Whichwas more technologically advanced, the Roman Empire or Han China?
Military Technology
The Roman Military still to this very day, was a world renowned,highly lethal and professional 28 Legions strong force, comprising of roughly140–168,000 men; a given in order to defend the 5 million km^2 land area of thevast Roman Empire. Naturally as such, Roman innovations in the fields of theMilitary cannot be underestimated.
The Romans were known to have used a great variety of siegeengines. Onagers for one, similar to catapults were torsion powered (twistingof an object due to applied torque) consisting of a single vertical beam thrusta thick horizontal skein of twisted cords. Its skein meanwhile was subsequentlytwisted tight by geared winches, the beam was then pulled down to assume ahorizontal position. This acted to further twist the aforementioned skein,whilst also increasing its torsion in addition.
An artist’s impression of a Roman Onager:
A stone was then placed on the end of the an Onager’s sling, andhurled either into a city’s walls, or straight into the enemy’s ranks when thebeam was freed of its restraint and rebounded violently back to its originalvertical position.
Onagers were not the only siege weapons to be utilized by theRomans however, Ballistas or large scale bolt throwers were also used to a hugeextent during the Imperial Era. The largest ballistas were quite accurate, andcould hurl both huge and heavy projectiles up to 460 metres away. It couldmeanwhile even accommodate weights of up to 30 kg. Weights of up to 78 kg werenot unheard of however.
Ballistas much like Onagers, were also torsion powered but hadtwo sets of parallel skeins instead through which 2 separate arms joined attheir ends by the cord that propelled the missile. Ballistas were also muchsmaller than Onagers usually, allowing them to be more readily operated.Repeating ballistas in addition also existed, but were used on a scale muchsmaller than any of their standard variants. On the rare occasions that theywere used however, they could fire up to several bolts without having the needto reload.
A reconstruction of a large scale Roman Ballista:
A smaller projectile accelerator known as the Scorpionmeanwhile, were also utilized during the Imperial Era. Functioning verysimilarly to a Roman Ballista, Scorpions were usually placed at the top of ahill on the sides of an accompanying Roman legion. When shot from an elevatedposition, distances of up to 400 metres could easily reached by the resultingfired bolts from a Scorpion.
With a fire rate of 4 bolts/minute, more often than not theScorpion was also used for long range defence rather than offense as it wasusually quite difficult to move. It was also extremely expensive in addition,and was said to be essentially an overly large crossbow. 60 Scorpions perLegion was the norm during the Late Republic and Early Empire Era.
A reconstruction of a Imperial Roman Scorpion:
And of course as mentioned earlier, the Romans had a verysophisticated system of military surgeries, and also actively utilized pontoonbridges to suppress their enemies.
Ships were tied together side by side to allow a temporarycrossing for the army, to journey across a particular dangerous section of ariver or lake. The speed at which such crossings were made, was also perfectedduring the Imperial Era allowing the Romans to often catch their enemies offguard. Rafts were however were usually used more than pontoon bridges though,since they were easier to construct and deconstruct.
Every Roman legion meanwhile at any given time was alwaysaccompanied with a battlefield surgery unit (an innovation first pioneered bythe Romans).
The Romans were also well acquainted with fort building inaddition, and due to the fact that every last single Roman Legionary wastrained in the arts of structural engineering, could build high quality fortsas required, in a supernaturally short amount of time.
Reconstruction of the gateway of Arbeia Fort:
What made the building of Roman forts (Castra) especiallynotable, was the fact that a Legion could build one from scratch even after along day’s march, using the raw materials from their surroundings. Severalspecialist engineering units were formed just in order to concentrate on theconstruction of said structures, called “Immunes”, since they were excused fromthe normal duties usually required from an ordinary legionary.
Commandeered by an overseeing unit called the Architecti(Engineers), the immunes could even under the very worst of circumstances, havean emergency fort constructed in a matter of hours. Camp plans from textbookswritten specifically to aid in the construction of forts, were given to theArchitecti to continuously reference whilst building, and manual labour wasmandatory amongst legionaries to assist in the establishment of forts.
As for the forts themselves, every legion had in its possessionone which served as its de facto headquarters where they were repeatedlyrendezvous back at after a certain period of time. Much more so than theirtemporary forts, these main Castrum were highly sophisticated with regards totheir features.
