与发生在巴格达、贝鲁特和西奈半岛的暴行类似,上周五,发生在巴黎的大屠杀,清楚的表明现在 ISIS已经采取了基地组织的策略,通过制造骇人听闻的针对平民的恐怖袭击。袭击者,36小时内,在三个大陆上,杀害了数百名各类信仰的平民。
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The Paris massacre proves one thing: America’s imperial arrogance can only make things worse
Last Friday’s massacre in Paris, which followed hard on the heels of similar outrages in Baghdad, Beirut and over the Sinai, is an unmistakable sign that ISIS has now embraced the Al-Qaeda tactic of spectacular mass-casualty acts of terror. The movement’s acolytes have, in just 36 hours, murdered hundreds of people of all faiths and creeds on three continents.
与发生在巴格达、贝鲁特和西奈半岛的暴行类似,上周五,发生在巴黎的大屠杀,清楚的表明现在 ISIS已经采取了基地组织的策略,通过制造骇人听闻的针对平民的恐怖袭击。袭击者,36小时内,在三个大陆上,杀害了数百名各类信仰的平民
john113 3 hours ago
Americas foreign policy has been a disaster since the end of WWII. Our occupation of every country we enter shouts expansionism. America has been at war 95% of it's existence.
Korea, South America, Vietnam all destabilized by America and now the Middle East.
War profiteering is the only answer to this endless war scenario pushed by government controlled media.
America has not practiced human rights since Carter left office but where money is concerned our war mongers will not give up until we are totally defeated.
Just ask France about taking in illegal immigrants the corporate media keeps calling refugees.
It's a shame France didn't do like Britain and Poland and refuse to continue with an open border policy but they did try to support what they thought was right.
al loomis 6 hours ago
western policy is dysfunctional from the point of view of the ordinary westerner, but the o. w. does not determine policy. politicians do, and their well-being is the driving factor.
the western elite sets policy, and seeks benefits to themselves. this is true of every society. a very eastern japan went to war against america so that japanese militarists and munitions makers could profit, and the powerless people paid the bill.
without democracy, humanity will continue to serve the wishes of the few rich and powerful, at the cost to the great majority. since those wishes are always for more wealth, more power, the result will be more war.
freeboot 8 hours ago
Excellent article.Terrorism is a war of the mind and emotions and the reactions to fear. The War on Terror has benefitted the politicians that exploit the fear of their constituents and the defense contractors that profit from sales. The radical extremists grow their ranks, while the citizens in the west watch their governments rack up debt, send more troops and pass more intrusive, liberty violating legislation. The innocent will again be the victims. Like the author says, it will take a massive cultural change and a lot of logic and honest intellectual reasoning before it gets any better.'
Baldie McEagle 8 hours ago
"Anyone who seeks safety in Paris or New York, Beirut or Baghdad, ought to be asking why it is that after more than a decade of “war on terror,” in which hundreds of thousands have been killed, millions displaced and trillions squandered, the enemy still seems to have the momentum."
The answer is that all they need to get the momentum is to recruit and train a couple dozen men to slip over the border with guns. This takes some time---many months, certainly---but as long as they can find those two dozen angry men it will happen.
junglerolf 9 hours ago
our guilt is so deep, the only way to peace is to admit & change it, as peace will never happen lest we rid our underlying racism.
imperialist racism indeed, just watch Irish independent Political analyst Gearoid O Colmain (who works in Paris) in his 9min interview on RT https://www.facebook.com/rolfneu/posts/10153377830074412?pnref=story
帝国主义的种族主义,来看一下在巴黎工作的爱尔兰独立政治分析家Gearoid O Colmain的九分钟采访视频
MVH1 9 hours ago
This idiot article may finally make me unsubscribe to Salon. Where do you get these idiots?
Baldie McEagle 8 hours ago
What kind of idiot are you that you never heard of Rula Jebreal? Do you own a TV?
楼上你是多傻才从没有听说过Rula Jebreal?你有电视吗?
(Rula Jebreal,露拉·耶布瑞尔,写过自传《米拉尔miral》,巴勒斯坦人,信仰伊斯兰教,msnbc评论员)
john113 3 hours ago
@Baldie McEagle @MVH1 Go squat with Bibi you won't be missed.
@Baldie McEagle @MVH1圆润地离开,没有人会在乎你们的
Odin's legacy 1 hour ago
@MVH1 Why don't you enlighten us on where it falls short?
@MVH1 为什么你不告诉我们这篇文章哪里不好
HoustonLady 9 hours ago
Amazing how people who are not in authority to change anything can come up with articles such as this. Give us solutions!!!
john113 3 hours ago
@HoustonLady Maybe solutions should come from the politicians we pay to make them for a change.
@HoustonLady 也许我们应该从我们花钱请的那些政治家那得到改变的解决方案。
Odin's legacy 1 hour ago
@HoustonLady Solutions usually come from understanding the problems. This article contributes to that. Or, if you disagree, kindly tell us why, with details and support material please.
@HoustonLady 解决方案一般源自充分的理解问题,这篇文章对此是有帮助的。如果你不同意,友善地告诉我们为什么,请附带上细节及支持你观点的材料。
shawnpheneghan 10 hours ago
We've been dropping bombs (or supporting those countries that have dropped the bombs) on the middle east for half a century. When we weren't dropping bombs we have been instigating coups or supporting monarchies that oppress their own people.
Those that live in the middle east get upset and attack back with bombs of their own making. Usually the only difference is the delivery system: Airplane vs. Dupe.
Every once in a while they can make a big hit and and we get upset. Our response - drop more bombs. These reactions (they fight back and we drop more bombs) seem to make perfect sense.
The only question I have is "Why are we surprised?"
amphibious 11 hours ago
I am not sure what kind of response are you asking for. It appears you want 'the west' to impose some sanctions or something on egypt for being a dictatorship, are you from egypt ? From what has happened in iraq and libya , i think most people here will not be talking of deposing any dictators for some time to come. As for a pan arab union, i thought that had been attempted in the sixties and failed, anyways that is for the arabs to choose no one can make them pick one dream over another. You seem too close to the responsibility to protect kind of arguments for my liking, i would prefer we pull out completely and whatever support we do give is in the form of humanitarian aid .
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