‘I waswalking on blood’: The incredible work by doctors to help Paris victims
PARIS — On the Friday of the Paristerrorist attacks, Yonathan Freund was taking a 10-minute coffee break in hisoffice above the emergency room when a call came in.
Freundpicked up the phone.
Thehospital had been contacted by SAMU, the Frenchemergency medical services, a nurse told him. Mass shootings hadoccurred at several sites across the city, and things didn’t look good: As manyas 200 people had been hurt, many of them gravely. How many patients couldFreund, an attending physician in the emergency room of Pitié-Salpêtrière, amajor Parisian teaching hospital, accommodate?
Freundblew the caller off.
“Okay,Okay,” he remembered saying, a little impatiently. “Thank you very much, butI’ve got work to do. Goodbye.”
As Freundsuspected, the call was part of a drill — one of the exercises that have becomemore common over the past two years as the threat of terrorism has increased —and Freund was having a busy day. He hung up, finished his coffee and went backdownstairs to the ER, where patients with pressing problems such as chest painsand sprained ankles were awaiting his care.
Less than12 hours later, on a relatively quiet Friday evening in the ER, Freund’scolleague David Pariente received a similar call. The SAMU was reporting massshootings and suicide bombings at several sites. Only this time it was real.
As thescale and severity of the attacks became clear, the director of the AssistancePublique-Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), a network of public hospitals in Paris, tookan unprecedented step: He activated the city’s Plan Blanc, or White Plan,mobilizing all 40 hospitals to call in extra staff members and free upresources by emptying beds and canceling nonessential procedures. A furthergoal of the citywide coordination was to avoid over-staffing the initialresponse; some doctors and nurses needed to be fresh to treat patients thefollowing morning. Freund, 35, who lives near the site of the drive-by attacksin the streets, was among them.
AtPitié-Salpêtrière, Pariente and his colleagues began putting Plan Blanc intoaction.
He andthree other attending ER physicians sent some patients home and divided thefacility in two, setting aside one half to receive the bloodied and traumatizedyoung men and women who began to arrive: the first one in a car who hadsuperficial wounds on her scalp. The next via Uber, with a bullet lodged in hisabdomen. For the rest of the night, damaged bodies were delivered in ambulanceafter ambulance, sometimes four in each vehicle, leaving a red wake on thewhite linoleum floor that led into the building.
“I waswalking on the blood,” said Pariente, 39. “I didn’t realize it. I was lookingahead of me all the time.”
The two phone calls — the first an exercise and the second alerting physicians toattacks that would leave 130 dead and more than 350 wounded —reflect the realities of a city that has been preparing its medical services toprovide a coordinated response to events that seemed at once unthinkable andinevitable.
“Everyoneknew. Everyone knew something would happen,” said Pariente, looking back. Therewas a heightened sense of risk, he said, with a bomb scare closing the nearbyGare de Lyon that very Friday afternoon.
“Thequestion,” Freund said, “was not if, but when.”
TheFrench response was highly centralized and drew on practices that differ fromU.S. emergency services. Using protocols adapted from the military, the SAMUsent physicians to the field, setting up triage centers close to the sites ofthe attacks, where they could treat patients on the spot before dispatchingthem to a hospital where specialists would be on hand to treat their particularinjuries.
Thepatients wore colored signs around their necks:
Redmarked the most critically wounded, who were admitted directly to resuscitationunits and often were moved swiftly into surgery.
Yellowwas for those who needed immediate treatment in the ER.
Green wasfor patients who could be sent home with instructions to check in at an ERwithin 24 hours.
Parientedoesn’t remember seeing any green labels that night. Out of the 100 victims whowere assigned red labels, 28 were sent to Pitié-Salpêtrière’s resuscitationunit, while 27 went to the ER. The hospital, which usually has only oneoperating room open overnight, was able to staff 10 from late Friday eveninguntil 6 a.m. Saturday.
Physiciansin Paris rarely treat gunshot wounds.“Not one a day. Not one a week,” Freund said. And the mass shootings that haveplagued U.S. campuses are unheard of. But French trauma surgeons have had agrowing awareness, heightened by January’s fatal attacks on the satiricalmagazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, of the need for know-how.
在这之前,巴黎的医生甚少处理枪伤,“别说一天了,一周都不见得又一次。” Freund说道。而这种足以与美国校园枪击相比的大规模枪击事件更是从没发生过。但在这次袭击发生之前,法国的创伤外科医生们也已经有所准备,发生在今年一月的查理周刊枪击事件提醒了他们应对枪伤的重要性。
Pariente,who spent six years working in the SAMU, had some familiarity. The patient whoarrived by Uber bore in his abdomen an eerie sign of what had already happened— and of the kinds of injuries doctors would face hours later when the policefinally rescued the hostages held in the Bataclan concert venue.
Parientetook a look at the man’s CT scan, which showed the bullet in his abdomen. Itwas narrower and longer than any bullet he had seen before. The distinctiveshape, he would later learn, of the ammunition from an AK 47.
Suchsomber realizations were matched by the surprising quiet of the ER.
“Therewas no agitation,” Pariente said. Patients weren’t crying. They weren’t evenspeaking, simply answering the questions doctors asked about their medicalhistories.
“这里压抑极了。” Pariente回忆道。伤者们没有哭泣,除了简要回答医生们关于用药史的询问外,他们甚至都不说话。
WhenFreund came to work at 5 a.m. to relieve Pariente, following the bloodytrail into the ER, he saw his first gunshot wound ever — a fierce red burn linetracing the trajectory of a bullet from its tiny entry point in the skin on theback of a young man’s neck across to his right shoulder where its exit had lefta jagged hole. Marveling that the man had been spared certain death byone-fifth of an inch, Freund asked about his medical history.
“I hadtesticular cancer 15 years ago,” he said, and had been cured. Not yet 40,he had already dodged two bullets.
Freundfound victims who looked at once familiar and as though they had come from awar zone.
“Theywere all our age,” he said, all younger than 40, covered in blood and grime andwith their clothes ripped, not only from bullet wounds but from their struggleto escape. Many of them had been enjoying an evening out in the bars andrestaurants of the bohemian quarter Freund and his friends like to frequent.“It’s our Brooklyn,” he said.
About 8or 9 a.m., a young woman came in with her boyfriend to be treated forburns on her back. She explained very quietly what she thought had happened. Anassailant had pointed a gun at her, she said. When the police burst in, hedetonated his suicide vest, which exploded into her.
Freundcouldn’t help but think as he cleaned out the burns that it might be the fleshof the terrorist seared against her skin.
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