A plan for a typical Roman Fort in Bavaria, Germany:
Castrums in any case always had a castellum (wall) of some sort,usually made out of stone if possible but apart from that were also aided bytrenches (fossa) which were filled to the brim with stakes (sudes). Possessinga rectangular exterior, towers were placed at regular intervals all along thesewalls armed with scorpions and other siege weapons.
As for Legionaries themselves meanwhile during the EarlyImperial Era, were fortunate enough to have in their possession 4 key Romanmilitary innovations: the Pilum, the Scutum, LoricaSegmentata and of course,the Gladius.
Coming in to variants; thick and thin was the Roman Javelin.Both types of pilum were roughly 2 metres long, but the thick variant wasattached to the shaft with a 5 cm wide tang. The tip of both versions howeverwas pyramidal in shape, with a diameter of 7.5 mm, and was directly above awooden block to not only secure the metal head, but also to protect one’s handin melee combat.
Both types of pilums were carried by an average warringlegionary. The way they operated however, was that the javelins would be tossedat the enemy prior to an infantry charge. If the javelins did not meet theirtargets, and landed on a hostile shield instead, the pilum’s tip was designedto break off, acting to substantially contribute to the weight of an enemy’ssafeguard, forcing him to part with it, making him especially vulnerable toattack.
The ingenuity of this design also meant that pilums could not beretrieved and thrown back at the legionaries themselves. They are depictedbelow as follows:
Scutums on the other hand, were the standard rectangular shapedshields of utilized by the Roman Army all over the Mediterranean. Equipped withround edges that curved around the corners, the Scutum was a human sized shieldallowing a Roman soldier to effectively knock out cold an enemy warrior in somepotential cases, or severely put him off balance at least.
The iconic Roman shield was on average roughly 1 metre high, 40cm across, and 0.6 cm thick. Light enough to be held in one hand also, itallowed the vast majority of the 1.6–1.8 m tall legionary. Scutums most notablyalso allowed the Legions to form a variety of different formations includingbut not limited to standard shield tactics such as the famous Testudo orTortoise formation:
LoricaSegmentata on the other hand was considered to be Rome’s stateof the art classed body armour. Naturally as such, it was sometimes substitutedinstead for its chainmail counterpart; the LoricaHamata. In the still commoncases however where they did don a suit of the iconic 2nd Century Roman armour,it allowed its wearer to have several inherent advantages when it came tomatters of combat.
There were four sections to LoricaSegmentata, two for theshoulders and two for the torsos. Using a technique called “case hardening”,the Legionary’s standard armour simultaneously used soft iron on the insidewhilst also utilizing several strips of steel from without, attached togethervia the use of leather straps. The strips were arranged horizontally on thebody, overlapping downwards, and they surrounded the torso in two halves, beingfastened at the front and back.
A suit of LoricaSegmentata:
The shoulders meanwhile were safeguarded by additional steelplates which allowed for additional protection. This was a major disadvantagehowever, as it often meant that the armour weighed at least over 9 kg whichwould certainly have drowned its wearer should he have been unfortunate enoughto have fallen into a lake. It also corroded very easily.
Last but not least meanwhile was the Roman Gladius; a shortsword essentially. Made from steel, and only 60–85 cm in length with a weightmerely of 0.7–1 kg, the Gladius was a core part of the Imperial Roman Army.
The design was such that it was used to stab rather than slice,and was efficient especially when it came to fighting in close quarteredformations with little room for free moving nor mistakes:
In great contrast to the Romans, the Han Chinese had fewerdevelopments in the realms of military technology.
The Han Empire did however make good use of Crossbows. Crossbowshad of course already been around since the 6th Century BC, having beeninvented by the Ancient Chinese during the Spring and Autumn Period (771–476BC), but during the Han Empire saw new heights attained.
Crossbows during the Han Era were improved to such an extentthat entire Imperial corps trained specifically in the aforementioned weaponwere more than capable of completely (if not that, then at least mostly)decimating a group of mounted warriors, who had been charging from afar. Rows uponrows of Chinese crossbowman were formed, all properly trained to fire off asingle volley before ducking to allow the supporting row behind them to fireoff a another round of projectiles directly at the enemy.
A Han Era Crossbow:
One of the most common forms of Crossbowmen tactics was to splita division into two, in the form of two wings, in order to allow for crossfireto occur. Not only was it severely devastating to the opposition, it also actedindirectly as psychological warfare.
Not only did the Chinese use two types of crossbows (light andheavy), but they also took to mounted archery as well in addition, having beeninfluenced by their wars with the Turkic Nomadic Xiongnu Empire (209 BC-439AD).
