“China copies India’s innovation.” We know that China has copied, but what is India's innovation?
Ramashish Acharya, Law Student
Answered Jul 14
This is a rather unfair generalisation. Every country innovates and every country copies.
Recently India moved up to rank 60 on Global Innovation Index. According to GII press release, India has shown improvement in most areas, including in infrastructure, business sophistication, knowledge and technology and creative outputs. India’s most improved scores in the 2017 report are in ‘infrastructure’ and ‘creative outputs’. Other criterias taken into account are education expenditure and patent filling. India has shown some strengths in the last few years owing to its large base of science and engineering graduates, presence of global R&D companies, scale of domestic market and so on. India has improved its innovation efficiency, which means it is getting more out of its inputs. But it has some glaring weaknesses too like poor student-teacher ratio, poor business environment, poor environmental performance etc. China ranks among top 25 nations.
But I feel that this index is not the best way to determine innovativeness of any country. I mean, in India, innovativeness is rather a way of life. We call it jugaad.It is one of those areas where India's potential is under-rated. We literally find innovative ways to do everything, right from something as simple as daily chores to something as complex as Mangalyaan. I mean we literally sent a Mars mission at a cost less than what the movie “martian” costed. Jugaad is in our blood and it's a way of life in India.
But that no way mean that China is any less innovative than India. Areas where India is showing potential today, China is literally showing performance. A healthy competition will benefit India. And there are many things we can learn from our neighbor. After all, even that's a kind of jugaad, isn’t it?
VIVEK TAKSH, A proud Indian
Answered Jul 14
1 The number system was invented in India. Aryabhatta invented 0.
2 India established world’s first university in Takshila in 700BC. Nalanda University was established in 4th century BC.
3 Ayurveda, one of the oldest school of medicines was invented in India.
4 Binary number system used in computers and digital devices was invented in India.
5 The value of ‘pi’ was first discovered in India by Budhayana. He also explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem in the 6th century, ages before the European Mathematicians.
6 Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun in the 5th century, many years before the astronomer Smart.
7 USA based IEEE has proved that wireless communication was first invented by an Indian scientist Professor Jagdish Chandra Bose.
3 阿育吠陀是印度最古老的药物之一,它是在印度发明的。
4 “圆周率”的价值首先是由Budhayana在印度发现的。 他还在欧洲数学家之前的6世纪解释了被称为毕达哥拉斯定理的概念。
5 Bhaskaracharya在5世纪计算了地球绕太阳运行的时间,比天文学家早了很多年。
6 美国的IEEE已经证明,无线通信是由印度科学家贾加迪什·钱德拉·玻色教授首先发明的。
8.Sushruta is known as the father of surgery. Over 2,600 years ago, Sushruta along with his team conducted complicated surgeries like cataract, artificial limbs, cesareans, fractures, urinary stones. He even conducted brain surgeries and plastic surgery. He and his team conducted more than 3,000 surgeries with help of more than 120 surgical tools.
9.Chess also known as Chaturanga was invented in India during Gupta empire in the 6th century
8 苏胥如塔被称为外科之父。在2600多年前,苏胥如塔和他的团队进行了复杂的手术,如白内障、人工肢体、切萨雷、骨折、尿石。他甚至进行了脑部手术和整形手术。他和他的团队在超过120个手术工具的帮助下进行了超过3000次手术。
9 国际象棋也被称为“恰图兰卡”,是公元6世纪在在印度的古普塔帝国中发明的。
10 The game of snake and ladders was invented in India in the 13th century by saint Gyandev. The game was originally called ‘Mokshapat,’ and gone through several modifications since its invention.
11 Buddhism and Jainism originated in India.
12 Buttons were discovered in the Indus Valley Civilization almost 5000 years ago.
13 Crescograph, a device to measure growth in plants, was invented by Professor Jagdish Chandra Bose in the 20th century.
