谁能预测一下2019年比特币的价格将会如何?(留下预测,两年后来看) [美国媒体]


What is the bitcoinprice prediction for 2019?


1.    Soroush Arghavan, Software engineer, independent thinkerAnswered Nov 6
Any answer that you getwhich actually mentions a number is a personal opinion. No model, prediction oranalysis can predict the price of anything (including bitcoin) two years ahead.Heck, nothing can even predict the price of anything two days ahead. Why? Youcan’t predict the behavior of something based on its historical data. Period.There are far too many variables that affect the price of something and nohuman on earth can predict what happens in the next two years. Yet, anyone whohas some money in bitcoin will tell you that the price will go up. Why? Becauseotherwise they would be a fool to own it themselves if they think it’s goingdown. No one would say anything that makes them a fool.


2.    Michael Matsoukas, MMA enthusiast and practitionerAnswered Nov 14
I’ve seen many answerson the subject trying to use mathematical models and simulations to predict theprice of Bitcoin.All these calculation are great… just one issue! If you ranall these models 24 or 12 months ago you would not have been able to predictthe rise of bitcoin becauseThe market does whatever the market wants, it’sunpredictable! Especially when looking a year out.There isn’t enough data forthe models to accurately calculate VAR and especially not 1 year out! I have 17Quants working for me and when we run Monte Carlo simulations for our clientswe can calculate VAR with a 95%+ accuracy in a 24 hour period… that drops tobelow 40% after 5 days.


You can run fairlyaccurate simulations for a 24–48 hour time period on well established andunderstood commodities like oil, gas, coal, gold etc because we have lots andlots of historical data and they have gone through every type of economic,political situation… that data doesn’t exist with bitcoin, it’s new territory sono one really knows what’s going to happen. If someone tells you that they knowwhat’s going to happen to Bitcoin it’s probably because they’re in some wayinvested in it and what to see it do well!So to answer you question, right nowyour guess is as good of as any analyst’s!


3.    Masrur Ahmed, worked at YouTubeUpdated Nov 12
It will either go up to$10,000 by mid-year..Or something will cause it to crash.Government policy, atrading service shutting down or bring hacked, stolen coins, new taxes, and theend of easy ICO's can all decide if and how hard it will crash. The thing is,people like me will hold through the crash and prevent the price fromplummeting sub-$2000. Also, many are waiting for a dip just so they can pourmoney into Bitcoin.It's just too good a deal. Bitcoin has survived throughevery crash…and will come back. As far as I'm concerned, the only thingpreventing it from spreading is how hard it is to use and the overallcomplexity of it. The crypto-currency that figures out how to simplify theentire transaction process, will probably be Bitcoin.But, that's just my 2cents.Cheers!

到本年年中的时候,可能会到达10000美元,或者,比特币也可能变成一个垃圾。政府的政策,交易所被黑客黑了,比特币被偷,新的税收政策,简单的ico (比特币众筹项目)的终结可能就会导致其崩溃。问题是,像我这样的人会在比特币暴跌的时候进行防守,这样会阻止其价格跌破2000美元。当然,很多人都在等待下跌,这样的话,比特币就能够跌到他们心目中的价位了。他们就可以把资金投入进去。听起来,这实在是个不错的买卖。比特币已经经历过好几次的崩溃了,每一次,他都又活过来了。正如我所担心的那样,影响比特币普及的一个重要因素是其支付非常麻烦,以及他本身很复杂。加密货币给我们提供了一个精简交易流程的一个范例,这个媒介或许就是比特币。但是,我买比特币的时候,他还只是两分钱,所以,干杯吧!!!

4.    E. Christian Trejo, Investor at CryptocurrenciesAnswered Nov 8
Guys! This is not theforecast weather.If you search on Quora “bitcoin price prediction” you willfind plenty of questions and even more answers about it.It’s exhausting to readthe same question over and over. No one really knows. But I can tell you forsure is going to be way higher than how it is right now.If you want to investjust do it, stop procrastinating and excusing your inaction with this kind ofquestions.Good luck!

孩纸,这不是天气预报!如果你在quora 搜索你的问题的话,你会搜索到很多类似的问题和答案,类似的问答看得人审美疲劳。没有人真的知道这个问题的答案,但我可以肯定的说,会比现在的价格高得多。如果你想要去投资的话,停止你的预测,少问这些无聊的问题,付诸行动吧。祝你好运

5.    Bert Brijs, Managing Partner at Lingua Franca Consulting(1989-present)Answered Nov 8
My advice, if you hatecasinos but like to gamble: “invest” money you don’t need in bitcoins. If“regular” currencies are already unpredictable because of political influenceon central banks, exogenous shocks like OrangeMan and Rocketman then this thingis way beyond predictablity. Don’t let any fancymath model fool you, at best they give valid predictions for one week. But hey,don’t heed my advice, it’s your hard earned savings or a trip to Machu Pichuyou’re sacrificing for an algorithm.