, Single-handed crossbows in addition alsoexisted during the time period, which allowed for mounted riders to be holdonto the reins of the horses whilst shooting also.
Crossbows ended up being mass produced to such an extent infact, that in the city of Luoyang alone, a reported 11,181 crossbows and 34,625arrows have been discovered in the former Han secondary Capital alone.Repeating crossbows meanwhile during the Han Era, had also just been introducedfor the first time ever towards the end of Imperial China’s second dynasty.
The Chinese invention of the repeating crossbow, introducedduring the Han Era:
Invented by a Han strategist named Zhuge Liang (who alsoinvented the Kite as previously discussed), the Repeating Crossbow had a muchhigher rate of fire than its more normal variants, because the act of stringingthe bow, placing a bolt and shooting it could all be done with one hand whilst keepingthe weapon stationary.
To make it work, a “magazine” containing a number of bolts wasloaded into the crossbow, and as the projectiles were being fired, it triggereda mechanism from within which would cause a rectangular level to oscillatebackwards and forwards appropriately. Weighing merely 1.19 kg, 0.6 m in length,0.44 m in width and also extremely easy to produce and operate, it gave the HanChinese a massive edge on the battlefield.
Horse drawn, “Heavy Crossbows” (武刚车) were alsoknown to be used in sieges, with one particular variant requiring theequivalent of 159 kg to even load. Apart from that however, the Chinese oftenused Traction Trebuchets instead, which was also first thought to have beeninvented by the Ancient Chinese. Roman style torsion powered weapons were notknown to have existed in the Han Empire meanwhile.
The Han Dynasty being a Cavalry centric fighting force alsoduring the Early Imperial had invented (disputed and controversial) the Stirrup,a new discovery which allowed the Imperial Cavalry to be more efficient incombat:
Han Era stirrup:
Attached to each side of a horse's saddle, in the form of a loopwith a flat base to support a rider's foot, it allowed the already fierce HanCavalry to fight yet even more effectively on horseback.
Although the advantages of the stirrup have been disputed, thisis a rather unfair view of what was a moderately important addition to thefields of military technology. Stirrups in fact made it harder for a rider tobe knocked off his feet, and allowed Chinese horse archers to stand up in orderto fire an arrow, or strike with a melee weapon from a greater height and withgreater force.
The Han Dynasty also built forts like the Romans, but they werenowhere near as advanced for sure (plus we know little of them anyway). Butthey did have gatehouses and watchtowers to protect these vast fortresseshowever, defended by thousands of soldiers, with walls which were tens ofmetres high up and armed to the teeth with siege defence weaponry.
A ceramic model of a fortress dating back to the Han Era:
The Han Chinese meanwhile were also known to have practicedChemical Warfare amongst many other developments in the fields of militarytechnology.
Around the year 178 AD for example in order to suppress apeasant rebellion, the Chinese had horse drawn chariots manoeuvre around theopposing enemy army carrying bellows (a device that furnishes blasts of air),which was then used to pump calcium oxide (CaO), or burnt lime at the saidhostile forces.
The Imperial Army was also purported to have used incendiaryrags to rout the enemy, by tying them to the tails of their stallions whichthen acted to terrify them into charging towards the enemy lines, subsequentlydisrupting their formations and in the process acting to make the rebelsvulnerable to an Imperial charge.
With regards to siege equipment on the other hand, the Chinesewere known to have used the Traction Trebuchet, and though they did not inventit themselves managed to develop it to unbelievable standards during the reignof the Han Empire.,
Caltrops, were also known to have been utilized by the HanChinese also in addition. Made from iron primarily, the caltraps or as theywere known as in Chinese, the anti-cavalry pikes (拒马鎗) were an arrayof long ranged weapons (not necessarily spears), which were put up together ona wooden rack and were deployed en masse all over the paths leading to and fromgates, streets, paths and outside the walls of fortresses, in order to halt theadvance of the an enemy cavalry force. They are seen below as follows:
比如,大约在公元178年的时候,为了镇压一场农民起义,汉朝军队乘坐马车、背着风箱(一种可以充气的设备)围绕了敌军,然后用风箱向敌军泵送氧化钙(CaO)-- 也称煅石灰。
The average Han Infantryman meanwhile, came equipped with fouritems which allowed him to emerge victorious on the battlefields: a Jian, a Ji,Fishscale or Lamellar armour (both were utilized at Han China’s heightsequally), and was also accompanied with by a Gourd Shaped Shield for defensivemeasures.
