or a nickname that keeps an appropriate sense of distance that reflects the nature of the relationship.


Friendship is quite a sacred concept as well. My theory is that as a culture that stresses the larger social whole (be it family connections so on...) having close individual relationships is neither simple nor taken for granted. Awkwardness around personal names is a reflection of this and often a catchy or meaningless English name is a handy solution to getting around this tricky social morass and thus something that can readily be offered to anyone regardless of relationship.


Unfortunately to many native English speakers having a "fake" name is often associated with fraud conartistry and just deception in general.


Thats sort of what i figured. Just seemed so odd that they all pick similar names. Do you think it would be disrespectful for a westerner to simply ask what their real name is?



I think it would be disrespectful to ask anyone what their name is when you've already asked and they've answered.
They've given you their name.


I think it would be disrespectful if you have no chance of saying it correctly so you just butcher it. If you know a little mandarin you can ask

你贵姓? Or 你的中文名字呢?

If you can pronounce the Chinese name properly...


No not really... Though I don't really get why some people get themselves in knots trying to "respect others culture" or whatever. I think as long as you're well mannered and not over bearing you're good.... Maybe I'm lazy / inconsiderate though


Nah when I moved to the states I ended up picking a western name out of a hat and made it my middle name lol.

当我搬到美国的时候,我根据一顶帽子取了个西方名字,并把它当做我的中间名, L0L


Don't say real name ask what their Chinese name is and it's fine


Because just as I give my Chinese name to people who don't speak any foreign languages as a foreigner it also makes no sense to give your real name to foreigners who will butcher it beyond recognition as a Chinese.

因为就像我把我的中文名说给那些不会说外语(中文)的外国人一样, 将你的真实名字给外国人(指中国人)也毫无意义,因为这些名字会被他们搞的面目全非 。

Giving names is part of the culture in any culture. When the Chinese want to have English names especially those that mean a thing/obxt for them to remember/tell without knowing or being part of the culture that's what happens...


Xuanyuan_SwordUnited States  
Because it's like calling "Muhamed"! in a class full of muslims to a lesser degree.
"Hey Chong! How's that report coming in?"
"I finished it like last month and sent it to you!"
"No I'm not talking to you the other Chong!"

