【 Quora 】:是戈尔巴乔夫摧毁的苏联吗? [美国媒体]


Did Gorbachev destroy the USSR, or is it just accepted as the "inevitable"?

【 Quora 】:是戈尔巴乔夫摧毁的苏联吗?

I was at the25th anniversary of the end of the Berlin Wall celebration in Berlin onNovember 9, 2014, and the high point of the whole event for me was whenGorbachev came onto the stage about 25 feet from me to take part in the releaseof the balloons that was the symbolic highlight of the event. The emceeintroduced him as "unser Gorby," our Gorby, and the crowd cheeredlouder for him than they did for people like Wolf Biermann, Peter Gabriel, orany other of the celebrities who showed up for the event.
Here's my point.From the viewpoint of the Germans, particularly those who lived for 40 years onthe wrong side of the Iron Curtain, Gorbachev managed a process that may haveturned out radically different than he ever envisioned, but which ended up agood thing for the millions of people who had been held in the oppressive,totalitarian Warsaw Pact and SSR's.
I think it is anindicator of Gorbachev's pivotal role in history that he has continued to liveinto his old age inside of a country that has never fully accepted either hisrole in the end of the USSR or the attempts to open that system withperestroika and glasnost (one of the wonderful words of the final years of theCold War). If he had chosen to live in London, New York City, Paris, or Berlin,he would have spent his declining years among admirers and could have worked tocement the legacy that he certainly deserves more than any other world leaderof the time, including Reagan, Thatcher, Mitterand, or Kohl.



There were a lotof things that were taking place when the USSR had fallen apart. First andforemost the economy which had been in stagnation because the leadership of theUSSR was not willing to change the economic model that had sustained the USSRfor so long. The Brezhnev era in particular was very resistant to any kind ofchange that might be necessary for the state to survive. Brezhnev did intervenefor example in Czechoslovakia when they were liberalising parts of society andwere changing the economic outlook so much so that they economy could provideincentives and build up the economy without the huge burden being on the stateto fund it. The USSR was sustaining a lot of the economies of its allies, likefor example Cuba which was and still is under a US blockade, with only the USSRbeing the economy large enough to be able to sustain its oil and otherresources needs in exchange for accepting Cubas sugar cane. Also its satellitestates didn't have much resources to give to the USSR so that USSR was verymuch funding its own control over these countries creating a huge burden on theeconomy. Cambodia which had been wrecked by the genocide undertaken by Pol Potwas sustaining both Vietnam and Cambodia in the aftermath in order to help bothcountries rebuild from the crisis that had ensued in the country. Afghanistanwas probably one of the bigger problems given that the USSR was fighting a hugeproblem on its border and was again taking a lot of its resources, given thatlarge amounts of its hardware was being destroyed and that the country wasalready in stagnation before the war began.


The reformsGorbachev was undertaking were actually started by Yuri Andropov. Yuri Andropovwas the person who began the liberalising of the USSR and was responsiblelargely for the promoting of Gorbachev through the communist party ranksbecause he thought that Gorbachevs radical ideas had the potential of savingthe USSR from imminent collapse. The problem was that Gorbachev wasliberalising everything too quickly and wasn't really thinking of theconsequences of a lot of what he was doing, he was very weak as a leader. Hisideas of Glasnost and Perestroika were good ideas in theory, but it led tothings such as shortages in bread and milk in the shops, it led to hugesessionist movements Also Gorbachev being humiliated by Yeltsin in theaftermath of the coup in 1991 was also cause for huge weakness in the countryfor dealing with all of the problems in the country. Gorbachev wasn't evenrespected by a lot of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the USSR. Anotherhuge problem was that the communist parties themselves wanted to dissolve thecountry, like for example the election of Boris Yeltsin to lead Russia, who wasabsolutely determined to destroy the USSR 。

戈尔巴乔夫所做的改革实际上是由尤里·安德罗波夫发起的。尤里·安德罗波夫(Yuri Andropov)是开始使苏联开放的人,他主要负责让戈尔巴乔夫推动cp党的队伍改变,因为他认为戈尔巴乔夫的激进思想有可能将苏联从即将崩溃的边缘拯救出来。问题是,戈尔巴乔夫把一切都搞得太快了,他并没有真正考虑到他所做的许多事情的后果,他作为一个领导者又非常软弱。他的思想开放和改革的想法理论很好,但它导致诸如商店里的面包和牛奶短缺,这导致了巨大的sessionist运动出现。同时,1991年的政变后,戈尔巴乔夫也受到叶利钦的羞辱,这也导致了该国在处理国际问题上的巨大弱点。戈尔巴乔夫甚至没有受到作为苏联cp党中央政治局的尊重。另一个巨大的问题是cp党自己想解散这个国家,比如鲍里斯·叶利钦领导的俄罗斯选举,他是绝对决心摧毁苏联。


