President Donald Trump has pledged to create new, good-paying jobs for millionsof American blue-collar workers, principally through a still largely undefinedplan to inject $1 trillion in both public and private funding into America’sinfrastructure. He has promised a program of “national rebuilding” to becarried out “with American hands and American labor.”
It’s a great idea, but there’s a major problem. There is not enough readyAmerican capital to hire all the American hands and American labor that wouldbe required to realize this vision. That capital may have to come fromsomewhere unexpected: the Chinese private sector.
Even with a major infusion of capital from the U.S. private sector—and evenassuming our dysfunctional permitting system is greatly streamlined—Americawill not be able to marshal sufficient resources over the next several years toput a perceptible dent in the estimated $4.5 trillion in needed investment forour infrastructure.
That’s where China comes in.
Some may justifiably wonder whether Chineseinvestment is feasible on security, economic, and political grounds.
The security bar is easily cleared. TheCommittee on Foreign Investment in the United States, the principal governmentinteragency body charged with vetting foreign investments into the U.S.,governs only those investments in which the foreign investor seeks an ownershipstake (and, specifically, a majority ownership stake) of the entity inquestion. Structuring private Chinese investment in U.S. infrastructure asloans nullifies this set of concerns.
But is there is a business case for Chinese private investors to finance ourinfrastructure projects? Yes. While it is true that infrastructure projectstend to generate returns in the low single digits, there are reasons that suchprojects and returns are attractive to potential Chinese investors. Theinfrastructure market offers both diversification and stability relative to theexisting portfolios of these potential investors. Moreover, Chinese investorsview this kind of investment as having a double bottom line: It can help createa more politically sustainable economic partnership between China and the U.S.,and it can transform China from being perceived in the U.S. as a job killer toa job creator.
In terms of the politics, the obvious criticism of this type of initiativewould be that it would sell out America to China. The only problem with thatcriticism is that under the vision laid out here, nothing is being sold.Rather, Chinese private loans, along with other financing, would put Americanhands and American labor back to work rebuilding our roads, railways, andports. Political leaders—at all levels and on both sides of the partisanaisle—would come away from this type of arrangement winners.
Texas provides arguably the most obvious and urgent opportunity for mutuallybeneficial U.S.-China infrastructure investment collaboration. The devastationthat Hurricane Harvey brought to Houston and surrounding communities wasstaggering and could take decades to recover from fully. Bringing Chineseprivate capital to bear on this economically vital region’s recovery wouldgenerate several positive consequences.
First, it would help the people of the affected region more expeditiously getback on their feet economically and otherwise. This matters to China in a verydirect way because Texas is one of the largest state traders with China, andHouston is the state’s (and the Gulf Coast’s) largest port. Second, it wouldput the greater Houston area even more squarely on the map of potential Chineseinvestors and Chinese leadership, potentially generating additional businessdeals that could generate significant employment for Texans across the region.And third, such an overture could help move U.S.-China relations in a directionthat is beneficial for both countries.
Welcoming major Chinese investment in U.S. infrastructure would go a long waytoward advancing a top presidential policy priority. It could put millions ofAmerican blue-collar workers back to work in solid jobs and deepen and stabilizeU.S.-China relations in ways that are consistent with our law and policy. Thejobs need to be American; the capital that creates them does not.
David J. Firestein is the founding executive director of the China PublicPolicy Center in the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas atAustin.
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