为什么中国的未来属于私人资本主义 [美国媒体]


Why the future of China belongs to private capitalism | Johan Björkstén | TEDxÖstersund


Johan is a serial entrepreneur, writer and and presenter on Chinese radio and television with more than 400 shows. He founded China’s first international record company and a PR agency that grew into China’s largest. He is also the founder of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China.


This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx    


Ed An1年前
I don't think private capitalism will prevail in the future of China. I know the state-owned enterprises have lower efficiency than the private ones. But I still think it's necessary to keep these companies state-owned just for two reasons:1. totally privatization of the economy will turn China into oligarchy 2. state-owned companies are driven by the will of the state, not purely by the money, so we can make them do something good for the state.


A Artisan1年前
+Ed An Essential utilities need to be state owned, thats for sure. its a national security risk to have things like power, water, fuel and telecoms in the hands of private interests.


Kurosu Ha1年前
An True, as long as those state-owned companies have to compete in the same market with other companies. I think those state-owned companies will do great jobs in the future as those high-speed railway companies demonstrated.

Charlie Babe1年前(修改过)
you haven't understand the essence of capitalism. State are corrupt and will squnder money and resouces. Give resources to the hand of selfish public and then retract money through redistribution like tax system is the way to go!


Ed An1年前
+Charlie Babe does it work like what you said in America ?

Charlie Babe的工作和你在美国所说的一样吗?

Sokami Mashibe8 个月前
Look up what worker cooperatives are.


Dwight Keller-Williams2 个月前
we pretended to work, and they pretended to pay us.


Ying ~3 天前
China is a clear-cut case of the superiority of state-planned economy over free market capitalism.state-owned companies = secure the interests of the nation 
Read Cuban Revolution. Learn a thing or two from those banana republics or client states such as Philippines, etc. "What The United States Really Wants" /watch?

中国是一个国家计划经济在自由市场资本主义方面优越性的明确例子。 国有企业是国家利益的保障。读古巴革命。从那些香蕉共和国或菲律宾等国中学习一两件事情。

v=F3KeNathl7w -------------------------- tinyurl [[dot]] com/gl93nr8 
"Absolutely DELUSIONAL. "
This is what happen when you do the mumbo jumbo 5X a day to the exclusion of any rational thoughts. China is a socialist country where the State owned the banks, utilities and the large industrial works. No way can you get the CPC to sell their jewel looms to you. You can try and the Western Minions are hard at work trying when they talk about DEREGULATIONS AND PRIVATISATION. However the CPC is not the Bolshevik Party. They are made of better and sterner stuff than Gorby Doll (Mikhail Gorbachev). Repeat. Chinese are not Hottentots. They are better if not on par with the Jews."

“完全就是痴心妄想。这就是当你每天都要做“每日五五”的时候,你就会被排除在任何理性的想法之外。中国是一个社会主义国家,国家拥有银行、公用事业和大型工业工程。你不可能让中国共产党把他们的珠宝卖给你。你可以试着,当他们谈论解除管制和私有化时,西方的小助手们正在努力工作。然而,中国共产党不是布尔什维克党。它们是由比戈比娃娃(米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫)更好、更严厉的东西制成的。重复。中国不是霍屯督人。如果不能和他们相提并论,他们会更好。 -------------------------- 

"The powerful vested private interest groups that control the US and other Western countries, such as the military-security complex, Wall Street, the Israeli Lobby, agribusiness and the extractive industries of energy, timber and mining, have long exercised more control over government than the people. Unlike in China, they are all part of the socialist planned economy. Government decisions are not made by corporations, but vice versa, the government controls the corporations and uses that control to improve the conditions of the nation and its people, not impoverish them. 


So which is more democratic in the true sense of the word? Of course socialism is more democratic since it embodies the will of the people for a better life, more security and greater prosperity. China is not experiencing austerity for its people but the inverse. People are getting wealthier, not poorer. Living standards are rising, not falling. The government, no matter what its faults, is trusted and supported by the people because it delivers on its promises. So while democracy no longer exists in the West, it is alive and well in China."


NAHS Chinese Class11 个月前
he really knows China! very impressed!


Douglas Morato7 个月前
Really good, however I'd just point out one single thing. In China you can't buy land, it all belong to the State, the whole country. The only thing you can buy, is the right to use that land for a limited period of time, and that's why China still is a Communist society. 


Yan Zuhan11 个月前
He is almost a Chinese. Respect.  


z h1年前
only a real china expert can make a talk like this, it's truly insightful!


Fook Seng Loke9 个月前
A breath of fresh air from a Western mind.


Private energy corporations in the USA are only interested in the bottom line, move to foreign countries to avoid paying taxes. They oppose domestic transition to green and renewable energy. Our congress is powerless because they are owned by those companies. America is just an empty slogan.


lichwind2 个月前
For poor remote village hidden in some mountains. In other countries, nobody care, but in China, government cares by using those national enterprises to install electricity, build road and lay wifi for them. It is clear that those companies will never recover their cost for doing so, but can you simply judge this in terms of economic values?


Joe Ching2 个月前
china has and will always be communistic. so stop ur wet dream of changing china from a civilized land to the barbaric, savage western jungle.


nicole grings3 个月前
I'm ashamed to call myself Chinese when listening to Johan. Great talk!


Loudness Junior3 个月前
He's better than those book worms


Eren Bay5 个月前
He is dead on correct, and he really knows.


joEEE TX8 个月前
It's not just you know that. Every chinese can see that in their everyday life. i won't say that there is no contradict between State-owned and private companies in China. There is very few influence in it. Government ownd company always be low efficiency comparing to private company. Government knows that. Government is conducting a reform in our economic system that Industries like national owned bank, big construction company, and other fields are reforming, but that needs time. our economy will just be better. Western media always focus on how our political system sucks and how our development rate slows down. They loses more useful informations. The political system is not so good, and chinese know that too, but it has very few bad influence to the economy. I will not surprised that Chinse economy evolve in silence and surpass US in the future.


yawei Li8 个月前
Pollution and an aging Chinese population


BlessAll2015KC9 个月前
Insightful & informative, concise & interesting lecture!!! Based on his rich practical media & entrepreneurial experiences in China for 20 years, if Johan is still doing well there, I would trust the accuracy of his uation of its system!!

