美国做了什么来阻止中国成为超级大国? [美国媒体]


What is the U.S.A. doing to prevent China from becoming a superpower?


Ben Kelley, Strong interest in geopolitics and defence
Firstly I don’t really like the superpower term. No one is really a superpower, its fairly arbitrary what is a superpower and what is not. Being one doesn’t solve anyone's problems and not being one doesn’t make a lick of difference. Lets just say it means globally significant power.
Depends who you ask. If you ask America, they will say they are doing everything in their power to help China integrate into the international community and help them economically and trying very hard to get along with them. Its true (kind of), the US is China’s biggest trading partner nation (excluding the EU for a second as its not a nation).
If you ask the Chinese they will say on so many issues, South China Sea, trade, military capability, diplomatically the US is trying to subvert China. The US is playing military hardball with China, as its surrounded by US bases and allies and US war machinery. That is true too, from their perspective.
There is actually a big chuck of stuff China and the US are very happy to talk about. Bring up trade and both countries smile, giggle, high five and have a very productive chat followed by a big banquet, both leaders will sing each others praises and part smiling, best friends. That is genuine, both countries come out winners, a bigger global economy is going to facilitate growth in both countries, more jobs, more stuff, more wealth.
Bring up the South China Sea and you end up with two leaders leaving saying they are preparing for war, kicking over podiums and thumping desks (slight exaggeration, but it is heated and there is a passionate response on a human level from both sides). That is real too, it is entirely possible that will escalate into a hot war.
If the US and China only ever talked about trade, Europe, growth, prosperity, peace, UN, then you would think these countries are actually good friends.
When the US and China talk about Australia, South Korea, there are many things both sides can benefit, these countries are kind of useful middle powers who are helpful and useful to both. There are a heck of a lot of things that both China and these other nations agree on. China has been a big boost for them economically. These countries are probably going to help unlock a lot of the world for China, supply China with key things they need and are key US allies that if they can get along with them, then the US is likely not to have major dramas with China. These little countries can be happy little buffer zones where both sides relax and do business.
Japan is more difficult because China really doesn’t like Japan, and Japan really doesn’t like China. They fall along the lines of natural enemies more than natural friends. But even then, its in everyone’s interests if they can get along. There are actually few no go issues with Japan, if everyone keeps away from them, then Japan could be like S.Korea and Australia and be a gateway for them (as it already is) being an important part of the global supply and delivery chain. China no doubt holds the key to unlocking Japans faltering economy and slow growth, and Japan is no doubt is very key to China’s further ascension globally.
Thailand has in recent times turned more to China than to the US, while that possibly annoys the US, its unlikely to cause a big problem and the US can probably live with that depending on how that ends up and if good US relations are kept . There are other countries in that sort of mix, Pakistan is another. However, if China is good and helpful and these countries become prosperous then everyone is a winner. US would certainly welcome a Pakistan that had law and order and peace and is industrialising, it may be China can do that better than the US .
Even North Korea is an area where pretty much China and the US agree. Mostly because South Korea is a sensible country run by sensible people. If the two were to reunite, China isn’t likely to have an issue with that like it did back in the 1950’s.
As China grows, its finding the US is everywhere. However, the US is everywhere anyway and is not really a response to China, the US is like a gas it will just fill a void until evenly distributed.
If the China sees itself unseating the US, then this is a big problem. This is really what the SCS issues are about. The US isn’t giving up its position. While China has grown economically and diplomatically, its military really isn’t a match for the US military. China fighting the US would be bad for both countries, but really bad for China. The US is a military machine, literally, it is powered by its military industrial complex. The US is as far as you can take a democracy down the military path and still be a democracy. The competition against the USSR has warped the US economy in a way that is unlikely to be changed. China could be double the size of the US economically, but would still not be a match for them in a military sense. The US spends many times what China spends on equipment. If China wants to unseat the US as the number one military power (in anyway, including the area around the SCS) then things are going to get very ugly. The US will not budge on that point. Ever. Do not go there.
So that is the friction. The US can’t and is not containing China. China is not the USSR. Can China become an economic Superpower? Sure. We all want to get rich and be happy and there is much agreement about those core things. There are many points where both powers see much positive outcomes for themselves and other nations.
In military terms, there is nothing wrong with China having a large and capable military force that can look after China’s interests. I think a great example of where this can be useful is the Sudan. A country where China just?increased?it UN force by 8,000 and people will see that as a positive move, globally. China is a can do country, that has its own resources, in a world full of countries that struggle to manage themselves.
They don’t have to be enemies. They could be like the US and France. Two different world views, but on the whole able to work together (abit suspeciously).
There are plenty of countries where the US is unlikely ever to help solve completely and would welcome with open arms and a hug any Chinese attempt to improve order. These type of things would be thing China can bring to the table and improve not just China’s relationship with the US but China’s global standing. You can put together a list of a dozen countries the US and China and other can probably work together to improve the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people. The Sudan is one of those and its happening right now.
Just don’t try to fight the USA.