The Dao was the average infantryman’s sword. Singled handed andsingle edged, was 1.12 m long and made of steel rather than bronze as swordswere first made of in the earliest part of the Han Dynasty. The Dao was madethrough “folding and forging” techniques which acted to improve the quality andstrength of the steel, by minimizing impurities and spreading the carboncontent evenly throughout the aforementioned material.
Because of its length, the users of such weapons were forced toslice rather than stab, much unlike a Roman Gladius. Naturally, it was found tobe more effective when used by the Imperial Cavalry, rather than withinfantryman. It was also a vast improvement from the double-edged Jian whichcame before, and was said to have only taken a week to master, as opposed tothe Jian which took months.
A reproduction of a Han Era Dao:
The Ji (Halberd), was a common infantry weapon meanwhile whichcombined a dagger axe with a spear (the cavalry used it as well). It was veryeffective. The Halberd was an especially long spear which came attached with ahook. You could thrust and stab whilst also using it to hook onto the enemy’sleg and pull back to dismember it completely or at least severely cripple it.
Because of the Ji’s length, you could safely kill dozens ofenemies at a very safe distance. It could of course also be used as a longrange double handed axe. Two variants of it are seen below as follows:
Lamellar Armour meanwhile, was made out of hundreds of smalloverlapping metal and or leather plates laced together, to make a flexible andlight coat of armour. Coat of plates consisted of hundreds of smallnon-overlapping metal or leather plates stitched or riveted together. Thoughoffering much less protection than the legionnaire’s LoricaSegmentata, the Haninfantryman’s armour was much lighter allowing the soldier to move faster andtire out at a slower rate.
Lamellar armour dating back to the Han Wudi Era (141–87 BC)during China’s campaigns against the Xiongnu Empire (Source:HanDynasty Armor):
Apart from Lamellar armour, Fish scale cuirasses were alsoutilized by the Han Chinese. Much like its Lamellar variants, Fish scale armourwere also made up of many individual plates which were tied to one another,held by the backing of a cloth or leather in overlapping rows. This particularone below dated back to the Early Han Era:
And lastly was the Han Infantry’s Gourd Shaped Shield. Though itpales in comparison to the Roman Scutum, as is self-evident the shield wasextremely small and offers minimal protection to its user. On the other hand,the small shield offered more maneuverability than the scutum whilst offeringsome form of protection against arrows. In addition, it was also much lighterthan the scutum, thus you could use it to offset an enemy’s balance via a swiftblow to the head.
A Gourd Shaped Shield as seen below, dated back to the Han Era:
Verdict: The Roman Empire would for sure have been much more advancedthan their Han Chinese counterparts with regards to military technology. But itshould be noted that military technologies were only made to fit with thecircumstances of the time.
For example, whilst LoricaSegmentata was superior to theLamellar armour of the Han, it would not have been wise for the Chinese toadopt a similar set of cuirasses, since they were up against the Horse Nomadsof the North, who went to war on horseback and used bow and arrow to gain acomparative advantage over the Han Chinese. As such a 9kg suit of armour wouldbe a liability to the Han, rather than an asset. Nonetheless, for the purposesof the comparison, the Romans win the last point. Rome and Han: 7 all.
As should be quite obvious by now, the Han and Romans wereadvanced on a similar scale to one another. At last, such a contention whichhas long been asserted all over the Internet has now (hopefully) been proven atlast.
It would seem that the Romans were more advanced than theirChinese counterparts in the fields of Metallurgy, Medicine, Military Technologyand also slightly when it came to Civil and Structural Engineering.
The Chinese in contrast were more advanced than their Romancounterparts when it came to the fields of Agriculture, Astronomy, Aeronauticsand Mathematics.
The two peer empires meanwhile were equals in the fields of Hydraulics and Mechanics, and Materials Engineering.
The author is forced to conclude as such, that the two great fathers of Western and Chinese civilization, Rome and Han respectively were approximately equal with regards to technological advancement.
DaniilKozhemiachenko (Даниил Кожемяченко), studied history and read sources forfun
Updated Oct 6,2015 · Upvotedby Joe Lonsdale, GP at 8VC; Co-Founder of Palantir,Addepar, Opengov, Affinity and Formation 8.
Thanks for the A2A.
