中国可以制造精品“苹果”手机,为何“中国制造”依然毁誉参半? [美国媒体]


Why are Chinese products of such low quality (other than iPhone being manufactured in China)?


1.    Michael Diliberto, eight years inChina, over half in third-tier cities; living, working, setting up businesses,and managing ...(迈克尔·迪利贝托,在中国工作生活了8年)AnsweredJan 15, 2014 · Upvoted by David Levy, Over 30 years in China Operations &Mfg Turnarounds
As asourcing professional in China, I can safely say that if I had a nickel forevery western manager that pulled out an iPhone during a discussion aboutproduct design or quality control in China, I would have retired a few yearsback. The comparison is inappropriate because the iPhone is not made in China. TheiPhone is assembled in China.  I couldjust as easily ship all of the parts, assembly and testing jigs, and productioninstructions to Vietnam, Italy, Mexico, or even the United States of America,and I would churn out identical iPhones to ones we assemble here in China. Theimportant distinction is that the iPhone is made from parts manufactured all ofthe world, but it was designed by a top team of engineers at Apple'sheadquarters.  Those engineers designednot just the iPhone, but also the methods of manufacture.  

我是一名采购专业人士,参与到了IPhone的产品设计和质量管控环节。我敢发誓,如果我在其中侵占了哪怕是一枚硬币的话,我早就要卷铺盖回家了。针对题主的提问,我要强调一下,这个问题本身问法就是错误的。这是因为,IPhone 压根就不是“中国制造”。IPhone只是“中国组装”而已。我们可以轻易的将IPhone的零部件,试验台及制造工艺指南移到别处。比如越南,意大利,墨西哥,甚至是美国。在这些新的地方,我们可以毫不费力的组装出IPhone。这件事情的真正要点在于说IPhone的供应链是全球性的,但是其设计确是由苹果总部的研发团队所主导的。这些研发团队不仅设计了IPhone,而且开发出了IPhone的生产工艺。

Theycreated tight tolerances between parts and found suppliers that could build tothat tolerance level; in some cases those suppliers are in South Korea or theUSA.  That same engineering team madetest jigs for the iPhone so that at each station of assembly a worker caninsert their sub-assembly into a jig, and get a simple green light (send phoneto the next station) or red light (kick out phone to the re-work line). Thatengineering team did all of the work of not just designing and engineering theiPhone, but also designing and engineering the complete production process. Theprocesses of designing for manufacture and process engineering are not nearlyas simple or easy as they sounds when I describe them in ten sentences.  


Thenext question I inevitably get asked is what it takes to "build ourproducts like apple builds the iPhone". Ok, no problem.  But, first, lets look at some numbers.  Apple, according to their most recentearnings report spent just over a billion dollars in R&D costs. The iPhonemakes up about half of apple's revenue, so it would be fair to guess that theyallocated five hundred million US Dollars of R&D spend towards thedevelopment of the iPhone 5S (and 5C).  Even if we say that we could further dividethe cost (we probably can not, but hey suspend disbelief, we are on theinternet, after all) between the two phones released this year, that is stillallocating two hundred and fifty million US Dollars towards the research and developmentof a single phone. Divide again the costs between product development andmanufacturing, and that is one hundred and twenty five million US Dollars thatApple spent just to design the best way to make a phone. (And that is, Ibelieve, a conservative figure) Ok, now that we have the iPhone question out ofthe way (can you tell I have given this speech before? Exiting soap boxnow...), lets get to the meat of this question, which is, "Why are Chineseproducts of such low quality", which, by the way, is a massive question,but one that can be stated simply: 

