Why is westernmedia so hostile towards China?
WilliamBellamy, Living in Chinafor years
Answered Jul 25,2016
OriginallyAnswered: Why is Western media demonizing the Chinese and China in variousways?
People buy it.
I’ve mentioned inprevious answers that Western media is a business to make money (WilliamBellamy's answer to Why news articles are not free in the western countries?That is very different from China.). Nobody wants to read about moderatepolitical reforms. They want conflict, they want action and they want to havetheir views reflected on all of that.
It’s true thatthere is bias in official (i.e. government) media as well, but that goeswithout saying. Governments wouldn’t be governing if they didn’t look out fortheir own interests.
We can contrastthis with the Chinese media, which has as its source material basically threesources: CCTV, People’s Daily and Xinhua. All government run anddefinitely not in any way objective. Their function is a publicservice rather than a business.
I thinkdemonising it too strong a word as well. There are no efforts to suggest theChinese are subhuman or unworthy of respect. Generally the Western line goesthat all nations should work towards the open market economy that has servedthe US so well over the last century. Economic and political commentary canbe scathing, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near the level ofdemonisation.
我在之前的答案里说过,西方媒体是一桩赚钱的生意(William Bellamy对“为什么新闻文章在西方国家是不自由的?这和中国差别很大。”的回答),而没有人想读温和的政治改革文章,人们想读的是冲突,想要的是吸引人的情节,而且他们希望自己的观点能在这些文章里得到体现。
Lin Xieyi, Keen Interest in Interactions BetweenCountries And People
Updated Feb 11
I suspect this isthe real reason : Mainland China is doing all the right things and if Chinacontinues the current direction and path, it will soon overtake the West in allareas of human development index.
This isespecially unacceptable to the US-led Anglosphereand all its students and followers. “What? How can God’s Chosen ones lose outto an Agnostic society?” If you having been reading widely, Anglosphere Englishmedia has been demonizing mainland China non-stop since time immemorial from1949 when the communists won the Chinese civil war. There was only a briefrespite between 1975–1988 due to allying with mainland China to confront theformer Soviet Union, and the demonizing continues from 1989 onwards till today.
We do not seeAnglosphere English media demonizing India or any another country that muchbecause those countries will never be able to match or compete with theAnglosphere countries in any way. Only China is on the right track and has thispotential to overtake the Anglosphere and we are beginning to see it happeningin terms of PPP GDP and many areas of technology and science.
Anglospherecountries societies (US,UK,Au,NZ,Can) are build upon the foundations of asingle God aka Christianity, while China’s societies are mainly build uponTaoism(no single god), Buddhism(everyone can achieve enlightenment and become“"godlike” ) and Confusionism(no gods, but a way of life andfilial piety).
From thesedifferences in religion you can see the source of enimityin mainstream Anglosphere English news and articles which constantly expoundthe idea of the “good” Anglosphere fighting against the “evil” Forces.
After WWII, theAnglosphere’s choice of government for China is the KMT led by a Christianleader (yes, Chiang Kai-shek converted to Christianity) despite them onlyrepresentative of the the rich upper echelons of Chinese society And wascorrupted to the core. From this we can deduce that the Anglosphere is notinterested in the truth of the matter, but more interested in people whosebeliefs align to theirs. The CCP’s victory was a spanner in theworks for the Anglosphere and despite lifting more people in historyfrom poverty than anyone else, the CCP and mainland China will continue to beregarded as the evil force because the Christian thinking iseither-my-way-or-no-way and is not as all-encompassing and tolerant as otherreligions such as Buddhism, Taoism or Islam.
In conclusion,this political tradition of China bashing is, of course, reinforced by themainstream Anglo-Saxon media. Anybody who believes that the Anglo-Saxon mediais fair, balanced and objective in its reporting on China should have his headexamined. It is biased against China on many counts.
Lin Xieyi,对国家与人民之间的关系很感兴趣。
AlexLightman, Co-Author,Amazon bestseller "Augmented: Life In The Smart Lane"
Answered Jul 20,2015
OriginallyAnswered: Why does the Western media demonize China?
Over the last 20years, I've read thousands of stories about how great China was for liftingmore people out of poverty than any other country in history, how China wasAmerica's biggest creditor (while that was true), how China was/is the enginefor global growth, how China achieved a peaceful transition in the governanceof China, how China was a spectacularly competent host for the 2008 SummerOlympic Games, how China did a great job with Shanghai World Expo 2010, howChina was growing productivity and had become "the world's workshop",and how China's one child per family policy was a big success and that othernations, including India, should be more like China.
That doesn't seemlike demonization to me.
Keep in mind thatthe US was not only China's ally in World War II, the US was China's savior.Japan had occupied China and was killing and raping its people and stealing itsresources. The US fought Japan and, unlike China's great ally, the USSR, did inEastern Europe, did not try to take advantage of China's war devastation totake over the territories occupied by Japan.
China'sgovernment has repeatedly condemned the US - not only the government, but alsothe American people. If you are Chinese in China, you might say, "Butthat's Communism". Actually, that wouldn't be correct, because FidelCastro, who often criticizes the US government, has told his people not to hateor blame the American people for the actions of the US government.
The reality isthat China's government has done terribly things, including killing tens ofmillions of its own people as part of the Cultural Revolution and otherpolitically-motivated (for power, not national security).
It's lazy tothink that stating a fact is "demonization".
The irony is thatthe US doesn't literally "demonize" China or Chinese, but China doesliterally "demonize" Americans, by calling us "ghosts" or"devils".
Just Google"Chinese word for foreign devil" and before you even get finishedwith typing the word "foreign..." the word "devil" willhelpfully pop up.
Here's a sentencefrom the first link, Gweilo
Gwei (鬼, gui) means "ghost" or"devil", and lo (佬) means a man,regular guy, a chap or a bloke. The term gweilo therefore literally means"ghost man",[4] and is sometimes translated into English as"foreign devil".
If you can find asimilar word in US English that we use to call Chinese "devils" or"demons", please let me know, because I have never heard it and don'tthink it exists.
Language is amirror, and there is demonization between the US and China, but it travelseastward across the Pacific Ocean.
If this seems to partisan,then what do you think the newspapers are saying about China and Chineseintentions in...
Vietnam(incursion by China repelled)
Philippines (veryunhappy about the Great Sand Wall in South China Sea that is much closer totheir lands than anywhere in mainland China)
Taiwan(constantly threatened with invasion)
Republic of Korea(whereChina has made property claims)
Brunei (same asPhilippines)
Indonesia (sameas Philippines)
Or even HongKong.
Do you think thatUS media reports on China are more negative about China than the reports in thesecountries?
China has enjoyeda remarkable rise economically for the last thirty years, but now China'spotential labor pool (18 to 59) has peaked, and is shrinking by 3million people a year.
Emigration fromChina exceeds immigration by 6,500%, and emigration by millionaires fleeingChina vs. immigration by millionaires into China is hundreds if not thousandsto one. Why are so many times more people trying to flee China than rush to it,given that it is supposedly growing faster than any major economy in the world?Is this because of demonization, or because of the reality?
Alex Lightman,亚马逊畅销书《Augmented: Life In The Smart Lane》合着者。
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