全球最安全的十个国家 [美国媒体]

youtube网友:你说说芬兰不属于斯堪的纳维亚,我很高兴。斯堪的纳维亚是挪威,瑞典和丹麦,完毕! 我是在挪威长大的,所以我知道北欧的地理。至于瑞典,首都斯德哥尔摩比较适宜居住,其他地方都差不多。我有亲戚和朋友在瑞典,他们都非常安全。

youtube上的一个视频,美国人制作,介绍全球最安全的十个国家。排名从高到低分别如下:爱尔兰  挪威  芬兰  瑞典 奥地利 加拿大 瑞士 新西兰 丹麦 新加坡。

Thus Spake the Night Spirit
Finland is not a scandinavian country. A good way to make good list videos is research. Don't just read "richest" lists...


E.M. Solberg
Thus Spake the Night Spirit I am so glad you pointed out that Finland is NOT a Scandinavian country.  Scandinavia is 
Norway, Sweden and Denmark.  Period.  I grew up in Norway, so I know my Northern European geography.  In regard to Sweden: livability there depends on where you live, as in anywhere but Stockholm, the capital.  Have relatives and friends in Sweden, and they are all perfectly safe

你说说芬兰不属于斯堪的纳维亚,我很高兴。斯堪的纳维亚是挪威,瑞典和丹麦,完毕!  我是在挪威长大的,所以我知道北欧的地理。至于瑞典,首都斯德哥尔摩比较适宜居住,其他地方都差不多。我有亲戚和朋友在瑞典,他们都非常安全。

Thus Spake the Night Spirit
+E.M. Solberg Yes. It is a big pet peeve for me as I have family in nordic countries and ppl are just stubborn about their lack of knowledge of this geography... xD


Thus Spake the Night Spirit never heard about Fennoscandia


The Blue Azumarill
Thus Spake the Riddler oh you watch it shortie, i think its you who has to wake your brain


Thus Spake the Night Spirit lmao..


Nightmare Edits
Congratz u made everyone know that u r an total dumbass


Gavin Hope
Thus Spake the Night Spirit fuck u Finland was part of the Scandinavian union in 1567


KimWoorim Park
sl??pчp?αchí? Army?


Francis Paulin
finland recently had a stabing what does that mean?


CupcakKe United
Francis Paulin Ohhhh, Because NO other country has had a stabbing recently

什么意思? 意思是其他的地方最近没有刀杀案呗。

Tao Yanbao
Tell me one country with at least 5 million people that DIDN'T have a stabbing "recently" (whatever that means exactly). 
55,574 were murdered in Brazil in 2015, 41,623 in India (in 2014), 20,762 in Mexico, 18,673 in South Africa, 17,843 in 
Nigeria, 16,232 in Russia, 15,696 in the U.S., and so on. (88 in Finland.) 
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li ... ional_homicide_rate). So ONE person was stabbed recently in 
Finland, huh? It was a radicalized, immigrated muslim shouting "Allahu Akhbar" ("Allah is great") according to vitnesses 
(if you mean the public stabbing in ?bo in August). Yes, that IS a problem wherever such people are, although in the 
greater context, an extremely unlikely way to die anywhere in the Nordic countries

告诉我那个人口不少于五百万的国家,哪个“最近”(怎么定义时间段都行)没有过刺杀案。 2015年,巴西发生的谋杀案数:55574起;印
度(2014年)是41623起;墨西哥20762起;南非18673起;尼日利亚17843起,俄罗斯16232起;美国15696起; 等等 等等。芬兰是88起。
所以,最近一个人在芬兰被刺杀,是什么意思!如果你说的是8月份发生在Abo地方的公开刺杀案, 根据目击者说,那是一个激进的穆斯林移

Salami Sam
New Zealand fam where you at?


Football XI


Dave Long
New Zealand was destroyed by an earthquake.
Australia was desertified by global warming


Top 10 of the Lowest crime index for country 2016
1.South Korea 14.31
2.Singerpore 15.81
3.Japan 19.34
4.Hong Kong 20.85
5.Taiwan 21.21
6.Geogia 22.16
7.Quater 22.34
8.UAE 23.1
9.Austria 24.1
10.Estonia 24.67

1  韩国     14.31
2  新加坡   15.81
3  日本     19.34
4  香港     20.85
5  台湾     21.21
6  格鲁吉亚 22.16
7  卡塔尔   22.34  
8  阿联酋   23.1
9  奥地利   24.1
10 爱尔尼沙 24.67

勇者ヨシヒコ Yes, it is. 5 countries in East Asia has the lowest crime rate. But N.Korea's threats, diplomatic problems, 
disasters are the probable reasons why most of these countries are not on list.. I think.. Feel sorry if you think I'm wrong


the intelligent milk jug
Shouldn't Japan be on the top of this list


good things
India should be there


March _April
I pick new Zealand, since they don't have much crimes and have good education
and I've since lord of the rings

我看过 指环王

i guess you never lived in NZ, some countries are safe in the day but not in the night.


