伊朗结束了地震救援行动,而幸存者饥寒交迫 [美国媒体]


By Parisa Hafezi
Reuters•November 14, 2017

A man gestures inside a damaged building following an earthquake in Sarpol-e Zahab county in Kermanshah, Iran. REUTERS/Tasnim News Agency

伊朗,Kermanshah,Sarpol-e Zahab,地震过后一个男人在损坏的建筑里打着手势。路透社/Tasnim新闻社(伊朗)
ANKARA (Reuters) - Rescue operations have ended in areas of Iran hit by a powerful weekend earthquake that killed at least 530 people and injured thousands, state television reported on Tuesday, as many survivors, in need of food and water, battled the cold.


Sunday's 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck villages and towns in the mountainous area of Kermanshah province that borders Iraq while many people were at home asleep. At least 14 provinces in Iran were affected.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived in the morning in the earthquake-stricken area in Kermanshah and promised that the government "will use all its power to resolve the problems in the shortest time".
State television said thousands were huddling in makeshift camps while many others spent a second night in the open for fear of more tremors after some 230 aftershocks.

星期天7.3级的地震袭击了Kermanshah省与伊拉克交界的山区的村庄和城镇,当时许多人正在睡眠之中。至少14个伊朗的省受到了影响。伊朗总统Hassan Rouhani在早晨就赶到了Kermanshah省的地震受灾区域,并保证“政府会用尽短的时间内尽一切力量去解决问题”。国家电视台报道说数千人挤在临时搭建的帐篷里,但还是有许多人因为害怕在230次余震后还有更多的余震,在野外度过了第二个夜晚。
A homeless young woman in Sarpol-e Zahab, one of the hardest-hit towns, told state TV that her family was exposed to the night cold because of lack of tents.

Sarpol-e Zahab是受灾最严重的城镇之一,在那一个无家可归的年轻女子告诉电视台她的家人因为缺少帐篷暴露在寒夜里。

"We need help. We need everything. The authorities should speed up their help," she said.

Television showed footage of rescue workers frantically combing through the rubble of dozens of villages immediately after the quake. But Iranian officials said the chances of finding any more survivors were extremely low.


"The rescue operations in Kermanshah province have ended," Pir-Hossein Kolivand, head of Iran's Emergency Medical Services, said on state TV.
Iran's top authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, offered his condolences on Monday and called on government agencies to do all they could to help.

“Kermanshah省的救援行动已经结束,”伊朗急救医疗服务的负责人Pir-Hossein Kolivand在国家电视台里说。

Iranian police, the elite Revolutionary Guards and its affiliated Basij militia forces were dispatched to affected areas on Sunday night.

在星期日晚上伊朗的警察、伊朗革命卫队精锐和其附属的Basij民兵部队被派往受灾地区。(译注:The Basij militia is an Iranian volunteer force of Islamic government loyalists which is often called out onto the streets at times of crisis to dispel dissent.)


Hospitals in nearby provinces took in many of the injured, state television said, airing footage of survivors waiting to be treated. Hundreds of critically injured people were dispatched to hospitals in Tehran.

Iran's Red Crescent said emergency shelter had been provided for thousands of homeless people, but a lack of water and electricity as well as blocked roads in some areas hindered aid supply efforts.


Local authorities said traffic chaos on roads, caused by people from nearby provinces who were rushing to help, further hampered the flow of aid.
"People in some villages are still in dire need of food, water and shelter," governor of Qasr-e Shirin Faramarz Akbari told state television.
More than 30,000 houses in the area were damaged and at least two villages were completely destroyed, Iranian authorities said.

当地政府表示,邻近省的人急于援助导致了交通混乱,进一步妨碍了救援的队伍。“一些村庄里的人依然迫切的需要食物水源和避护所”, Qasr-e Shirin Faramarz Akbari的官员告诉国家电视台。伊朗当局表示该地区超过3万栋房屋受损,至少两个村庄完全被毁。

Houses in Iranian villages are often made of concrete blocks or mudbrick that can crumble and collapse in a strong quake. Some people are angry that among the collapsed buildings were houses that the government has built in recent years under its affordable housing programme.
Photographs posted on Iranian news websites showed rescue workers digging people out of collapsed buildings, cars smashed beneath rubble and rescue dogs trying to find signs of life under the twisted remains of collapsed buildings.


"More people will die because of cold. My family lives in a village near Sarpol-e Zahab. I cannot even go there. I don't know whether they are dead or alive," Rojan Meshkat, 38, in the Kurdish city of Sanandaj told Reuters by telephone.

“更多的人会因为寒冷而死。我们一家住在靠近Sarpol-e Zahab的一个村庄里。我现在都回不去了。我不知道他们是否还活着,”Rojan Meshkat,38岁,他(她)在Sanandaj的Kurdish市,通过电话告诉路透社。

Iran is crisscrossed by major fault lines and has suffered several devastating earthquakes in recent years, including a 6.6 magnitude quake in 2003 that reduced the historic southeastern city of Bam to dust and killed some 31,000 people.

The quake, centred in Penjwin in Iraq's Sulaimaniyah province in the Kurdistan region, killed at least six people in Iraq and injured more than 68. In northern Iraq's Kurdish districts, seven were killed and 325 wounded.

(Writing by Parisa Hafezi in Ankara, additional reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin in London, Editing by Sandra Maler and Nick Macfie)

(Parisa Hafezi撰写于Ankara,Bozorgmehr Sharafedin在伦敦补充报道,Sandra Maler 和 Nick Macfie编辑)
