What are you tired of seeing on Quora?
ndy Kaminski Quora user since 2014 upxed Jan 14
People treating Quora like the Oscars.
Wow five hundred upvotes for this! I’m so overwhelmed. You guys are great. I’d like to thank my mom my dad my hamster Larry - he knows why…
You've written an answer people like. Well done we're all thrilled for you. Now handle it with dignity and grace instead of like an attention seeking prima donna.
The obsession with IQ.
The obsession with IQ on this site is bizarre. The academic world has been moving away from IQ as a reliable measure of intellect for decades but Quora is full of people who think having a high IQ makes you a different species. They write answers spouting tosh how their rare brilliance makes it hard to relate to ordinary people. I would humbly suggest these people aren't socially maladjusted because of their intellect but because of their arrogance and superior attitude.
Your IQ is not a credential. You are qualified to answer a question through education or experience. Your claim to be smarter than average even if true (and boy are there some obvious whoppers about) gives no indication that you know what the Hell you are talking about. IQ is just a characteristic. Mentioning your IQ in your credentials is literally no better than bragging about the length of your manhood there.
What does (insert Quora user here) think about…
If you want to know the thoughts of a single Quora user then privately message them. Please don't clutter up everyone else's feed with what amounts to a conversation between two people (assuming the user isn't just ignoring you which frankly would be a little more dignified). I don't know whether I’m more annoyed with the people asking these inane questions or the Quora celebrities who answer them. There’s something more than a little egotistical about taking advantage of a private platform for your thoughts everybody else's is excluded from intruding upon. Isn't this what blogs are for?
And most of all…
Demonisation of other people's views.
I wish people would deal with what people are actually saying instead of misrepresenting views they don't approve of as something sinister they can easily attack.
I’m sick to death of people pretending anyone suggesting sensible gun laws wants to completely remove the right to bear arms. I’m sick of people pretending that people with pro-life views just want to control women. I’m sick of conspiracy theorists claiming people with mainstream views are puppets of the system. I’m sick of people claiming religious believers only believe because they were brainwashed as children.
The thing about all of these views is that it doesn't matter if there are half a dozen answers written by people actually holding these views that look completely different because you know these people better than they know themselves - and it's all bad. It's a silly black and white ‘us and them’ mentality where everyone who agrees with you is great and everyone who doesn't has some crippling defect of intellect or character. It's even worse when the people doing this have the benefit of popular opinion because it turns into an echo chamber of prejudice re-enforcing backslapping as all the people who agree with each other get together to high five each other over the brilliance of their own fantasy of superiority.
If you don't actually listen to people disregarding what they say in favour of what you've decided they think (which is of course completely negative) then without a shadow of doubt you don't know what you are talking about. You've started disregarding the best possible evidence in favour of reinforcing your prejudice by fitting everything into your metanarrative and getting your information from people you already agree with.
Real thinkers seek to understand other views not dismiss them.
Edit: Wow guys! A thousand upvotes for this! I’m like so overwhelmed! I’d like to thank everyone who made this possible: My wife my family but especially my proctologist who is always behind me…
Shanks Wang Just a writer Answered May 31
The Bandwagon Effect.
See this?
(注:乐队花车直译自英文的bandwagon,也就是在花车大游行中搭载乐队的花车。参加者只要跳上了乐队花车,就能够轻松地享受游行中的音乐,又不用走路。因此,英文中的“jumping on the bandwagon”(跳上乐队花车)就代表了“进入主流”。为了不让自己在社会中孤立,所以社会个体常常不经思考就选择与大多数人相同的选择,这就是乐队花车效应。)
It seems no one wants to be the only guy on that thing. Even for something as simple and harmless as a button.
OK let me explain. Notice how after answering a question there tend to be a trend in how the upvotes come.
For your first thousand views unless you are already a massively popular Quoran upvotes typically come modestly. Even for a decent answer I’ll be pretty happy to see a ratio of 1 upvote per 100 views. Many a times it would be 1:200 or even 1:500. The very first upvote usually takes a while. People tend to be hesitant for some reason to openly show approval for an answer that is yet to prove popular unless the writer himself is popular.
However once your answer catches wind and the number of upvotes get to double or triple digits you see an exponential increase in the ratio of upvotes to views. An upvote comes every thirty twenty or even ten views.
Now to me personally this is something that doesn’t make sense. That answer was not edited at any point of time. It’s not like the piece just magically became better. It just happened to be more popular then.
It’s almost like people went:
“Hey that was a really insightful piece of writing! Guess what I’m gonna upv— wait a minute. No one upvoted this yet. Is there something wrong with the answer? Should I press the button? Does that make me a bigot? Does that make me a racist homophobe or a chauvinistic pig?”
*Sees answer again in 24hr*
“Oh wow 11456 upvotes. This answer must be great. Good to know I’m not a chauvinistic pig. Or even if I am there are 11456 other chauvinistic pigs with me.”
Now people PLEASE. Have some individuality. You don’t need other people to tell you what you should appreciate what you should agree or disagree with. You don’t need the approval of other people’s approval to show approval for something. Form your own opinions. We have enough bandwagoning in other aspects of life as it is. Quora is an intellectual platform where rationality and logic should prevail over subconscious human instincts and bandwagoning is right up there as one of the main ones.
If you see a good thought-provoking answer fucking upvote it.
If you see a bad one that is unhelpful even if it’s from a popular Quoran with millions of followers? Fucking downvote it.
Nathan Jackson Explorer of Quora Answered Sep 20
This man right here.
If you’ve been on Quora for any amount of time you’ll probably recognise him.
Yes I’m sick of seeing answers about Elon Musk. Thousands of people on Quora worship him. He’s a self-made billionaire. He’s a visionary. He’s going to put people on Mars. He’s CEO of Tesla. He’s the greatest entrepreneur ever.
And I don’t disagree. I respect Elon Musk’s achievements and ambition and I can see why he has so many fans. He is a very inspirational and successful figure.
But please can we cut out this Elon-obsession. Even questions which have nothing to do with electric cars or entrepreneurism or shit that involves Elon Musk in the slightest have answers kissing his ass:
What’s your favourite perfume?
Musk by Elon. It smells of success.
Can you give some advice to a 23-year old office worker?
Quit your job start up several innovative futuristic companies and become a billionaire visionary.
How do you get into horseriding?
Who the fuck rides a horse? Ride a Tesla Model S.
There is nothing wrong with admiring Elon Musk.
But there have been a million answers admiring him already.
Write about someone else.
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