MikhaelGorbachev have NOT contributed to dissolving USSR, at least directly.
He didn't wantto dissolve it, he wanted reform it.
USSR wasdissolved by Yeltsin and few other leaders of former USSR republics, but theyfollowed Yeltsin, so most of the credits go to him.
Unless you countTaoist concept of "Non-doing" as contribution in Gorbachev's case.:-)



It was bound tohappen, and he allowed it to happen in a less ridiculous way.
It was bound tohappen, because the Soviet Union's economy was based on lies and corruption.The money and the food would run out eventually and the government wouldcollapse.
Gorbachev triedto save the Union and make it more democratic. He miscalculated the amount ofeconomic and ethnic troubles and failed at keeping it together.
People who areunhappy about the USSR's collapse hate Gorbachev. They call him an American spyand say that he carried out the American plan to destroy Russia. I don't have areason to think that this is literally true: America was certainly happy aboutthe downfall of its biggest enemy, and its foreign policy was explicitly aimedat that, but unless proven otherwise Gorbachev carried out his own policy, theresults of which just happened to fit America's goals.
WithoutGorbachev, the Soviet Union would probably collapse in a much uglier way, withmuch more street violence. The freedom of speech that Gorbachev institutedallowed people to express themselves verbally rather than just through fistsand guns. Without this, it is likely that Russia would go through a darkerperiod of a fascist "emergency" government or something along theselines.



The Soviet Unionwas in decline when Gorbachev took over. He described it himself. He said tohis officials “We can you tighten our belts very very tightly and reduceconsumption, which the people will no longer tolerate, or we can free up thevast sums which are spent on defence.”
The countrycould no longer feed its own people. Even before Gorbachev took over the USSRhad to import grain from the west.
Also, inhindsight, technology was getting to a point where new products were coming outever few years, quickly making the products of the last few years obsolete. Theslow central planning system would never had survived that world.
What Gorbachevdid was try to fiddle with the system to reform it, not realising how fragileit was. In the process it fell apart.
I once watchedan interview with a Soviet journalist who described it as follows:
“The SovietUnion was held together by two things. The first was a genuine belief in theideology of communism and the second was fear. Gorbachev took away both ofthose and the system fell apart.”
Gorbachevaccelerated s process that was inevitable. Look today at North Korea and howthe country is struggling for its survival.



Which fall? Dothis: read a book by anatoly golytsyn, a former KGB agent, writen in the 60s,predicting everything that happened. The book is called "new lies forold".
Now tell me whatchanged. Satellite states that try to fall from USSRs orbit get attacked (justlike before). Disenters get killed (just like before). There is a sole monarch(just like before), and former KBG agents became olygarchs, running all thecountries relevant industries (got the point?)
Now, which fallof the USSR are you refering to? To me they just changed their name, and put inNew Lies for Old....

谁倒下了?跟我做:读一本书,作者是前克格勃(KGB)特工阿纳托利•戈里琴(anatoly golytsyn),他在60年代写了一本书,预言了一切。这本书被称为“旧的谎言”。


He tried toreform socialism so that it actually worked. In the process he actually managedto kill whatever was working in the Soviet system - which wasn't much, but itallowed communist party to keep the power.
Somethingsimilar happened in Poland in 1980s: the reforms genuinely intended to makesocialism work, ruined it so badly that it collapsed.
An interestingbook by W. Wisniewski, an economist working for communist party hq in Poland,has noticed that Soviet satellites that simply kept their brutal, simplisticsocialism in place instead of trying to make it work actually were workingcomparatively better than Poland or Russia back then.
The reason Ithink lies in basic unsoundness of the doctrine: if it does not work, making itmore complex makes it operate ever more poorly.
So I think thatGorbachev was major reason why USSR fell. If he did not try reforms to makesocialism reinvent itself, he could have kept equivalent of today's North Koreain place.



The Soviet Unionwas designed to break up as easily as possible. constitution  right tofree exit from the Union is already the verdict to the state!
But Gorbachevdid much for collapse of Union of course.
For thebeginning  he gave the presidency to each republic, and then openlyannounced that he creates a new union, and every republic can decide to enterin new Union or not.
Sorry but suchactions can destroy almost any state on the planet.

