最具亚洲特色的事情是什么? [美国媒体]


What is the most Asian thing ever?


Alex C. Lee, Full-time Dark ArtsPractitioner

Updated Mon

Homework is the top priority

A while ago, an Asian kid was trapped in anelevator for five hours. Instead of freaking out and screaming for help, hestarted doing his homework in the elevator while waiting for the help to come.By the time the firefighters came and got this kid out, he had already finishedhis homework.[1]

I was harrassed by a random stranger as Iwas on my way home. He touched me by the cheek for a while before letting mego. Instead of getting offended and freaking out, I was angry with him becausehe kept me five minutes, which means five minutes less for homework.




No dating at school

Before college, we were frequently told byour teachers and parents that it was too early to date.

Weird thing is, as soon as we graduate,parents start to get angry that we are still single.

That said, school banning relationships isnot the real reason why I'm still a virgin until my early 20s. The real reason isstill being unattractive.

Extremely ugly school uniforms

In middle school and high school, we areforced to wear uniforms all the time.

Males and females wear the same uniform.Generally, the uniform looks like this:

I'm not a nerd at all, but this baggyuniform, plus the glasses, make everyone look extremely nerdy.

Oh, did I mention almost everyone wearsglasses in high schools? Because they spend too much time doing homework!










“The Kid Next Door”

Me: Grandma I got 90% on this test.

Grandma: Look at the kid next door! She got100%!

Me: Grandma I got into the XX MiddleSchool!

Grandma: Look at the kid next door! She gotinto a much better one!

“The kid next door” was my childhood nightmare.

Asian families like to compare their kidswith other families’ kids. Usually, they compare their kids' weaknesses withother kids’ strengths, and then come back to reproach their own kids for beingbadly performed at school.








Spanking and beating

Asian families believe beating is the bestway to educate their kids. As a result, most of my classmates in elementaryschool had been beaten at least once by their family.

Once, the girl sitting beside me got 82 outof 100 in a math test. She spent the entire noon shivering with fear, and latershe left a suicide note, saying she didn't dare going back home as she wouldcertainly get spanked fiercely. (She didn't kill herself in the end, though.)

Unlike most other adults, I could neverforgive my family for all the spanking and beating I had endured. I hated mypants being pulled down and butt getting hit again and again.

Making fun of kids saying whatever theywant to their loved ones

Random relative 1: “Hey, which one do youlove more, your dad or your mom?”

Random relative 2: “Hey, what if one day yourgrandparents threw you onto the streets?”

Random relative 3: “Hey, who do you thinkloves you more, your grandma or your granddad?”

Seriously, how the fuck can I answer allthose questions?

Father: “Why are you so fucking short? Whydo your friends even speak to you? You're the shortest in your class!”

Grandma: “You’re a shame to your school!They must have been blind when they admitted you!”












Long school hours and endless exams

My high school starts at 7:30am and ends at9:00pm.

We have several hours of homework to doeach night we are back home.

We have big exams every month.

Students are ranked according to theirtotal scores got from the exam. The ranking was published on the school bulletin.Everyone would know who was the bottom one and who was the top one.

I've been both the top one and bottom onebefore.

My life is complete.


[1] Student Gets Trapped in an Elevator For5 Hours - Does the Most Asian Thing Ever

47.1k Views · 3,552 Upvotes







Ananya Nivsarkar

Nov 24 · 148 upvotes

You just explained the situation of Indiatoo! Though only a slight difference is that we have different uniforms, andsome Indian parents don’t want their children to date even after high school!The rest is more or less same in India. So I can say that, I feel you!


Max Chen, knows Mandarin Chinese

Answered Tue

The way Asians take compliments is reallyunique.

Scenario 1:

Person 1: Hey, you’re pretty smart!

Person 2: You think so? Thanks!

(Asian) Scenario 2:

Person 1: Hey, you’re pretty smart!

Asian: No I’m not! Stop it! You’re muchsmarter than me!

This isn’t always the case, but I see it alot. This also applies to parents talking about their children:

Scenario 1:

Parent 1: Your daughter is doing so well inschool!

Parent 2: Aw, thanks! She works hard athome by herself.












(Asian) Scenario 2:

Parent 1: Your child is doing so well inschool!

Asian Parent: Are you kidding me? No! Lookat your child! She/he is so smart and hard-working!

Parents from other countries or those whohaven’t experienced this encounter before typically look baffled and awkwardlylaugh it off.

But I was just complimenting your child!

Well too bad. We Asians can’t take yourcompliments.

Sometimes it sucks. When I hear my parentstalk about how “bad” I’m doing in school, I get annoyed.

But when I hear other parents talking aboutme in a good way:

I only hope they actually mean it.

I can’t find the original source of theimage, but it can be found on [Image - 656835] | Team Fortress 2

9.4k Views · 825 Upvotes









Esther Ng, studied at National Universityof Singapore

Answered Nov 25

The most Asian thing ever is this:

An empty plate.