Robert Garmong, I've lived here for 7 years, speak decent Chinese, and read incessantly about it
The question is a rather oversimplified one, because neither the US nor China thinks of itself in those purely competitive terms.
First of all, the phrase "as powerful as..." is extremely vague. "Powerful" can refer to military power, or economic prowess, or cultural influence over average people around the world, or diplomatic influence, and probably lots of other elements. Nor is it a simple equation in any one of those spheres: the US may have more military power overall than Vietnam, but who won the war there?
Secondly, the US and China are not enemies. We are adversaries, but that's not the same thing. During the Cold War, it was very important for the US and the USSR to compete with each other directly for power in every possible sphere. But the US and China are not existential threats to each other, and so they do not have to think of each other in those terms.
There is something common to both the US and China — a mixture of na?veté and maturity — that makes this kind of "who is more powerful" comparison rather alien to both national characters.
Both the US and China see themselves in rather insular terms. China is "The Middle Kingdom." The US is "A City on a Hill" and "The Land of the Free." Each is self-absorbed. Each tends to ignore the perspectives of the rest of the world. Each thinks its own position is self-evidently correct, and wonders why anyone could possibly disagree. This is their naiveté.
Note that this is very different from the way many other countries see themselves. Other countries may fight passionately, and sometimes militarily, but they don't see themselves as bathed in righteousness the way Americans and Chinese do. If you put one of their statesmen under some sort of truth serum and asked him, "If you were suddenly wearing the uniform of the other side, what would you do," they would tell you "I would fight just as vehemently for them." If you asked the same question of an American or a Chinese leader, they would literally be unable to answer the question. They cannot see that there is another side to any issue, even when there is.
Both the US and China primarily care about whatever it is that they see as being in their interest. They don't fundamentally care who is more "powerful." They care about getting their own way, about pursuing their own interests around the world, but that's different.
And here's where their naiveté becomes maturity: neither one of them is particularly absorbed in that schoolyard bullying about who could beat up whom. Unlike some other countries (Russia?), neither America nor China sees "power" as an end in itself. They're focused on their interests, and of course one has to have the means to pursue one's interests. But if America's interests — or what it?believes?are its interests — are not threatened by China, America doesn't care who is "more powerful." It's mostly the same for the Chinese.
(Caveat: the Chinese are somewhat more focused on "power," because of their cultural emphasis on "face" — and because of the past century and a half of humiliating powerlessness. But still, the Chinese are far more focused on achieving their specific interests, than on having more "power" than any particular country.)
The question of "power" really only arises because of the often very deep disagreements about what is in our interests. China is a dictatorship, while the US still (mostly) believes in basic rights. China believes its territorial claims are automatically valid, while the US has doubts. China is afraid that America's allies will form a kind of sea wall around it, cutting off maritime routes. China is a mercantilist country that seeks to protect domestic enterprises from overseas competition, while the US is still (mostly) committed to (mostly-)free trade. These disagreements give rise to conflicts.
Of course, there are elements within each country that are indeed focused on the one-on-one comparison. There are the nationalist citizens who seek to gain reflected glory from their country's power. And of course there are national-security professionals whose job it is to prepare for worst-case conflicts. The latter class in each country should, as the saying goes, "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."
But in terms of the average person?or?the government in America — which is what this question asked about — they don't fundamentally care if China is "more powerful" than the United States.
Nor, fundamentally, do the Chinese. They want to ensure that their lives are improving, first and foremost. They want to ensure that they never again endure the kind of national humiliation that they've endured in the past. But do they fundamentally care if America is "more powerful" than China? As long as America keeps its nose out of what they see as their own business, they really don't.







