为什么西方制片人完全停止在中国拍摄 [美国媒体]



Movie producers across Europe the Americas Latin America Australia and New Zealand — everywhere outside East Asia — have abandoned the People's Republic of China as a filming location.


Last year was a big bust for China's efforts to attract foreign productions with only one major picture Pacific Rim shooting in China and in that case only because it had to. Pacific Rim’s producer Legendary Entertainment is 100% owned by the Chinese real estate company Wanda Group which wanted the production to shoot in its Wanda Qingdao Studios. The picture also had to shoot in China as a requirement for it to achieve official co-production status which is essential for it to receive preferential release status in the Middle Kingdom's movie theaters.


This year will come and go without a single major Hollywood or Western movie going to the Middle Kingdom for shooting. One reason for the filming drought is that China’s film authorities stopped issuing filming permits between March and October when the Communist Party of China held its 19th Congress. In such hugely important political years as this one cautious government bureaucrats typically shut down any activity in the PRC that could potentially cause embarrassing publicity for them.


More important however is the general antipathy toward China among producers.



China has a reputation as being a pretty terrible place to film says American producer and China physical production expert Aaron Shershow. “Exactly zero Western productions are being planned for next year” he told me. “None of the major Hollywood studios and none of the major independents have set up to film movies there."

按美国制片人和中国现场制片专家Aaron Shershow的说法,中国不是一个拍电影的好地方。“事实上,没有西方制片商正计划明年(在中国拍摄)”,他告诉我“也没有一个好莱坞工作室和独立制片人在着手准备去中国拍电影”

That’s partly he says because producers arrive to shoot in China without proper planning or the right local partners and in a country that is rife with business and cultural challenges for foreigners that usually leads to disaster.


Shershow a fluent Chinese speaker who has served as a production manager on Pacific Rim Iron Man 3 and Keanu Reeves' Man of Tai Chi explains the problems. “People get this romantic idea of doing things the Chinese way to save money. But the Chinese way is actually very expensive. It’s chaotic" he says. "


In China, crews tend to be inexperienced ,Financial controls are often lax and the director is typically given far more control than on western-made films without proper checks and balances.


“China can actually be a good place to shoot movies” Shershow adds. “But you have to organize it properly. You can’t go in and assume it’s a regular production center like Prague Budapest or Vancouver.”

"中国确实有能力成为一个拍电影的好地方" Shershow补充道。“但你必须有条理正确地组织安排。你不能当它是布拉格布达佩斯或者温哥华一样的普通制片中心,随便出入毫无顾忌。"

China also lacks much of the financial sophistication, producing expertise filming infrastructure and specialized equipment that western producers take for granted in their home countries.



But even those major challenges pale in comparison to the obstacles China’s government puts in the way of foreign productions. An overwhelming raft of regulations permitting requirements censorship stringent financial controls and extreme bias against what some Chinese politicians call “foreign cultural pollution” make it a daunting location for filming even for producers with decades of experience there.


“China has become the place to avoid” says Shershow. Even Legendary is avoiding China now. With Skyscraper (the new Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson-starring action-thriller) they didn’t shoot a single day in China even though the story is set in Shanghai.


There are powerful incentives for shooting in the PRC. Access to the market’s huge and lucrative movie-going audience is strictly controlled by the government and it’s extremely difficult to screen foreign movies in Chinese theaters unless they’re made as official co-productions with Chinese producing and financing partners.


But the biggest co-production to date Legendary’s early 2017 release The Great Wall failed everywhere outside China and crushed most Western producers’ interest in co-productions intended to serve audiences both in China and the rest of the world.

但迄今为止,与传奇影业(Legendary)在2017年初发行的最大合作作品《长城》(Great Wall)在中国以外的其他地方都收视惨败了,并粉碎了大多数西方制片人对中西合拍,打算更好地服务中国和世界其他地方观众的意向。

Apart from the brief presence of Pacific Rim the $8 billion Wanda Qingdao studios have sat mostly empty. In July Wanda was forced to sell off its studio development to real estate rival Sunac and now retains only a 9.3% interest in the facility.


Whether Sunac can make a profit on its investment will depend at least in part on whether it can lure Hollywood to film in its stages. As of now it's unclear how they can do that in a meaningful way.



–]HotNaturedUnited States 
“People get this romantic idea of doing things the Chinese way to save money. But the Chinese way is actually very expensive. It’s chaotic"
Well this is just great in and out of context.
I understand the co-production problem--it's clear not just from movies like The Great Wall but also from the Chinese actresses that keep getting bit parts in blockbusters that Western and Chinese audiences don't have the same tastes.


