土耳其在叙利亚边境击落俄罗斯战机 [美国媒体]


Turkey shoots down Russian war plane on Syria border


Ankara (AFP) - NATO member Turkey onTuesday shot down a Russian fighter jet on the Syrian border, threatening amajor spike in tensions between two key protagonists in the four-year Syriacivil war.


The Turkish presidency said in a statementthat the plane was a Russian Su-24 fighter jet, while Turkish media said onepilot had been captured by rebel forces in Syria.


Moscow confirmed that one of its planes had been shot down, but said thepilots' fate remained unclear.


AR- 1 hour ago
Hers the good news, if the Russiansretaliate against the worthless Turks, NATO will have to defend them as statedin Article 5. Oh joy.


PappyStu 1 hour ago
Two Turk F16s shot down the Russian SukhoiSu-24, both sides arguing who's airspace the Su-24 was in. Apparently the crewbailed out, but the manure's bound to hit the fan in Syrian Airspace...


ps 57minutes ago
So, it looks like Turkey (and NATO) is notonly providing financial, military and other materials to ISIS, al-Qaeda,Al-Nusra and other terrorist groups in the region, they are now providing airsupport. 
Along with the thousands of tanks and military vehicles "donated" tothe Islamist in the region by the US and Iraq, they have a modern air-force aswell, equipped with US made smart bombs and guided munitions. Just what therest of the world needed ... more arming of RADICAL TERRORISTS!!!!!


Quenel 53minutes ago
Turkeywill pay a heavy price for this! Turkey is the worst country in theWorld.


eve 1hour ago
There are a host of other nations enduringPutin's violations of air space with multiple provocations. They must be amusedat this stage of the game. Putin was warned by Turkey several times about this. Hebet wrong on the Turks.


Pan_Euro_ Victory 24 minutes ago
Sounds like these mud people are supportingISIS. The Russians would make quick work of Turkeyif they wanted to.


TuAFFalcon 2 hours ago
That's right invade our airspace and getrekt.
No one comes into our airspace except for our allies when we invite them.


sait 21minutes ago
Do you really believe that Putin is after ISIS? then why he is shooting the people who are actuallyfighting against ISIS?


Crystals009 44 minutes ago
Even if the Americans shot it down they wouldblame it on turkey. Dirty politics
This "war" is going to spill out of control. 
Simpletons guide:
No illegal invasion of Iraq,no I.S
No I.S and the good folk would have still been walking the streets of Paris, the Russianairliner would not have been blown up.
I can carry on till the cows come home. 
Bush and Blair! 
You both are the evils of this century, your actions have left us all lesssafer. 
These 2 dogs need to be charged with crimes against humanity.


Kevin 32minutes ago
The whole world knows that the US and NATOcreated and are supporting terrorism.First they created Al qaida in the form ofMujaheddin.Then they created ISIL in murdering Saddham Hussein and Qaddafi.Thesick man of NATO,Turkey has become too big for his boots.Now NATO has createdanother terror outfit in Syria going by the definition of moderaterebels.Hasn't NATO realized yet that the Arab terrorists are returning thefavor by killing innocent civilians in Europe.Apart from the US and a few NATOcountry politicians,the whole world is behind Russia.


Oleg 23minutes ago
Well, that’s not a reason for all-out war,but … Every Turkish plane crossing a Syrian border even by a hair must be shotdown. Every Turkish plane violating Greece air space must be shot down.Syrian Kurds and Kurdish party in the Turkey must have full support intheir fair battle against ISIS and Turkish radical Islamist. All ISIS and otherterrorist, moderate and even super moderate, have to be exterminated. Most ofthem came from Turkey’sterritory, so all effort must be put in to shot that border.


Commenter 58 minutes ago
I hope Russia declares war - strait away


Commenter 1 hour ago
Run for your life Turks!!!
U poked they eyes of Bear and prepare to face the music!!!!!
