致在机舱里坐在我儿子前面的人的一封信 [美国媒体]

又及:对那位同样坐在我儿子前排的女士,我很感谢你不像我上述的那个男人那样。 你的善良和仁慈是一阵清新的气息。我的儿子踢了你的座位很多次,但你始终微笑着。 当你第一次站起来的时候,我很担心我会再一次被鄙视。(我以为你会讽刺)他有双杂耍人员般爱乱动的脚、胆大包天的个性和穿透力十足的吵闹声。当你表示想看一下他“可爱的小脸”时,我真的喜出望外你会如此形容他。你小心翼翼地(同他玩耍)搔他的脚底使他咯咯作笑。




I apologize for my son kicking your seat. Traveling can be stressful and I know that it's annoying. But with all due respect would you please sit back down and mind your own business? What gave you the right to discipline my 3-year-old son? I am his mother and I'm pretty sure that's my job.


The first mistake you made was calling him "sweetheart." I get that he has long hair but he's not a girl. The second mistake you made was bringing too much attention to the situation. You have poked the bear and he now thinks it's funny to kick your seat. The third mistake you made was pissing ME off by addressing him and not me — your only hope. Instead of holding his feet for two hours in an attempt to quell the kicking (like I did on the past 32 flights of his life) I will do nothing. I will order a Bloody Mary and relax.


It's been a long holiday weekend. Over Thanksgiving washing the dishes after dinner was my only time to relax. How was your Thanksgiving holiday? Did you even do any dishes? My holiday was spent tending to my child's needs (and tantrums). I don't know your story or your past but let me assume for a second that in your younger years you flew with a toddler. Can you try to remember how difficult that was?



I've spent the past four hours lugging around his 34-pound body and a seven-pound car seat. Not only do I have his stroller to keep up with but I also have his backpack his snacks his pillow my computer my purse his iPad and our boarding passes. I've had to visit the disgusting airport restroom 10 times to ensure he doesn't wet himself on the plane. I encountered dirty looks and stares while pleading with him to stop screaming "Jingle Bells" at the top of his lungs. My only chance to get him to eat something nutritious today was to bribe him with ice cream.


After boarding the plane with my son who by the way was enjoying a $7 ice cream from the fancy airport shop after the vending machine ate three of my dollars I hoped and prayed for a tiny break. I even thought that break might come in the form of the person sitting in front of him showing me some compassion in my vulnerable stressful situation. Instead of that break however I got YOU: rude unsympathetic curmudgeon.


When you first stood up I was caught off guard. I even took away his iPad in an attempt to discipline him. But after I had a second to think I was pissed at you and myself. Instead of punishing him I should have defended him. Had you and your older son not conveniently been bumped up to first class I would have. I just want to say thank you for adding stress to my already nerve-racking day.


A Protective and Tired Mother



PS — And to the woman who was also sitting in the row in front of my son thank you for not being like the man above. Your kindness and humanity were a breath of fresh air. My son had kicked your seat multiple times and yet you smiled. I was worried when you first stood up that once again I would be scorned. He has acrobatic feet a larger-than-life personality and an ear-piercing roar. I was pleasantly surprised when you wanted to see his "adorable face" as you so pleasantly put it. The way you delicately tickled his feet made him giggle.

又及:对那位同样坐在我儿子前排的女士,我很感谢你不像我上述的那个男人那样。 你的善良和仁慈是一阵清新的气息。我的儿子踢了你的座位很多次,但你始终微笑着。 当你第一次站起来的时候,我很担心我会再一次被鄙视。(我以为你会讽刺)他有双杂耍人员般爱乱动的脚、胆大包天的个性和穿透力十足的吵闹声。当你表示想看一下他“可爱的小脸”时,我真的喜出望外你会如此形容他。你小心翼翼地(同他玩耍)搔他的脚底使他咯咯作笑。

I want you to know that you are my hero. Not only did you take a mountain of stress off my shoulders but you also renewed my faith in people. Going forward in life I will think of you often and remember how you treated my son. I'll remember that for every crotchety intolerant person who rolls their eyes there are also people like you. From the bottom of my heart thank you.



Mathlete4 hours ago
Maybe the other passenger felt compelled to discipline your son because you weren't doing your job as a parent.


Anonymous4 hours ago
Whatever lady control your damn kid.


GLENDA M.4 hours ago
Lady if you don't want anyone saying anything to your son take a greyhound bus and see how far you and your son will get. You should control your son I think it is really sad that you watching your son doing this and you didn't say anything and you think it was wrong for this person say something. And people want to know why some people get put off the plane.


Dan4 hours ago
This parent is completely clueless. Discipline your kid when needed. If you don't do it don't complain when someone else does.


LAE4 hours ago
She actually sounds like a lousy mother. What right does he have to discipline your child? Every right since you are not doing it. Grow up and start being a parent.



Kent4 hours ago
I've raised three kids he wouldn't have need to stop the seat kicking. Learn to raise your kids you sanctimonious dipshit.


No4 hours ago
Your kid kicking the back of his seat gave him the right to discipline your kid.


sagemoon4 hours ago
Your kid is a brat and you are clueless lady.


Michael4 hours ago
If you have been on 32 flights with your kid and he STILL doesn't know how to behave then sorry - it's either your fault or he's got a separate issue. As someone else said here - DRIVE and let him kick the back of your seat all that he wants.


BURR S4 hours ago


satflyer4 hours ago
Adults can get cranky too. Curb your kid sweetheart.



dewd4 hours ago
Discipline works. Try it


BAM4 hours ago
How come 40 years ago when people flew & a child was restless or cried the parents took care of the situation & didn't see a need to make an excuse for why their child was crying.


Tifosi4 hours ago
The uneducated tramp should control her kid or leave it at home

Rich4 hours ago
The guy in the seat is the victim. You as a failed parent are the problem. If you can't control your kid don't bring it out in public.

Caper4 hours ago
Another entitled "mommy-bear" which seems to be a term to excuse horrible behavior. Stop your child from kicking the back of someone's seat....it's your job.



MichaelPrav 4 hours ago
It sounds like the kid is a brat who travels WAY too much for a 3 year old. I guess the apple didn't fall too far from that tree.


Howe Hat Trick 3 hours ago
Because we lived overseas my son has taken close to 60 flights (1 a month) and he is only 5. Flight attendants comment repeatedly about how well behaved he is. He started flying as an infant is comfortable on a plane and knows what is his space and what isn't. Has nothing to do with travelling too much just poor parenting.


Ed S 4 hours ago
As I read the first paragraph or two of this piece I thought it was satire. Then I realized this deranged woman was serious. She is a prime example of why some people should forfeit the right to have children. This poor child will be miserable his entire life because of the ridiculous attitudes of its mother.


Meagan 4 hours ago
I'm sorry but in what portion of your tantrum were you acting like the parent? People wouldn't feel the need to discipline your kid if they saw you actually making an effort. just saying