The insistence on (or incentivization of) co-productions has hurt the quality of China films and for that matter has basically killed the Hong Kong film industry. It is too punishing for example for a HK crew to not do a co-production otherwise it is categorized as a foreign film for the purposes of the China film quota; and the other 'incentives' involved. Johnnie To's Milkyway production company still survives but the industry has suffered tremendously.


The main problem is the compromises that must be made to accommodate the actors/crews and to the multiple audiences that are targeted. Leading to absurdities such as a dialogue in which one actor speaks in Cantonese and the other in Mandarin to each other. Worse behind the scenes there are too many agendas at work instead of a more focused vision for what the film should be.


I'm just talking about the Hong Kong & mainland co-productions. The co-productions with American studios could only be more ridiculous.
And that's not to even mention censorship which most worryingly does not have all its guidelines spelled out.


[–]HotNaturedUnited States 
That's really interesting. How long has this been an issue? When was the last time the HK industry was really thriving unhindered by the whole mess? Without digging into my IMDB ratings I feel like most of the HK films I'm familiar with are from early post-Handover mid aughts maybe as late is '12.



Anyone else notice the rising number of white "China movie industry" experts shilling their trade here along with all the new "China Film Insider" style columns in recent years?
These windbags are exactly like all those "China business consultants" and "Sino experts" e.g. Bill Bishop and Chris Devonshire-Ellis that sprung up in Beijing in the 00s.
So I guess now the real consultant money is in movies. But for me there can only be one true foreign expert of Chinese film: Jonathan Kos-Read!

有人注意到了么,近年来那些号称“中国电影行业”专家到处招摇撞骗的白种人越来越多,同时出现了各种扒皮“中国电影内幕”形式的专栏。这些喜欢嚼舌根的人像极了那些逼逼叨叨的所谓的“中国业务顾问”和“中国专家”。比如00年代出现在北京的中国问题专家利明璋(Bill Bishop)和克里斯·德文谢尔·伊利斯。所以我猜现在真正的顾问费包含在了电影制作资金里。但在我心里,能真正称得上中国影业外国专家的人只有乔纳森·科斯·瑞德!(美籍演员,又称“曹操”)

I mean part of the reason there are new industry experts popping up is because it has been pretty big business in recent years. Even now the co-productions may be drying up but access to the Chinese market (and Chinese finance) is still a huge deal for Hollywood. There's literally billions on the table. That kind of business tends to give rise to people who know their shit.


That kind of business tends to give rise to people who know their shit
Yes yes I get that. What I am saying is that these sort of articles which there has been an increase of this year read more like advertorials and soft-ads rather than journalism.
Take this one which extensively and ONLY quotes Aaron Shershow an American movie production fixer based in China who goes on and on about how hard it is for Hollywood to make a movie here and how only he can help. The reporter - Rob Cain - didn't even bother to get a counter-quote from someone else.
Like I said it just reads like windbag-ery.


True. They could be old roomies or drinking buddies or something.



yes I noticed that but what was weirder is that he was positioned as an expert but not seemingly promoting that only he can solve the problem instead he was the expert who knew why it was all fucked


[–]dandmcdUnited States 
I just saw Forbes.com and knew right away it's just an unpaid blogger trying to feel important. I don't take most of what they say seriously though he does make some good points I agree with but I don't consider these people experts in the field.


It would be nice if foreign companies should start to do the same thing


[–]nincludEuropean unx 
they don't make profits in China anyway that wouldnt be a big loss...


China is probably still a dreamland for independent movie makers but with all the regulation it's hell to try and pull off. I said it's a dreamland because many locations in China are still not so commercialized and "polluted" with adverts everywhere as in the west. Creates a nice backdrop to tell a deeper story.


[–]nincludEuropean unx 
Europe is much more welcoming... We finance a large part of Chinese independant movies.

欧洲明显更为友好啊... 但我们却投资了一大部分的中国独立电影。


It's funny to see this happening while there are large investments from China in Hollywood.


I thought recent movies (at least those that are meant for screening in China) always needed some scenes filmed in China to make the Chinese audience happy and make more $ in China. So not anymore?


Turns out the benefit of that is not worth the cost of having to film in China and put up with party bullshit.


[–]joshlammUnited States
Does anyone know if Disney's Mulan will be shot in China?


No. But it will star a Chinese actress in the lead.


[–]nincludEuropean unx  
The CCP has demanded some changes in the scenario The story will take place during WW2 Comrade Mulan will be a CCP soldier and she kick the a$$es of thousands of evil Japanese devils. Success guaranteed at China's box office because all the primary school students/civil servants/soldiers will be forced to watch it!