First thing to mention is that technological progress of ancient China is oftenassociated with so called FourGreat Inventions, first of which was made in Han period (i.e. no later than 3rd centuryAD). If we try to compare level of technology in Rome (in 2nd — 3rd centuriesAD), which was, in fact Greek technology, as most of the inventors, engineersand «scientists» were Greeks, and that of China we will find, that paper andporcelain were almost sole things Chinese could produce and Romans could not(they used parchment and papyrus instead).
There were also many things that both of the nations could produce, build or do(e.g., roads, city plumbing, steel of various quality, «artillery»*, crossbows**and so on) which had pretty much the same properties.有很多东西是两个国家都能生产的、建造的(比如,道路、城市管道、各种质量的钢、大炮(应该是弩炮吧?)、弩等等),他们几乎具有相同的属性。
However, there were things which Chinese (in contrast to Romans) couldn'tproduce: treadmill crane, armor of substantial quality (in fact, almost theonly thing they forged well were swords, while their helmets or body armor wererather primitive), cement, plastic surgery (we have a treatise from Galenthereon) and surgical instruments.Nevertheless, although Romans could possess a bit more technologies thanChinese the products of both civilizations were on almost the same level: bothwere able to build big palaces, big walls or fortresses, supply their citiesand fields with water, cure the ill, produce massive amounts of weaponry ofsubstantial (at least superior to their enemies') quality and so on..
Jay Liu, I've been told I'm Chinese...
Answered Oct 3,2015
Thanks for the A2A
The Romans and Han Chinese were advanced in different fields, it's hard to saywho was "more" advanced.Romans were relatively advanced in:
· Civic and military engineering
· Military organization
· Metal forging techniques, the Romans forged very high quality steel
· 土木和军事工程
· 军事组织
· 金属锻造技术,罗马人可以锻造从非常高质量的钢
Han China was relatively advanced in:
· Agricultural technology, especially in irrigation engineering. Growing rice is more an exercise in engineering than agriculture.
· Civil organization: Han China had a modern, centralized, meritocraticbureaucracy, dwarfing the Roman Imperial administration in both size andcomplexity
· Metal casting techniques: Chinese could cast iron to a far higher quality thanthe Romans could, this allowed the Han to equip far larger armies.
· 农业技术,特别是灌溉工程。种植水稻更像是一项工程行为而不是农业行为· 民间组织:汉人拥有一个现代的、集权的、精英式的官僚机构,在规模和复杂性上使罗马帝国相形见绌。
· 金属铸造技术:中国人的铸铁质量要比罗马人高得多,这使汉朝装备了更大规模的军队。
I'm not going to try and make comparisons between the ClassicalGraeco-Roman philosophical traditions vs. Confucianism. There's no way toobjectively state which is "better". Both survive in some formin the modern world.
Karen Carr, Assoc. Professor Emerita,History, Portland State University. http://quatr.us
Answered Oct 31, 2016
This is really the wrong question, because the world center oftechnology in the first centuries CE was neither China nor Rome, but CentralAsia and India. To answer your question, though, I think they’re pretty even.
Things Rome had that China didn’t:
Glass, and especially blown glass. Wool and linen. The lateensail, a triangular sail that made it easier to tack sailboats into the wind.Better oil lamps. Mold-made pottery. The idea that the earth might go aroundthe sun, and a good idea of how big around the earth was. Concrete, and the useof concrete for barrel vaults and domes. Better trigonometry than China. Bettersurgical techniques including removing dead fetuses so the mother didn’t die,and eye operations for trachoma. Slightly more experience with human and animaldissection, and therefore a somewhat better understanding of how human bodiesworked. Opium for anesthesia. The camera obscura.
Things China had that Rome didn’t:
Gunpowder, paper, silk and hemp cloth, a cure for malaria,magnetic compasses, the crossbow, the double piston box bellows (helpful formaking hot fires to make steel), the water-powered box bellows, windmills, amore efficient system of writing numbers enabling them to solve simultaneousequations.
Things Central Asia had that Rome and China didn’t:
High quality crucible steel, cotton, sugar, the recurve bow,better horses, the numbers we call “Arabic numerals”, mathematical theories oninfinity and probability, the idea of zero, tables of trigonometry sines,plastic surgery for facial reconstruction, cataract surgery, charcoal filtersfor clean water, the use of citrons to cure scurvy (Vitamin C deficiency).
But really 1) all of these inventions were important and had tobe combined, in the end, to move technology forward and 2) most of them wereexchanged pretty soon, and people did combine them. By end of the the MiddleAges, Europe had gunpowder, paper, silk, sugar, crossbows, cotton, and steel,Central Asia had opium, and China had cotton, sugar, steel, and lateen sails.China’s lack of experience with glass ended up being a serious handicap indeveloping chemistry and physics experimental equipment, and telescopes,though.