IPhone系列产品的盈利几乎达到了苹果公司盈利总额的一半。所以,我们大概也可以估算,苹果公司在iPhone 5S 和IPhone 5C上的开发成本大概是5亿美元。我们还可以对这两款产品在进行一下成本细分,也就是说,每一款产品的研发投入大概是2.5亿美元。我们继续细分下去,鉴于产品本身的开发是分为产品结构设计和工艺设计,所以,单纯的花在IPhone一款产品的结构设计方面的资金是1.25亿美元。针对这一点,我觉得有关于这个数字的估算可能还是有点保守。好了,现在我们可以回答之前的问题了——为何中国的产品的质量很差?老实说,这是一个很严肃的问题

Mostfirms spend way too much time thinking about WHAT they are making and notnearly enough time thinking about HOW they will make it.  A little background on Chinese manufacturing(in general!): 
Letsassume for a minute that you are asking why Chinese firms turn out poor qualityproducts on their own. Not all factories do. Some factories, especially thosethat have exported products on their own or worked as contract manufacturersfor western firms will consistently and without excessive guidance turn outhigh quality product. However, there are an equal number of factories that willturn out anything you ask them to produce, defaulting to minimum cost andminimum quality unless otherwise specified. There are number of factors here that are worth exploring: 
First,and foremost, Chinese domestic market consumers generally (it's changing, butfor now) go for either the best product or the cheapest product.  So if you are not making the best, you areracing to the bottom to make the cheapest.


Chineseconsumers are not generally looking at quality; it is assumed that if you wantquality, then you buy the best one; otherwise just buy the cheap one.  So manufacturers are not rewarded for making incrementallybetter products. On top of this race to the bottom mentality is the attitude ofcustomer service taken by some mainland firms. Since production costs are very cheap, and few people generally call tocomplain about their cheap products, the customers that do complain of issuesare usually given new product by the supplier. 


Chinais one of the few places where a supplier having to replace a defective productseveral times is tolerated by consumers, and in the eyes of some suppliers,this is not an issue. Lastly, with lax enforcement of a lot of product safetyrequirements, many Chinese domestic suppliers become accustomed to cuttingcorners where possible. Plastic too expensive? Add some re-grind material backinto the hopper.  


Solderhard to work with? Use the one with lead in it, as it flows better. Price ofcopper rising? Get thinner printed circuit boards. You get the idea. So letscontinue the discussion of Chinese products that are made and imported intoanother country. Here is an example. Meet Joe Blogs, American Entrepreneur. Joe heads over to the consumer electronics show with his idea for anawesome mp3-o-tron.  Joe, knowing that heneeds to get his product made in China as his start-up is lean on cash, headsover to the Asia pavillion and meet with some more polished Chinese suppliers,probably from the pearl river delta region. They show some examples of otherproducts they made before, and Joe finds a supplier that made a similar enoughproduct that he believes they can make his mp3-o-tron.  Also, their prices are a lot more reasonablethan some of the other vendors he has met at the show. After reviewing Joe'sengineering drawings and documentation, the supplier explains that it is muchcheaper to have Joe modify their existing cassette-tape-o-tron into hismp3-o-tron, since Joe didn't have any design for manufacture work done, nor hadhe done any process engineering. 


The supplierexplains that they have produced millions of cassette-tape-o-trons, and haveironed out the issues, so this is the safest route to take.  So, Joe goes along for the ride. Unfortunately,the cassette-tape-o-tron is a Chinese domestic market product, which means ithas not passed the rigorous testing that exported product might have beensubjected to. FCC approval? UL? Lead in the solder? Lead in the plastic? Haveany of these tests been done? The biggest issue is that Joe doesn't know toask, and the supplier doesn't know it will be an issue. A few prototypes later,the mp3-o-tron is not looking all that great. There are performance issues withaudio playback, and on top of that, three of the ten prototypes that Joebrought back from his last trip stopped working, one right in front of acustomer.  