6.    Shiv Kumar, SEO Executive (2017-present)Answered Nov 7
For 2019 it may increaseor go downhill but these days it is increasing at a rapid speed. People arewaiting for the November fork to see what willhappen to bitcoin. Currently 1Bitcoin = 7098.11 US Dollar and that’s a hugeamount. It’s increasing day by day that’s why people are more interesting inbitcoin and even in bitcoin investments. Companies which mine bitcoins givesyou great offers.


7.    Bill Koutsoubas, studied Law at Democritus University of ThraceAnswered Nov 7(预测日期,2017年11月7日)
Interesting question ,the thing is that we can not know for sure but judging by the way its headed iwould say close to 25 grand its one .I know it might sound a lot but itactually isn’t . Let me make a prediction and time will judge whether i amright or wrong . In the coming year(s) , there will be a war against bitcoin ,mostly from governments since it is something they can not control , thereforea slight drop might occur . But after the leaders of the free world understandthat cryptocurrency and especially bitcoin is for the moment something that cannot be tampered with , they will fall in line and use it to its maximumpotential , so all the policies , laws and previous bans that will exist whenthey try to take it down will soon be gone leaving the way open for a soon tobe ever-growing cryptocurrency fueled economy . C’est la vie ,as the french say …


8.    Tejpal Kargwal, Cryptocurrency Investor, crypto portfolio managementAnswered Nov 9
What makes goldvaluable? because Gold is very rare element.Why USD is valuable ? because ithas real world value , I can buy stuff with it.Why Bitcoin is valuable? becauseBitcoin has real world use and its limited quantity.Do you know there are only17 Millions Bitcoins are in circulation, which can be maximum to 22 millions.Bitcoin adoption is increasing day by day.Japan has declare Bitcoin a legaltender, Bitcoin is widely accepted in Japan.Vietnam university accepts tuitionfees in Bitcoin.You can buy real state property in England using Bitcoin. Somecountries are offering their citizenship for Bitcoin.And the list is long, mypoint is Bitcoin is accepted widely. And there are only a very very very smallpercentage of people are invested in Bitcoin. Only 22 million people can haveone single Bitcoin. As the Bitcoin usage increases and people start tounderstand that this is not a scam or any pyramid scheme more people willinvest in it and price will increase.Most of the TA, DA or chart analysis areuseless in crypto world. my prediction is Bitcoin will rise to atleast$20,000–25,000 in end of 2018 and above $50,000 in 2019.


9.    Daniel Chvatik, Harvard Economics, Harvard Business School, startedand advised several startups(丹尼尔.赫瓦季克,哈佛大学商学院,已经开始从事商业咨询)Answered Nov 10
Most likely somethingclose to $0 per BitCoin:
The bitcoin bubble


10.        Aakash Sonkusare, MCA fromSavitribai Phule Pune University (2018)Answered Nov 29
Bitcoin started thisyear with $ 1000.The unit has soared more than 900 per cent in 2017 so far amidincreased institutional demand for crypto-currencies and expected to reach $40000 in next one year.
Data available withGoogle Trends shows people around the world are searching ‘buy bitcoin withcredit card’ with Nigeria and St Helena being among top searchers for thesewords.
It is followed by UnitedStates, Canada and South Africa. India holds 15th position on that list. Extraordinaryreturns given by the crypto-currency this calendar year has made it the talk ofthe town and people are busy opening accounts to deal in bitcoin.One shouldalso note that bitcoin cannot be purchased through credit card in India, thoughit is possible to do so in select countries around the world.


11.        Glen Walters, former Reftired(1955-2003)Answered Nov 14
Jeffrey Robinson hasmade a name for himself investigating fraud on the grandest scales.His books oninternational money laundering and the pharmaceutical industry pulled back thecurtain on the nefarious behavior of some in the banking and pharmaceuticalsindustries. Now, he is turning his attention to bitcoin, with a new polemiccalled Bit Con: The Naked Truth About Bitcoin. Ofcourse, unlike the schemes of felonious bankers, bitcoin—the technology and thecurrency—wasn't conceived as a malicious scam. But Robinson is convinced thatwhen all is said and done, it will become the vehicle for hucksters to trickboth innocents and bitcoin's ideological backers out of millions.