Lúcás ó Daimhín
Ireland is much safer than Denmark


Adam Brown


Lúcás ó Daimhín
+Adam Brown What kind of argument is that? That's like me saying "Denmark isn't safe there were Nazis in a neighbouring 
country", N.I. is a different country

你那说的什么? 比如我说“丹麦不安全,因为邻近有纳粹分子”,你要知道,新纳粹是在另外的地方。

Adam Brown
+Lúcás ó Daimhín but the ira was also in Ireland there was a attack recently in Dublin that the Ira confessed to


Lúcás ó Daimhín
+Adam Brown Where? That's still not an argument, there are Neo-Nazi in Denmark

哪个地方?  你那说的还是没什么驳斥力,新纳粹就在丹麦境内。

Max Vehman
Well fuck u all Finland would be the most safe country in the world if it wouldn't be near Russia


Erik Apelqvist1
Sweden is esy the safest contry bcs we have no problem the only promblem whas wen wi run aout of scrhap


Lúcás ó Daimhín
+Erik Apelqvist You have the highest rape rate in Europe...


Greig King 
sweden are you kidding its the rape capital of eu

开玩笑吗? 欧洲强奸之都---瑞典。

Gavin Hope
Greig King no it's not you uncultured swine fucking pig motherfucking bastardy little bitch

不是!不是! 你个没文化猪cnmde弱智小婊子。

Chris Martin
I would choose Switzerland


Amelia channel
Chris Martin I won't leave the safest country in the world(Iceland) And just saying. It's much colder in Norway and Greenland


Ludvigkul Kul
Finnland is not in Skandinavia


The Blue Azumarill
Ludvigkul Kul oh it is 


DaMpa Gaming
Ludvigkul Kul It doesnt count to skandinavia...


The Blue Azumarill
DaMpa Gaming it is in scandinavia, shut up cancertopia player


why isnt netherlands on this list?


Yeah i dont know why, maybe bc of the drugworld


carl10_ 392
they r higher on the peace list lol

荷兰已经是在和平榜单上了。 笑

I find it hard to believe Australia is not in the top 10 safest countries


They've probably also taken into account all of the dangerous shit that lives in Australia. So if you take that into 
account, it's obvious why australia didn't make the list ;)


australia has all the "nope" animals, i bet people find fucking snakes and tarantulas in their houses all the time


+NMD I'm an elderly person and was born and lived in Australia all my life.  I have never seen a snake or tarantula in my 
life, except in pet shops.  This also applies to all the other dangerous animals people talk about.


Marcus Boustani
NMD you dont know you dont live here australia is very modern and clean i have never seen a dangeous animal in my house ever


Marcus Boustani
bronzerat012 Australia has aliances with America against North Korea and other countries so we are basically screwed when ww3 happens


new zealand helped the usa fight in vietnam, korea, iraq and afghanistan enough is enough, sick of backing a losing horse

新西兰跟随美国出战越南,朝鲜,韩国,伊拉克和阿富汗,够了! 你们支持这么个失败马,恶心。

dud that country is so dangerous 
my first time being there i got bit by a spider


Olav M.
us Nordics clearly ruled this list. proud northern Norwegian here. congrats Iceland


velbekommen frændi, I think the super low murder rate may have tipped us to the top but honestly I think you do have us 
beat in southern Norway with the oil economy and warm weather. This was a pleasant reminder of how good we have it but I 
also think other things, besides the measurable ones, make Nordic countries great to live in. Things like the quality of 
the water, our nature and cultural closeness to nature is something that I cannot put a price on. And probably also the 
fact that besides some superficial sibling rivalry the Nordic countries function as a tight family of nations, so if any 
government royally screws up we always have a chance of moving ;)


Olav M.
+Hellcat i always imagine the Nordics as siblings its a love hate relationship. We love each other yet we disagree and 
compete about everything. And as you say if one of the government's screw up or whatever we can just relocate to another 
one of the Nordic countries


Lol, you Norwegians were living in small wooden huts and eating shit in 20's of XX century. All you have comes from money 
from oil. You're like Qatar of Europe..