Joecalls the supplier to complain, and the supplier says "no problem at all,I will give you three new ones when you get back here".  Joe is not pleased.  When Joe's customers ask about FCC approval,Joe just nods and makes mental note to ask his supplier; surely they know thathis product needs FCC approval to be sold in the USA, right? Costs keepmounting as Joe demands approvals, testing, certification.  RoHS, fair trade, you name it.  The supplier keeps raising the price, but Joebalks.  "Lower the price or we arenot buying mp3-o-trons from you!". The supplier obliges, but where did they save the cost? fake chips?thinner than specified printed circuit boards? Tin screws instead of stainlesssteel? 


UnlessJoe is testing for each of these possibilities, Joe is at risk for unapproved componentsubstitutions. The first containers of mp3-o-trons finally arrive in theUSA.  The costs were higher thanbudgeted, they just barely passed all of the certifications required for salein the US market, and are of dubious quality. Joe, not having budgeted for hisown QC team to be on site at the factory during production has had to rely onthe supplier to confirm the quality of his goods.  Soon word gets out about the mp3-o-tron;  another low quality Chinese product.  But how did we get here? That journey, as youcan see, is not that simple.


1.1       Peter Barney(彼得.巴尼)Jun9, 2016 · 1 upvote
Youhave successfully pounded the last nail in the coffin of every inventor thathad dreams of bringing his invention to market. Clearly, these waters are deepand only safe for very large manufacturers to navigate.Is there any help forthe small-time inventor in his garage who just wants to get his product tomarket?


1.1.1       Michael Diliberto, eight years in China, over half in third-tiercities; living, working, setting up businesses, and managing ...(迈克尔·迪利贝托,在中国工作生活了8年)Jun9, 2016 · 1 upvote
Notmy intention to make anyone give up on their dreams of bringing a product tolife. Making product in China is challenging but certainly not impossible; manypeople, myself included, make products in China every day and I can assure youI'm nowhere near a company of apple’s size. To answer your question, yes thereis a lot of help for the prototypical investor in a garage that wants to bringa product to market; most of my writing and advice is aimed at that audience. Atthe most easiest, there are agencies that broker manufacturing services, notjust in China but US, Europe, Mexico, etc. these brokers are a great place tostart, as they add a lot of value (provided it's the right broker) forgenerally a small amount of additional overhead (typically 3–5% of FOB ordervalue).


Harderbut manageable is heading over to China and working with manufacturers on theground. The costs are a lot more reasonable than most people think; youraverage sourcing trip can be kept to $1,000 to $2,000 per week as long asyou're booking coach flights and reasonable hotels. A lot of people start withthe former and work their way into the latter; gradually taking the reins fromtheir broker, agent, or salesperson as they become more comfortable with theins and outs of life on the ground in China (or wherever you end up).


2.    Rueben Marley, Voice Actor(吕本·马利,配音演员)AnsweredMar 27, 2015
Here'sthe thing... most of us already know that many of the world's top brands havetheir parts made in China... but what we don't really think about is the factthat those same components would never fetch the same price in today's market,if they were branded as Chinese products.Branding is the issue here, notproduct quality. Sure, there's plenty of rubbish being manufactured in China,but there is a huge (and from a global brand marketer's point of view,insignificant) market absorbing that stuff. So that brings us to the otherthing... which Chinese companies will be the first ones to take it in theshorts as they pull out all the stops and and actually fund the launch oftop-quality goods with a Chinese label? It would definitely start an instantturf war in the global market, as far as dominant western brands go. They sureas hell don't want China competing with them. At the same time, Chineseconsumers will be hesitant to trade in their western brand loyalty for a shotat supporting the new Chinese brands that come at the same price.


Mostlikely, the government will continue injecting money into pet projects thatrepresent the goals laid out by the Party's current five-year plan. I don'tknow how long it will take for the "Made in China" tag to lose itsnegative connotation with the general public, but in time Chinese brands willslowly emerge from the shadows. When that happens, it will be extremely easyfor companies in China to produce top-quality gear... because they have alreadybeen doing it for some time now!I suspect it won't be too long before futureQuora questions are along the lines of: "When did China suddenly startmaking top-quality products?"