Fortune spoke withRobinson about the year he spent researching bitcoin and why he thinks thecurrency will ultimately dissolve into worthlessness. The interview has beenedited for length and clarity. Fortune: What drew your interest to bitcoin?
Robinson: About twoyears ago, given the books I've written about money laundering, people kepttelling me that bitcoin was the next big thing in money laundering. So Ithought I really should find out about it, and I looked at everything that wasbeing said, and none of it added up. Actually, it's not good for moneylaundering to start, but it's also not what it claims to be in other ways. It'snot a real currency and it's not a real commodity. When you heard the hypecoming from the community, and ... that people were spending money on thisstuff, they needed to know the truth.


Fortune: Your career hasbeen spent writing about various frauds and cons. If bitcoin is a con, who isthe con man?
Robinson: It's a con inthat it's not a real currency, but let me back up. There are actually twobitcoins. There's the blockchain-technology bitcoin, which I think isfantastic, and the future, and all sorts of businesses are investing tens orhundreds of millions of dollars in Silicon Valley and around the world to buildbusinesses on the back of the blockchain technology because it's so wonderfuland can move assets frictionlessly. 
But then there is thisaspect of the pretend currency and the pretend commodity. Part of the con is inthe pretend commodity, because this is a completely shallow. When you know thatthere's, what, 13 million coins in circulation, and more than 50% of the themare owned and managed by about 950 people, you realize how shallow the marketit is and how subject the market is to manipulation.


It's essentially a pumpand dump scam. And then I see these snake oil salesmen like the Winklevosstwins get on TV and tell people that bitcoin is going to be worth $40,000 percoin. And nobody is challenging them, asking, "What are you smoking?"Bitcoin isn't an investment, it's a slot machine. Or, more accurately, a loadedroulette wheel.
But it's not a classicpump and dump because there is a base of ideological support for bitcoin. Atthe very least, there is a motivated group of people who want bitcoin tosucceed, and aren't just speculating.


Right, there is thelibertarian faction that drives the support for bitcoin. For example, JonMatonis of the Bitcoin Foundation has suggested that bitcoin is signaling thestart of a post-legal-tender era. Where? In what country? It's not accepted aslegal currency anywhere on the planet. There's not a legitimate economist ofany note on the planet that thinks it's a real currency. The anarchist,libertarian wing of the bitcoin party tend to believe in Austrian economics,but the three most prominent descendants of [Austrian economists Ludwig von]Mises and [Friedrich] Hayek, say it's not currency. So while the mostenthusiastic supporters of bitcoin say Austrian economics matters, actualAustrian economists say that bitcoin doesn't matter.Furthermore, these peopleare very attached to the concept of decentralization as a matter of ideology.But I would guess if you walk down the street and ask 100 people if they careabout decentralization, they'd say, "What are you talking about?" Theideologues say it should matter, that you don't want the government orcorporations in the middle. 


But what evidence isthere that anybody besides a small, small group of people care about this kindof stuff?Do you think someone like Marc Andreessen, who has been a vocal publicadvocate for bitcoin, is acting in bad faith?I think Andreessen is not terriblyinterested in the currency. He has no interest at all in the delusional wing.He says that he's interested in practical solutions to real problems. But it'snot as if Andreessen is taking your position, which is that bitcoin is aterrible currency but an interesting technology.People believe you cannotseparate the two. Of course you can. There are businesses that are trying touse blockchain technology to create smart contracts, the idea of puttingcopyrights on the blockchain: suddenly there's an irrefutable copyrightworldwide. 


And with the speed oftechnology, we really should be expecting not that bitcoin will solve ourproblems, but that bitcoin is a stepping stone to something better. If you talkto people in Silicon Valley, that's how they think, that this is all just aprocess. The blockchain will develop, but bitcoin as a currency is just a stepalong the way. What will be the end game for bitcoin?
Businesses will continueto experiment with the blockchain, proving that that innovation is separablefrom the bitcoin the currency. At the same time, there's all these people outthere who bought into bitcoin as a tinker toy, thinking they might make somemoney on it. Maybe they bought $100 when it was worth $10 bucks a coin, and nowthey're sitting on $4,000. Many of them will treat themselves to a vacation ora new computer with their bitcoins, and they don't buy back in. There's noevidence that people who spend down their wallets buy back in. Little by littleit will just atrophy, because nobody is really using it. The big kids will getout, and the little guy sitting on one, two, or, sadly, many more bitcoins willlose it all.

