为什么中国女孩不喜欢赞美? [美国媒体]



Tangager 于 1 天前 发表
I read an article on a website I go to and it said that Chinese girls dislike being called meinv 美女 are shy and dislike being too direct. I'm not sure I fully agree thoughts?


Chinese Genera Compliments

We all know those girls who have a hard time taking a compliment. Well in China there are lots of girls who don’t like to be called a “美女 (měinǚ) beauty.”
美女 (měinǚ): n. beautiful woman; beauty.


But why? 


In recent years the appellation “美女 (měinǚ)” has been used overly by people in China. Before its overuse we would use “美女 (měinǚ)” to refer to a beautiful girl. But nowadays whether beautiful or not people use “美女 (měinǚ)” to call all young women in China.


In general people in China use this word to express respect affection endearment or to flatter the woman.


It has ended up that this word has accumulated so many different meanings it is used a LOT. I joke all the time with my friends and students: In China all women are a “美女 (měinǚ) beauty”. This is where women in China get a little frustrated: If all women are considered beautiful then does that word really have any meaning? Is there any real measurement of beauty? To us it feels as if there is no real beauty at all.


So you can understand why girls don’t like people to call them “美女 (měinǚ).”


◆    Don’t Be Surprised If We Brush Off Your Compliments

◆ 不要惊讶,如果我们不搭理你的恭维

In traditional Chinese culture there is an old saying that goes something like this:“Arrogant people always fall behind the modest ones.”


In Chinese culture people aspire to be modest when responding to praise and regard modesty as an essential virtue.
More often than saying “thank you” to a compliment the Chinese often timidly deny or doubt the praise to the praiser.



A Common Response to Compliments in China.


A common response to compliments is this: “哪里哪里 You flatter me (I’m not beautiful)!” (Literally “哪里哪里 (Năli năli)” means “where where” But in fact the contextual meaning is “you flatter me.” It is just a way of expressing modesty.)
People also answer with “真的吗? (Zhēn de ma) Really?”

通常对赞美的回应是这样的:“哪里哪里,您过誉了(我不漂亮)!”(“哪里哪里“的字面意思是”where where(哪里哪里)“,但实际的语境意义是“您过奖了“。这只是一种表达谦虚的方式。)

◆    Be Careful! If Your Compliments Are Too Direct We May Think They Are Lies!

◆ 小心!如果你的赞美过于直接的话,那么可能会被认为是假话!

Most Chinese girls give off a vibe that is shy and restrained. They tend to not give compliments especially men in any direct or open-hearted way. Vice versa they get nervous when receiving exaggerated or direct compliments such as “你好漂亮 (nǐ hǎo piàoliàng) you are so beautiful!” or “你真美 (nǐ zhēn měi) you are very pretty!”

大多数中国女孩都有一种害羞和矜持的气质。她们往往不赞美别人,尤其是对男性不论是直接或开放的方式。反之亦然,当听到夸大的或直接的赞美时她们会感到紧张,比如“你好漂亮!(nǐ hǎo piàoliàng) 你是如此美丽!”或者“你真美(nǐzhēn měi)你很漂亮!”

Its simplicity puts them on guard. Perhaps this man is speaking this way with all women! As proof of the uniqueness of the compliment they look for details. Give examples to show her you have thought this through and are being entirely honest:


Nǐ xiào qǐ lái de shíhòu yǎnjīng xiàng wānwān de yuèyá. Zhēn hǎokàn! 

你 笑  起 来 的  时候, 眼睛     像      弯弯      的  月牙。 真    好看!

Your eyes look like the crooked crescent when you smile. So lovely!

你笑起来的时候, 眼睛像弯弯的月牙。 真好看!

In general Chinese women feel shy if you compliment them directly. If you directly address their way of dressing or their body (lips face nose etc.) they will start to feel uncomfortable. So take the time to get to know them and think your compliments through!



The point about "meinv" becoming almost meaningless is pretty true I think. "Xiaojie" kind of fell out of use in some areas because of the double meaning.
However anything that attempts to stereotype "all" Chinese people as one thing or another is bollocks.


People generally like compliments but there are limits. Just don't be a creepy fuck about it and it'll be fine.
Also nice translation job by that website:


Your eyes look like the crooked crescent when you smile. So lovely!

你笑起来的时候, 眼睛像弯弯的月牙。 真好看!

While in the west it's kinda weird to say to some girl "hey beautiful". In China it's not as weird but modesty is considered an important virtue so theyre going to say "no I'm not beautiful" because it's polite though that should be distinguished from a cultural faux pas. On a side note a Chinese girl told me that while it's standard enough for a Chinese dude to say "ni hao mei nu" if a foreigner says it it sounds more flirtatious. Idk I guess they just have the perception that foreign guys are more lascivious.


LMBO. False modesty that's apparent to anyone.

(译者注:LMBO=Laughing my butt off.)

Oh yea I know it's all face really



Girls here do like compliments though as long as you're not acting like a creepy sex pest. Also people all around the world tend to brush off compliments because it's a sign of being modest.


meinu is a lazy compliment just like calling someone beautiful is mostly lazy in english


My wife begs to differ.


as does my girl. if I don't compliment here enough she thinks I'm cheating on her. and beats the shit out of me.


Kinky last bit there. Sounds like a keeper.


eh when I do it they either act normal or find it funny that the foreigner knows some Chinese culture.
"Your eyes look like the crooked crescent when you smile." This sounds like something some weird race fetishist would say.

”你笑起来的时候, 眼睛像弯弯的月牙。”这听起来就像是那些奇怪的种族恋物癖者才会说的话。

Crooked crescented eyes do look very 可爱 though.


[–]mellowmonkUnited States
"I complimented her like five times and she still won't have sex with me!"


only if you are ugly and poor



I’m a little rusty because I’ve been with my wife ten+ years but from what I remember and see on the streets now Chinese women seem to like the corniest romance approaches in the book I.e dude with terrible haircut waiting two hours for her at her subway station with exactly 12 red roses —if there is rain and he’s caught a cold that’s bonus romance points. Or shit that makes her look wanted in front of her friends like the dude sends exactly twelve red roses to her in the office.


Any out of the box approach that doesn’t fit the exact cookie cutter opinion of romance in China is just wasted energy. For the love of god don’t buy non red roses and don’t buy anything except multiples of twelve.


Depends who you are and how you use the line. If you're a 亮仔and everyone is throwing around the terms 美女,帅哥。No one is going to bat an eyelash.
I met one lady from WuHan who didn't like the term because like the OP article the term was over used. She was very attractive so I guess she wanted guys to at least make an effort to try and compliment her.


So to answer the OP question if you're a Han speaking mandarin at a native level 美女 isn't much of a compliment any more. You must up your game.
If you're a foreigner that speaks mandarin at English Teacher FOB level you might be able get away with it since 美女 will understand you have a limited vocabulary.


Many teenagers have gotten the traditional culture from their parent .