3.    Gabriel Chan, Overseas Chinese(华侨)AnsweredDec 7, 2015

ManyMade in China products and services fall under the yellow and blue circles,because that's what people want, and that's how China's manufacturing had beeninitially been configured for. These products are poor quality because that iswhat was expected. 
Butnow, there are more people picking red and blue, or red and yellow. One suchexample is high-speed train sets. These are the people who continue to thinkall Chinese products are poor quality:


3.1       Anshul RanjanDec8, 2015 · 3 upvotes including Gabriel Chan
Andnot to mention, the long time top notch electronic devices (Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad, Apple, Dell, Nokia) and many more are actually manufactured in China.
It's not about "Made in China". It'sabout what you buy that was made in china. What Chinese manufacturing gave ishell lot of options to choose between the Yellow, Red and Blue circles above(and many times making you believe a non-red product as a red produt)


3.1.1       Gabriel ChanDec8, 2015 · 2 upvotes including Anshul Ranjan
"Designedin California" justified the markup and "Made in China"magically disappears.


4.    Hans Pond(汉斯.庞德)AnsweredJul 8, 2016

Youmean this? A crappy Chinese car get bumped by a German bicycle? This pic wentviral.The reality about this picture is that the bike in the right is made inChina. GAMMAX is a Chinese brand. And the car in the left is said to be aCh*vr*let by appearance, a US brand. So it's a Chinese bicycle that has betterquality than an American car?No, can't say that. A rigid car body does notalways provide maximum safety to its passengers. And the wheel of a bicycle isvery rigid by its circular design. So I won't surprise if a bicycle wheel isstronger than the body of a car.


Thispic shows two things: there is a widespread prejudice about quality of MiC, andquality is a difficult and complicated issue that really depends on manyfactors. And China produces the most in the world, in numbers and in varieties.That also includes low quality and counterfeits products. This country is not apolice state(Chinese police don't even carry a gun!) and in many cases thecentral government failed to control every aspect in this vast land. Maybe fewrealize that, but for example, in fact the genuine Samsung or iPhonesmartphones and their copycats are both made in China. What puzzles me is that,there are foreigners who paid quite a lot to travel to China. Intentionally goto some counterfeit markets that even locals are not familiar with. Then bargaina counterfeit Rolex for 20 USD. Use it in a hardcore way and soon it stopsfunctioning. Finally blame it for low quality. But why don't you buy a genuineone in the center of that city in the first place?


Finally,I don't think anyone would just believe a country could have become THE factoryof the world by just producing low quality products. And I don't think thepeople of your country are all craving for low quality products so that theimports for China has been always rising. The best way to buy is to ask forhigh quality and pay the rightful price. But anyway they are mostly from China,where the cost of manufacturing is still among the lowest for all sorts ofproducts, good or bad.


5.    Luis M. Gonzalez, lives in Buenos Aires, ArgentinaAnsweredDec 12, 2016(路易斯.冈萨雷斯)
Youprobably entered a coma 15 years ago and woke up today. I understand, all thedirt cheap things came from China and they didn't last long.But, today,everything is made in China. When I say everything, I mean the good and the badstuff. Your cellphone, your laptop, your A/C unit, your TV, most parts of yourcar, tools, machines, everything. You may be fooled into thinking that justbecause you consume American or European brands you're not buying Chineseproducts. Think twice. The brands may be American or European, but thefactories are in China. You know Apple, right..? China.Today, China is thefactory of the world.Right now there's a clown in the U.S promising to get allthe outsourced jobs in China back to the U.S. Get ready to see a massivefailure.