1) 所有这些发明都非常重要,最终必须结合起来,从而推动科技的发展。
2) 很多技术很快就会进行互换,最终人们也会将他们结合起来,到中世纪末,欧洲有了火药、纸张、丝绸、糖、弩、棉织物、钢;中亚则有了鸦片;而中国有了棉织物、糖、钢、三角帆。尽管如此,中国对玻璃的制造缺乏经验,最终成为开发化学和物理实验设备和望远镜的严重障碍。
Al Jones
Answered Oct 8,2015
If you add up all of the technologies and scientific knowledgeboth developed/acquired and more importantly, broadly deployed, it's easy tomake a case for the Han and China in general being hundreds of years moreadvanced than the Roman Empire. See Joseph Needham's books on Chinesetech or the comparisons between Chinese, Islamic Middle East, and WesternEuropean advancements in Stanford economic and technologyn historian NathanRosenberg's book "How the West Got Rich".
The Romans were more advanced than commonly given credit for since laterauthors focused on war and politics rather than business, manufacturing,applied sciences, nutrition, surgical care, public health/water treatment,transportation networks, trade networks, and surrounding civilizations' techtransfers (Egypt, Carthage, Greece, Persia, Spain, Gaul, the Baltic, NorthAfrica, India, etc.) that China drew on sophisticated neighbors as well(Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, India, Mongolia, and the many nations nowconsolidated into modern China.)
Roman history's always just been far more accessible to Western scholars whoused to be educated enough to read Classical Latin well into the 20th Centuryand the easiest books to find in most libraries dominate theories and consensusknowledge for centuries.如果你把所有自行开发或者外部获得的技术、科学知识加起来,而且从(科学技术)使用的广泛程度的角度来看,那么你将很容易看出,汉朝比罗马要先进数百年。参见Joseph Needham关于中国科技的书籍,或参见斯坦福大学经济和技术史学家Nathan Rosenberg的书籍--《西方是如何变得富有的》,这本书将了中国、中东伊斯兰、西欧的科技进行了对比。
Kurt Scholz, historian of science and technology
Updated Aug 28,2015
That is comparing apples and oranges. Each had its owntechnocomplex. There is no metric of being more advanced. However, advancementshappened in different fields due to different political systems.
Han China had a major interest in improved farming and built technology in thisfield that outlasted their rule. The same can be said of Roman concrete tobuild up their magnificient cities with fresh water supply and centers ofculture and entertainment.这就跟那苹果虎橘子比较一样。各有各的技术复杂性。没有谁比谁更高级的标准。但是,由于政治制度的不同,他们各自在不同领域有不同进步。
Robert Johnston, I know technical.history.
Answered Oct 4,2015
I'm reading "The three kingdoms" which deals with theevents that lead to the downfall of the Han dynasty. It seems to me that theEmpire in China was much more loosely organised than the Roman which althoughnot immune to internal tension would have not fractured in the same way.
As far as technology is concerned perhaps China had a slight edge. Certainly,the West wanted the goods, hence the silk road. Inventions also tended to flowEast to. West rather than the other way around.我正在读《三国》,这段时期所发生的事导致了汉朝的垮台。在我看来,在中国,其帝国的组织性比罗马要松散得多,尽管罗马不能免疫内部紧张的影响,但不会以与中国一样的方式分裂。
Margot Darby, Former journalist for InfoWorld.
Answered Aug 30,2015
Roman Empire, definitely, because of itsmany legacies which have stood the test of time. Both Ancient Rome and AncientCathay had highly developed statecraft, and they were arguably equivalent inmatters of technics. But we are writing this in Roman characters usedthroughout the world, on technology developed by Western European peoples witha culture derived in large part from the Christian civilization of the HighMiddle Ages and Ancient Rome. Old Cathay has nothing to compare.
Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about history, and notesome general patterns.
Answered May 5,2014
The Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Empire in China were aboutequal. China had silk, but the abacus is thought to have evolved from theRoman counting board.
Weijia Deng, a guy who knows Chinese and a littleJapanese
Answered Jan 8
There are two kinds of technologies, those summarized fromexperiences, and those deducted from theories. For the first kind, it is hardto tell, while for the second kind, Roman Empire is far more better. Mostphenomena cannot be explained reasonably via theories back then, but it is theRoman way of describing world leads to modern science.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...