From a young age this is drilled into yourhead. It’s not just about finishing your food, it’s making sure you eat EVERYSINGLE GRAIN OF RICE, EVERY BIT OF FOOD on your plate. So this below, thoughquite acceptable in most cultures, is a big no no for most Asians.

You better come as close to licking theplate as possible (but don’t lick it ’cause that’s rude too).

The funniest thing for me was how literallyevery parent would scare their kids into obeying by telling them that theirfuture spouse would be ugly/have pockmarks if they didn’t clear their plates.How it is known to every single Asian parent, I have no idea.

Even now, when we learn about portioncontrol and not eating once you feel full, it is still instinctive for a lot ofus to continue finishing whatever’s on our plate. And when you are a guest,they just keep piling up more and more food on your plate. I guess we know whyI’m gaining weight nowadays — metabolism is not offsetting the huge intake nowthat I’m older *sighs*. At least my husband won’t be ugly right?

4k Views · 307 Upvotes







Allen Lobo, Corporate finance exec,formerly a physician and scientist

Answered Tue

This answer is bound to raise the hacklesof many Asians around here but my answer to this question at this point in timewould have to be


Too many citizens of the Asian nations withsome of the largest populations of any on the planet - China, India, Pakistanand Japan - are thin skinned beyond the people of any other continent. Thesefour nations cumulatively comprise almost 50

I read The Economist regularly and the twonations that have a veritable army of uber-defensive supporters are China andIndia. They cannot tolerate one word of criticism in an article and willimmediately accuse that British journal of being ignorant, imperialist and whatnot.

While at university, I had Chinesecolleagues, Ph.D students in physics no less, who would vehemently argue thatall the Western accounts of the Tiananmen Square massacre were a hoax at bestor worse still, that the students simply had it coming.





In India, it is a criminal offense to notstand during the national anthem. It gets played before every movie in thecinema halls and you’ll get sanctioned if you didn't stand up during that time.

The Pakistanis continue to think that theywere exploited by America in the Cold War while the fact is that the firstmujahedeen cell was established by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto long before the invasionof Afghanistan by the Soviets. I've met more than a couple of Pakistanis herein the West who insist that their nation is a victim, while Pakistan (theirArmy and ISI intelligence service specifically) has been sponsoring terroristsagainst India since god knows when. Some of the world's most wanted terroristswalk around freely in their cities and even appear on national TV. Pakistan isthe biggest state sponsor of terrorism globally, by far. Yet to hear many ofits citizens talk, you'd come away thinking that their poor nation has beenswindled by America.



But the ones who really take the cake arethe Japanese. While at business school, a German friend of mine was absolutelyappalled by how one of our Japanese colleagues was shunned by his countrymenfor criticizing the atrocities committed by Imperial Japan in the Second WorldWar. The contrast could not be more stark between how the Germans have owned upto their sins of the Second World War while the Japanese continue to teachtheir kids in school even today that they weren't all that guilty (a short BBCarticle here below from a few years ago, is one of many examples summarizingthat).

What Japanese history lessons leave out

Now the citizens of each of these nationsmay be critical of their countries when talking with each other, but boy dothey get mad at the slightest sign of criticism by anyone else.

South Americans are critical of theirnations.

Africans are.

Europeans and even Americans will take it.

But as far as being touchy about any signof criticism, nobody comes close to the Asians.

Let the brickbats and stones at my answercommence now.

2.1k Views · 99 Upvotes







Cece Eason, Freshie girl

Answered Mon


And this

And this

And finally, this

Yes. That.


Now you guys are all probably like what theheck Cece, you’re African American and Trinidadian (Indo).

Yes guys you are completely correct!

However, this rice isn’t mine. It’s my(step) dad’s. Who also isn’t Asian (mixed white and black).

When my dad was younger he and his siblingswere put into a group home. While in the system he had only one foster mom— anold North Indian woman. He spent years living with her, and in that time ricewas in almost every since meal he ate. Always.

Now over 15 years later rice is still veryimportant to my dad, even if we don’t eat it as often as he did when he wasyounger.

Everytime we go grocery shopping we alwaysbuy another pack of rice to go in pantry even though we always have cabinetsfull.


Just look at it

When hurricane Irma came the first thing mydad did was buy rice.

This ~Google Search ~ is the most Asianthing ever.

7.2k Views · 464 Upvotes











Kim Ryokshin, studied at Fine Arts OfStupidity

Answered Sun

I actually can’t believe no one answeredthis.

I will rice up and answer this questionthen…

Every single day there is a sack of rice inthe corner without fail.

It’s magic.

Every Asian family will have a sack of ricein the corner.

If you don’t.

You aren’t Asian full stop.

9k Views · 1,448 Upvotes





