The echo from most parts of the world is that "America is a country with the very best and the very worst." This article is about the very worst.
Egos. Nobody can't understand the selfish philosophy in America, why a young person or for example an unfortunate lady with a bad start in life is less valued than any others. Many people ask why there must be such a huge difference between rich and poor. Why doesn't everyone have the right to health care, to participate at schools, and to have food and a roof over their head? Where is the humanity and empathy in today's America?
Americans have more people in jail than any country in the world. Nobody understands why America needs to have so many people in jail, and what people are questioning is: Does the American society create more criminals than everywhere else? Or are the punishments in America so much harder than everywhere else? Either way, people think this is something America must deal with.
Before, a Coke and a burger were a symbol of success, youth and great living around the world. Now, American fast food is a symbol of obesity, illness and early death. While American fast food is killing people around the world, it also affects the local farmers who are no longer able to sell their local food, because people abroad strive for the American-Hollywood-illusion-life and therefore are eating American fast food. What they get instead is Western diseases. Luckily, people are starting to wake up in America and also in other countries around the world.
Greed. People don't understand why American companies must grow into the sky? Why must they produce and sell all over the world? People think there is a never-ending greed to earn as much money as possible - no matter what comes in their way. The general opinion is that Americans don't care about the balance in nature, or if others are suffering or are forced out of business. Americans must get their hands on as much money as they can, no matter the consequences.
Earth pollution and consumption; the whole idea of "More and ,bigger is better" is generally viewed as a silly thought. That Americans and American companies and citizens for decades have destroyed a lot of our soil through exploitation of our mother nature is just foolish. Everywhere in the world, people tell me that we must leave our earth in a good condition when we depart, but at the same time many Americans don't seem to care.
American bullies and the new rage from the youngsters in the US. is something that is intolerant for people abroad; there is a fury people didn't see a few years ago. People around the world are bullied by American youngsters. I am not talking about common critical sentences, but hateful, sometimes racist comments and even death threats. It's a fact that an increase of net-bullying is growing in most parts of the world, but at the same time we see more of it from America, and there are more hateful aggressive words and expressions that come from the US than anywhere else. At the same time, people who meet Americans in person are saying that the American youngsters have become weird and not understandable. If there are drug problems or a harder society in America now than before is not for me or anyone outside to say, but we must at the same time look at the facts -- and that is that Americans are the new bullies in the world and people no longer understand or accept such behavior.
With so many people on drugs, desperate immigrants and poor people in a country, people feel it's quite easy to understand why there are so many accidents and attentive actions with weapons. Many think it's absurd that there is about a gun per person in America and that roughly 30,000-40,000 die or are injured by them every year. Australia has successfully tightened their gun-laws, so it should be possible to do the same in the U.S. as well.
Richard Stevens · Nov 13, 2015 11:46am +10
My suggestion is for them to stay in their own country and make it better than the United States of America.
Elin Horwedel · Salem State College · Nov 13, 2015 12:25pm +5
I get that. On the other hand, if a person (or company, or government) can't see and acknowledge its own nagative traits, it can't grow or change in a positive way. Stagnation is a big killer.
Ravan Damien · 3 hrs +1
Wow, that's exactly the attitude that so many international people are repulsed by. Most of their nations ARE BETTER than the US already, so your insults are both egregious and ignorant. Please try again when you find out where Sweden is located on a map without having to google it first.
Rob Honer · 2 hrs +4
You prove their point and they are right. Americans like you should never travel overseas.
Devin Ward · Arroyo Grande, California · 2 hrs +2
You respond as if taking personal offense. This is exactly what the article is about...ego, greed, bullying. Thanks for proving them right.
Steven Manson · Desert Storm · 3 hrs +5
While American fast food is killing people around the world, it also affects the local farmers who are no longer able to sell their local food, because people abroad strive for the American-Hollywood-illusion-life and therefore are eating American fast food
Um no. I can go to McD and get 2 burgers and a coke for $4. meanwhile a basic Salad and a Healthery drink woud run me $7.50. I mean hell man....water in the store is more expensive than a coke
THAT'S what the problem is.
