中国高中生在澳大利亚被攻击 [美国媒体]



A pair of international students were waiting at the Woden bus interchange about 7:30pm on Monday when at least two teenagers approached them.


Friends told the ABC the strangers asked for cigarettes and when the boys declined they were attacked.


One of the boys sustained cuts and bruises to his face.


It is not clear the extent of the other boy's injuries.


Several members of Canberra's Chinese student community said it was one of a series of recent incidents of harassment in Canberra's south.


Multiple students who spoke on condition of anonymity said Chinese students were being intimidated.


"They are afraid to go outside after dark" one student said.


They said in one incident students were chased and forced to hide in a Chinese restaurant while teenagers waited outside.


In another incident friends said a student who was also chased ended up bruising her knees after falling.


ACT Minister for Education Yvette Berry said she believed it was an isolated incident.

首领地(Australian Capital Territory=ACT)教育部长伊薇特·贝里称其相信这只是一个个别事件。


Hundreds of non international students get attacked every year too.
Luckily you're not trying to pass this off as news just a "bad foreigners" confirmation.
Thanks for the photos of light bruising. Harrowing.


This sub is about china and holy shit chinese people.


[–]ferresd 7 
What the fuck is wrong with you


What? We don't even know if this is racially motivated. Shitbags often attack people and it often doesn't make any news.
Anyway feel sorry for the kids but they'll be right as rain. No worse than what happens in Sanlitun.


Oh dazzling you sweet summer child. I'll take that as genuine hypocrisy because it's much more fun that way. Picture this scenario as if it happened in China and the foreigner was a Lao wai. Would you brush off those 'light' bruises so easily? You'd be one of the first to have your panties in a knot.



Only if the police in China did their usual thing - nothing. Because China's public institutions are racist too.
The Australian police have made arrests no?


If foreigners were beaten as badly as that there would be arrests. Light bruising maybe not.


That's just not true. I've personally seen it people bottled. The police literally couldn't be bothered.


Every time


I've heard other stories too. You clearly haven't seen or heard anything.


thanks for your valuable input please send your complaints to ABC Austrlia.



Is the ask for cigarettes thing something homeless do in Australia as a way to lure you into a trap or something? I wasn’t chased but on multiple occasions in Melbourne this happened to me.


As an Aussie I think they just wanted cigarettes. And I seriously doubt you're at much risk of being robbed by homeless people. Obviously if you're isolated or you feel like they want to rob you exercise caution. People (who I think are bogans not homeless) also walk around asking for change. Usually they say it's for a 'bus ticket' lol.


People will probably approach you for cigarettes or loose change often if you look like you're not familiar with Australia. If for whatever reason they think they might have a higher chance of success in targeting you you're going to be approached more often. Appearing confident/assertive can ward them off.


It's to check if you are a weak person so easy to rob.


Possibly not a racist attack just bogans being bogans (that is pronounced with a big "O" in case you were wondering) ... they will pretty much attack anyone perceived as weaker than them... craven little cunts. Not saying we don't have a racism problem in Oz as we very much do just saying if it was an attack motivated by racism they would have most probably announced it as such.



On behalf of the well-behaved Australian majority fuck those guys.
Sadly dickheads like that exist.


Woden bus interchange has always been shitty not a lot of security around aswell.


This is horrible and most likely was driven by a combination of racism and perceiving them as easy targets.
If this story was 'foreign students attacked in Chinese high school' everyone here would be up in arms so I don't see why this is any different


Yeah fuck these guys - racism is a real problem in Australia particularly in relation to people from Asia and the Indian subcontinent.
If you live in Australia you can basically picture the scum that did this in your head; it's an all too common occurrence and won't go away so long as these ethnic groups are seen as easy targets.


this probably has more to do with the act that they didnt get cigarettes than that they are chinese. why r chinese high school students studying in aus tho? i thought the west was so terrible



[–]sygedeUnited States 
Idk I haven't spend a lot of time in China


[–]LinYuHsuanUnited States 
That's how this whole sub is though. They talk so much shit about China yet still go there for some reason.


Why are his swollen eyes blurry?