Do some research before you spew ignorance everywhere. Oil and gas makes up for about 20-25% of Norway's GDP, while in 
Qatar that number is 60%. Sure, oil and gas is a big industry, but there are still other things Norway earns from and 
relies on. Plus look at those middle eastern countries with lots of oil, look at how their wealth isn't spread and shared, 
and how the living standards are much lower than Norway. Norway ranks in the to 10 of most positive things about countries, 
and this does not happen just from oil. You think the oil writes the laws? Forms the democracy?

这可不能说是靠石油上榜吧,你觉得石油能制定法律? 或制作民主?

Prince Athanase
Iceland = volcano and earthquake


Norway = Floods and mega Tsunamis


Skyy Banerjee
Olav M. U ppl are the best,  intelligent and most peaceful...  A lot of love and support from India..  Don't ever change ur 
selves!  Long live the 5 nordic countries

你们的人民是最好,最聪明,最和平的。  印度的关爱和支持向你们滔滔而来。  永远保持你们的美好。  北欧5国万岁。

Skyy Banerjee
FINLAND!!!  Would love to settle there someday!!!...  Leave all my sorrows and dark days back here in India...  And be 
where mutual respect exists...  And less pollution and population... I'm doing my graduation in computer science 
engineering after my diploma..  Can any of my nordic brothers or sisters tell me how to get a job in any nordic country and 
get settled there?... I'm currently 22 years old!..

芬兰!!! 总有一天我要住你那!!!    我要远离拥挤而黑暗的印度,到达人人互相尊敬的北欧。没有污染,没有过量人口。  我毕业后

Oskari Pärnänen
First of all if you want to be Finnish, you'd have to beat all the other refugees Finland has been getting lately. Then it 
of course depends on if you want to live in the capital (Helsinki) or somewhere else, because rents on apartments and the 
prices of households are quite expensive in the capital, but they are a lot cheaper the norther you go. It'll also be quite 
hard to get a stable job in Finland due to the fact that there are not that many jobs. And I must say that the pay is not 
that great in Finland because taxes, living etc. are really expensive.
   But if you don't want to be a Finnish citizen, you must have a lot of money to settle in Finland. The people here are 
not the nicest ones to be honest, as I think we are quite racist towards foreing people.
   I hope I helped somehow, but again I'm only studying in a hihg school.

但是,如果不是芬兰公民的话,你必须有很多钱才能在芬兰住下去。 坦白说,这里的人并不是最好的那个,我觉得这里的人对外国人非常的

No. Dont come. We dont want you. You're just seeking better life for yourself. You dont respect our culture or anything 
else. And dont even dare call nordics your brothers and sister. We have nothing to do with India. Hate people like you who 
come here for selfish reasons. Finland belongs to the finns, not some immigrant trash.

不要!  别来!   我们不要你. 你去找自己的未来生活。  你没有尊重我们的文化或任何别的东西。 不要把我们北欧人叫做你的兄弟姐妹。
我们跟印度没有任何关系。最恨像你这种为个人理由跑到我们这里来的人。 芬兰属于芬兰人,不属于你们那些移民垃圾。

I dont care if it's american, indian, russian or estonian. I dont want any of them here. Crime rates have risen since we 
started taking immigrants and refugees. The stabbing of turku would have never even happened if we didnt take those fucking 
apes. Yes, I do respect their culture. Do you really think it matters if he "respects" our culture. That's bullshit. For 
all I know he's only after our resources. Only thing he cares about is what this country has to offer to him, which most 
likely is money. Our ancestors didnt build this country so leeches like him could just walk in without going to the 
military and serving the country and offering something in return. Hell, he can even stay here without working in this 
goddamn immigrant paradise which we taxpayers are paying. Just because the country he's living in has not achieved what we 
have doesnt mean he has the right to come here with his shitty problems. Makes my blood boil that people only come here 
because of Kela. And retarded lefitist scum welcome them with arms open saying it's our responsibility, and if you claim 
something else you're a racist. My grandfather's father didnt fight in the winter war for trash like him to come here and 
take advantage of our system. I bet this douche wouldnt even fight for this country if a war brakes out. Just like all 
somali apes and immigrants, they would flee like little rats. Because that's what they're all like. Only after our wealth, 
nothing else.

人死,多人伤)。是的,我尊重他们的文化,你有认真想过他们“尊重”我们的文化是什么东西吗? 那是一坨x  。 我所知的就是,他仅仅

我们纳税人为国家交税, 在这个移民天堂里,仅仅只因为他所住的这个国家还没有擦干他的屁股,他就甚至什么都不用做。那些因为Kela(
责任”,如果你说别的话,你就是种族主义者。 我祖父的父亲战于冰天雪地里,绝不是为了让他们这样的垃圾进来享受我们的成果。我敢说