14 Ruler was invented during the reigns of Indus Valley Civilizations. Rulers were made of ivory those days.
10 蛇形棋的游戏是在13世纪由圣Gyandev发明的。这个游戏最初叫做“Mokshapat”,在它发明之后进行了几次修改。
11 佛教和耆那教(印度非婆罗门教的一派)起源于印度,
12 大约5000年前,在印度河流域文明中发现了纽扣。
13 Jagdish Chandra Bose是一种衡量植物生长的装置,是20世纪Crescograph教授发明的。14尺子是在印度河流域文明的统治时期发明的。那个时候,尺子是用象牙做的。
15 Shampoo was invented in India during British Raj. Those days, hair dressers use to boil soap and others herbs to give shine and fragnance to hair. The word Shampoo has derived from a Hindi word ‘Champo,’ which means to press or soothe.
16 Flush Toilets were first used in the Indus Valley Civilization. The townships of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro had flush toilet systems in all the houses connected to sewage system24.
15 洗发水是在英国统治时期的印度发明的。那些天,理发师通过煮肥皂和其他草药给头发增添香气和光泽。“香波”这个词来源于印地语的“Champo”,意思是按压或抚慰。
16 抽水马桶最早是在印度河流域文明中使用的。哈拉帕和莫亨佐-达罗的城镇在所有与污水系统相连的房屋里都有冲水马桶系统。
18. Cataract surgery was first found in ancient India.
19.Indians discovered the cashmere wool.
20.India taught the world to cultivate Jute.
21.The Pentium Chip was invented by an Indian.
22.Iron pillar of Delhi:The world's first iron pillar was the Iron pillar of Delhi—erected at the times of Chandragupta II Vikramaditya.The pillar has attracted the attention of archaeologists and materials scientists and has been called "a testament to the skill of ancient Indian blacksmiths" because of its high resistance to corrosion.
17 斐波那契数字首先由Virahanka,Gopala和Hemachandra描述,是平阿拉早期作品的产物。
18 白内障手术最早是在古印度发现的。
19 印度人发现了羊绒羊毛。
20 印度教全世界种植黄麻。
21 奔腾电脑芯片是由一个印度人发明的。
22 德里的铁柱:世界上第一个铁柱是德里的铁柱,在 旃陀罗笈多二世维克拉姆帝亚时代竖立起来。柱子吸引了考古学家和材料科学家的注意,被称为“古代印度铁匠技术的证明” ,因为它具有很高的抗腐蚀性。
23 Plastic surgery: Treatments for the plastic repair of a broken nose are first mentioned in the Edwin Smith Papyrus,a transcription of an Ancient Egyptian medical text, some of the oldest known surgical treatise, dated to the Old Kingdom from 3000 to 2500 BC.Plastic surgery was being carried out in India by 2000 BCE.The system of punishment by deforming a miscreant's body may have led to an increase in demand for this practice.The surgeon Sushruta contributed mainly to the field of plastic and cataract surgery. The medical works of both Sushruta and Charak were translated into Arabic language during the Abbasid Caliphate (750 CE). These translated Arabic works made their way into Europe.
In Italy the Branca family of Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi of Bologna became familiar with the techniques of Sushruta.
So many Reasons to be proud!!!23。
23 外科 整形:在埃德温·史密斯的纸莎草纸(Edwin Smith Papyrus)中首次提到用于修复鼻梁破损的治疗方法,这是古埃及医学文献的一种抄写,时间可以追溯到公元前3000年至2500年的古代王国。手术是在公元前2000年的印度进行的。对歹徒身体进行的变相处罚制度可能导致对这种做法的需求增加。外科医生苏胥如塔主要为塑料和白内障手术领域做出贡献。 在阿拔斯王朝(公元750年)期间,苏楚鲁塔和查拉克的医学着作都翻译成了阿拉伯语。 这些翻译的阿拉伯文作品又在随后进入了欧洲。
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