Andrew Vasquez · Intern - Social Media at Mychael Darwin Jeans · 8 mins
If youre too cheap to spend 3 more dollars for better food that is your fault. Maybe you should go to the store and make your own food. Sure you will spend more in the short-term, but in the long run you can get more bang for your buck by making your own food for the week instead of spending 4 dollars for one meal.
I would rather spend 40-50 for 1-2 weeks worth of food than 4 for just one.
Jonathan Seidman · Texas A&M University · 2 hrs +4
i can say the same things about their countries.
Jacquie Carr · Bugibba · 59 mins +1
You could but would it all be true?
Kathleen Davenport · Owner at I have my own business called · 2 hrs +2
I would love to be able to buy fresh fruits and veggies all the time but they have gotten so expensive that i have to usually buy frozen more often.
Findmestuff Frostmourne · 31 mins +2
Oh, the Irony....I game online with people from all over the world and let me just say the US servers I play on are NOWHERE near the worst for racism, bigotry, egotism, bullying and greed. These traits are not restricted to just the US. Some of the worst people I've ever encountered were from Australia, Germany and England. If other countries dislike the US so much perhaps we should stop being the top dollar contributor in the foreign aid department. We could spend it on our veterans and children instead.
Patrick Jones · Nov 13, 2015 12:49pm +2
nice double neg dude! And right after ego.
Daniel Martin · Mob Boss at Self-Employed · 2 hrs +1
Yeah, who gives a fat rats a$$ what foreigners think about America. I'm sure they don't care what we think about them.
Juli James · Director of Residential Life and Global Initiatives at Keystone Academy, Beijing · 2 hrs +1
all true
Peggy Eng · Martial Artist, Yogi and best of all MOM! at Retired · 1 hr
Europe is a Socialist Egalitarian society, whereas the U.S. is a Capitalist Meritocracy Laissez Faire government. Americans may work hard, but we also play hard. Other Capitalist countries are exactly the same, like Japan.
Scott Marlott · Ucmo · 59 mins
Off the top of my head, here are a few questions I've been asked about America, and my answers:
Q: Why are your cities so ugly?
A: They were designed around the automobile.
Q: Why do you worship guns?
A: Because many of us were raised on John Wayne movies, and unfortunately, we mistook them for life lessons.
Q: Why do you think in absolutes? Everything is either this, or that----there's no complexity.
A: We're saturated by the media, where everything is distilled down to its simplist form.
Jacquie Carr · Bugibba · 59 mins
To sum it up, Europeans generally think Americans have an arrogance about their country being the best in the world without acknowledging the destruction they create around the world not to mention the shootings etc in their own "great" country. Look at America today, not the past, and see if you can still have irrational pride in it. And being so loud and pushy doesn't help. You're just not as great or as powerful as you think you are anymore.
Jack De Gatis · University of Pennsylvania · 1 hr
OK. I admit it. I am one of the "ugly Americans." I am the one who donates nearly 14% of my income to foreign efforts to provide food, electricity and medical aid to those less fortunate the me. I am the one who attends hostile meetings of "non-nationals" so I can try to better understand them (even though most of the meetings degrade into America bashing - in spite of the forum we give them to speak). I am the one who has placed my life on the line to defend other nations right to exist (I am a vet).
Ya know what? I changed my mind. I'm American and I'm beautiful!
是的,我承认,我就是一个“丑陋的美国人”。我捐了收入的14% 给外国那些不如我幸运的人提供食物、电力和医疗援助。我出席了非国民敌对会议,那么我就可以更好的了解这些人的想法(虽然大多数会议都会变为抨击美国-尽管在论坛上我给他们演讲。)我此生致力于保卫其他国民的权力而存在(我是个兽医)
Fred Newcombe · 1 hr +1
She is a HATER....
Faraj Gazzah · 1 hr +1
I truly believe the US is a special place, but your foreign policy is lacking.
Paul Weston · Morrilton, Arkansas · 32 mins
Why do I see french flags everywhere on the internet today? Who is it that will be there for the french with support in any way possible? We make our mistakes, we bicker amongst ourselves constantly, but who is it that always is the first to help? It is America. That is how it always will be. So, to all of the self-haters out there, I have a great big rasberry for you.
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