6.    AThomas Mathew, worked at China(艾特豪玛斯.马修,在中国工作)AnsweredDec 10, 2016
Ifthere is something I have realized after my stint here in China is that if youwant to buy a product that is “MADE IN CHINA”, then it's best that you buy itfrom China itself. The quality and build of the product is much better thanwhat will be be sold in your own country. The fault lies not with China butwithin ourselves, or our traders who have come to realize that our expectationsof a product, as a consumer, is abysmal. We are ready to buy any cheap knockoffproduct as long as its cheap !!
Thisreminds me of a friend of mine who imported hardware products from China. Itwas the first time he was doing business with a Chinese firm. He wasnegotiating the price of the product.
TheChinese seller said, “5 USD unit price !!”.This is was a competitive quote buthe wanted to see if he could get a better price.“How about 3 USD unit price?”
“Ok !”
Whoa…that was too easy.
“Sorry i misspoke, I meant 2 USD unit price”
“Ok. No problem”


Myfriend was ecstatic, he had had just closed a killer deal with huge profitmargin.
Acouple of weeks later, his shipment arrives. He excitedly opens the shipment,only to find that the product was sub par quality and poor finishing. Heangrily rings up the Chinese seller in order to complain.
“You've cheated me!! This wasn't the quality you assured me. …”
TheChinese guy coolly replied
“You pay USD 2/ unit price, you get USD 2 quality product. You wantgood quality product, you pay USD 5/ unit price !!”

我朋友: …… (呆若木鸡)

7.    Giovanni Siano, A businessman living a parallel artistic life.AnsweredDec 13, 2016
Myexperience with China Made products span since 1988 when my company startedexporting talc mineral out of GungXi. China back then was VERY different fromwhat some of you may have seen in recent times. We had quite a lot of problemswith those mineral exports but the quality was there, just the refinement levelof exporting things it wasn’t. We went to visit the mines in some remote areaof GuangXi and the working methods back hen were really backward. NowadaysChina is manufacturing construction and mining machines which are quiteadvanced, and some are even the tallest/biggest/highest in the world.After the1988 experience we have exported for 17 years Chinese made products of variouskinds and it has often been a pain since Q.C. has always been a serious issuein China. mentality and quality/look issue are quite different and some detailswhcih for Westerners might be important for a Chinese are not.


Mytoday experience with Chinese made products is very mixed. I buy things here inMalaysia which are often piece of crap! They barely last one week. I triedbuying a table top water heater and it was given three months of warranty! Itmeans that the thing would have gone “kaput” in 91 days. But this is what theysell here because the local businessmen only import crappy products. If I go toUSA or Europe and even Korea and Japan I can find China made products of decentand good quality. So, as many are saying, you pay peanuts you get monkeys. Theproblem China is even now it’s that is becoming expensive. Quality madeproducts, especially in certain mechanical or hydraulic sectors, are notconvenient and many Western companies have abandoned the China market with abitter taste leaving factories empty and the number of failed Joint venture ison the increase.


Otherissue, although improving, it’s the design. Chinese manufacturing company (andAsian in general except for Korea and Japan) do not ant to invest in design andengineering because to make good stuff you start from good design, so the finalproducts are affected. The trend is changing so you see company like HuaWeibecoming leaders and even surpassing western. Leica lenses on theirphones..WOW!! Other is DJI making over 60% of all drones in the world and adefinite market leader, and so on…


8.    Jon Bohmer, Inventor(乔恩. 玻姆,发明家)UpdatedDec 9, 2015
Youmean iPhones or plastic Christmas trinkets? The Chinese will make whateverquality you need, given that you are willing to do rigorous quality control andare willing to pay more for better quality.In Africa we have a saying thatChinese factories sort their output in three bins. Bin A, the best quality, isfor Europe and the US. Bin B is for sale in China, while bin C goes toAfrica...


9.    Jay Kim, Hedge Fund Manager & Asian Investment Explorer(乔伊.今姆,赫奇基金经理,亚洲风险投资者)AnsweredSep 26

It isan old antiquated notion of China tracing back to a time when domesticmanufacturing was cheaper vs. anywhere else in the world.This is all changingas we speak.I recently had the pleasure of hosting Kevin Kelly (co-founder andsenior maverick of Wired Magazine) as a guest on the first ever How To InvestIn Asia Virtual Summit. Kevin’s been following China for decades. According toKelly, China is five or so years away from creating some sort of technologythat is world class, that will become a household name, very similar to how theJapanese created the Sony Walkman back in the 70’s which went on to becoming ahousehold product owned globally. I absolutely 100% agree with Kelly here. 


