Russian airstrikes reportedly targetTurkish aid convoy in Syria
Turkey's state-run news agency andactivists on the ground say Russian airstrikes hit an aid convoy travellingnear the Syrian border town of Azaz in the Aleppo province.
The Anadolu agency reported that sevenpeople were killed and 10 wounded in strikes that it said hit a Turkish convoytaking supplies to refugees in the town on Wednesday.
J Rs 31 minutes ago
So its A-Okay to shoot down Russian jetsand murder the pilots and use $180,000 US supplied TOW missiles to shoot down arescue helicopter, but unspeakably terrible for Russia to attack a Turk convoyinside Syria providing who knows what to the same people who murdered theRussian pilot? Sounds as if Obama ordered the murder of the Russian pilot byadopting the actions after the fact if nothing else
Kyle Davidson 41 minutes ago
Now it's not even safe to invade aneighboring country?!
Rostislav Melnyk 1 hour ago
And we all know what kind of "aidconvoy" it is.....right people?
Bob Mantovani 1 hour ago
Its pay back time.
Jake Bsn 1 hour ago
Don't hit Russian fighters trying to takeout ISIS Turkey, and Russis will have no issue with you
土耳其,不要攻击派去消灭ISIS 的俄罗斯战机,这样俄罗斯就不会找你麻烦了。
Aries Dane 1 hour ago
I guarantee you Putin has a couple ofnuclear subs parked on either side of Turkey right now accompanying thosemissile destroyers. Erdogan should be counting his blessings that Putin isgoing easy on him. Besides, we all know what Turkish "aid" means -more guns to Jihadists and ISIS.
K9Intl . 1 hour ago
unless the Aid was going to the syrianpeople under Assad fighting the terrorists i doubt it was going to them...thena terrorist cargo and great for Russia destroying it....kill and destroy moreplease.......
Fermin Cinco 2 hours ago
"aid convoy" to ISIL..
Bob Droidsky 2 hours ago
ISIS sells the Syrian oil to Turkey. Whenin doubt, follow the money.. There's not a great mystery here.
Klaus Gerlach 2 hours ago
That area has been IS supply line, andwhile the US thinks of Turkmen as 'allies', they in fact are the supply linefor IS, and as such valuable for both Turkey and IS. This is why Russia attacksthem- they want to close the hole, and cut IS off getting things and people inand out. While for Turkey, the existence o IS is a card they want to keep andhold to further their power ambition, and the US does not seem to mind thestrain it puts on Europe, because the view Europe as the biggest competitor.
Ben Afflek 3 hours ago
Turkey just trying to start war. They knowif they go to war NATO goes to war and so does U.S. Ill tell you what Turkey ima American and id rather be put down for treason before i help you out. Bunchof fools had to go and shoot down a Russian plane that wasnt threatening tothem and now they are going to cry when Russia retaliates for their downedplane?
Brian Gumby 3 hours ago
Obama ,lets talk about climate change
RhythmMac RTS 3 hours ago
Hahah ! Clever Russia ! Putin is simplyclever !
Ilya Trakht 4 hours ago
It's a nice payback: we cannot cross yourborder for 17 seconds, you cannot cross ours (read Syrian which is under ourprotection now).., period....
Nu, and who is the winner? Wide Trouserswill learn their lesson if they still did not after several centuries offighting with Russians...
ebarskaya ebarskaya 4 hours ago
That's what Turkey achieved by downingRussian plane - you can't cross Syrian border without Syrian Governmentpermission. No by plane, not by car, not by leg. YOU HAVE TO OBTAIN SYRIANGOVERNMANT PERMISSION to move into Syria any "Aid" convoy. No moreaid to terrorists from Turkey :)
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