Chinahas had it’s ups and downs and growing pains which always accompany the type ofexplosive growth it is experiencing but as the country matures I believe wewill definitely see some exciting innovation that will become a global standardfor consumers. One of the first things that popped into my mind when ponderingpotential technology to fit this bill is the drone technology coming out of DJIbased in Shenzhen. DJI or Dà-Jiāng Innovations Science and Technology Co., Ltdis a Chinese technology company headquartered in Shenzhen which is arguably themarket leader in drones and aerial photography systems right now.
In afew years time I believe drones will be commonplace in every household and whenthat happens the “Made In China” DJI drone might just be the world’s best. Ifyou are interested in hearing more about what Kevin Kelly told me and learningabout the exciting opportunities in Asia you can attend the How To Invest InAsia Virtual Summit for free (at least for the remaining days/sessions thisweek if you register here!


10.        Tom Chandler, Sourcing andtechnology transfer with Chinese industry for 2 decades(汤姆.钱德勒,从事采购和技术转移,在中国工作20年)UpdatedJun 7, 2016
Ioffer my comments, reflecting on my experience, which likely includes mywestern capitalistic bias.Most of what I am about to write concerns olderChinese industry , certainly not applicable to the newer electronics and cellphones and such built in China. This story is just one small microcosm ofglobal business. I have spent the past 17 years working with Chinese factoriesto supply raw material for our US factories. The sources of this unique productfrom US are all closed or out of business in this market, so I have spent muchtime in China at many factories, uating technical capability, manufacturingdiscipline that I am familiar with here in US and Europe. 


Also,I have looked in Europe, Eastern Europe, India, and Korea and have a fairlywell drawn picture of global capability north of the equator with respect tothe industrial product I am sourcing. I see considerable variation incapability and performance in the Chinese mills around the country. In general,much of the equipment was imported from closed US factories or bought new fromJapan, or Europe, etc -- these were mostly state owned mills. My experiencewith the state owned mills can be summarized in the basic lack of initiative toimprove by most of the managers and technical staff. They had low pay and noincentive to improve and optimize processes ( continuous improvement), as Ihave been so familiar with here in US , so at some times quality would be OKand other simple cosmetic issues that could be fixed quickly in a motivatedwestern mill would never be addressed. I met with a lot of good, knowledgeable,and capable professionals, but the lack of initiative could never sustain aneffective continuous improvement program needed to produce consistent highquality materials.


Privatizingsome of these state own factories is changing the picture as the Chinese govtseems to be grasping and utilizing the positive and best parts of capitalism tothe advantage of the industrial sectors in China. One of the old state mills Iworked with was privatized and failed fairly quickly, because the work culturewith management was not taught to deal with "the new way" . On theother hand , some private factories managed by a profit motivated managementare dong quite well with respect to quality, factories are beautifully laid outand there is understanding of the value of product quality.


As afinal point (my opinion only), many Western buyers and corporations were drawnto China many years ago by the extreme relative low labor cost and were able tomake marked improvements in profits by purchasing VERY low cost materials fromChina. AND they were blindly willing to accept lower quality than they wouldfrom their own US factories, and so the Chinese factories weren't pushed forfear of rising prices. In this event, the western capitalistic greed forprofits actually promoted lower quality to be acceptable in Western markets.Acrossthe world, we are all beings of the human race, with similar abilities tolearn, to make mistakes and even fail, with no one country or race better orworse than anyone else. We are all driven by our motivations, whatever they maybe. I am still learning, probably at a faster rate than ever until my time runsout.