(注意:中国人相比美国更关注“权力”,因为他们的文化侧重于“面子” - 也因为过去一个半世纪的耻辱和无能为力。但是,中国人更注重实现他们的特定利益,而不是比任何特定国家拥有更多的“权力”。)



Robert Maxwell
Nothing. China is doing it all by her lonesome.
China’s line appears to be that the United States is maintaining power by poisoning everyone against China with insidious propaganda, bribes, and military threats. The United States, so they say, has turned everyone against China. That might satisfy Chinese who have difficulty figuring out why China’s economic power hasn’t translated into political influence and dominance, but it doesn’t ring true in the real world. Not to put too fine a point on it, but “they don’t like me because you poisoned their minds!” reads more like an irresponsible high school girl that can’t own up to her failures more than it does a responsible member of the international community.
Contrary to popular belief, sheer power - economic or military - does not a superpower make. Prospective superpowers?also?require a friendly international support system and allies who are willing to assist or at least countenance its rise. They require the means to develop and exert their influence at an international level, a fact which requires some reservoir of good will from the nations most impacted by the rise - or at least some need.
China has failed to develop that. East Asian nations - who stand to be affected most by China’s rise - have learned that. In 2015, the?Pew Research Center reported?that 61% of South Koreans, 54% of Filipinos, 19% of Vietnamese, and only 9% of Japanese view China favorably.?According to the same report, 78% of South Koreans, 91% of Filipinos, and 83% of Vietnamese and Chinese polled viewed territorial disputes with China as worthy of concern. Keep in mind that these findings were reported before South Korea asked the U.S. to deploy THAAD (and China’s subsequent protests), and before UNCLOS’s findings with regard to the Scarborough Shoal (which China unilaterally dismissed), as well as any number of other incidents.
The reply to that might be that China is in the right in all of those things. That’s fine - but it’s not my point. China might well be right, but in so aggressively pursuing those claims China is alienating its neighbors. China is geographically isolated and potential, essential allies along the Pacific Rim, allies which China seems unwilling to cultivate, are the very same nations that China is picking fights with. In order to challenge the status quo and replace a regional (or even global) hegemon, you have to convince the nations that would be most affected by your rise that your leadership will be better for them than the status quo. As much as Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Vietnam might criticize American hegemony in the region, China’s behavior offers little evidence that their leadership will benefit them more. China appears to have little to offer those nations aside from trade - something they already enjoy under an American aegis, along with autonomy and a general respect for democratic institutions that nations such as Japan, Korea, and the Philippines appreciate. What reason is there to think that a Chinese dominion will be more benign or more politically palatable?
None of this is helped by the confusion many Chinese face as to why their economic growth hasn’t automatically translated into political power. See, for instance, the number of questions in Quora asking why Australia remains an American ally even though her largest trading partner, by far, is China.
But China doesn’t seem to care. Its rhetoric is built around China regaining hegemonic power as a historic right that has been temporarily deferred by a shameful period of weakness. China was such in the past and will be in the future, the line goes. Opposition and disagreement with China’s positions elicit a storm of shrill criticism - and even threats - from the Chinese government. It’s a narrative designed to appeal to the domestic line of palingenetic ultranationalism that preaches a rebirth of Chinese glory and strength in opposition against those who would keep it weak - against internal traitors and external enemies who cannot countenance China taking what’s theirs. But this sort of revanchist, revisionist rhetoric is something that most of the world learned to be suspicious of in the first half of the 20th century, and it’s part of the reason why China is being looked at with suspicion.
Contrary to popular opinion, the vast majority of the institutional bases of American international influence and power originate with the consent and even active invitation of other nations. NATO was not founded by the United States, but by European nations that sought to?keep?the U.S. involved in Europe - in the words of Hastings Ismay, NATO’s first General Secretary, NATO’s purpose was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” The Bretton Woods system that gave birth to the World Bank and the IMF - now characterized as an arm of American power - was developed by a conference including all 44 Allied nations. These institutions and others became the bedrock of American soft power, but they were originally created as part of an international system developed with the consent of other nations.
China has either no ability nor interest to do such a thing. For China to become a superpower, it would have to present an attractive, alternate international system that other nations would prefer to be a part of. The closest thing is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, but that’s far from a new global order and is centered on a tenuous quasi-alliance between Russia and China whose main mutual attraction is opposition to the United States.
If China is to become a superpower, she’d have to begin immediately repairing relationships with neighboring states - including, if necessary, dropping territorial claims - and convincing neighboring countries that Chinese hegemony will be more benign, beneficial, and just than an American hegemony. She’d have to put forward an alternative international system centered on China and organized such that potential members will gain significant benefits - politically, economically, and in terms of security - over being members of America’s order. But she’s more concerned with playing to nationalist domestic opinion and, in doing so, is driving more nations into the U.S.’s arms and making her own rise more difficult.


与大众的看法相反,纯粹的经济或军事力量并不会造就一个超级大国。未来超级大国还需要一个友好的国际支持体系和愿意协助或至少支持其崛起的盟友。他们需要在国际层面上发展和发挥其影响力的手段,这一事实需要来自受崛起影响最大的国家的善意表达 - 或者至少有一些需求。








Tom Rutigliano
US policy has been to welcome the growth of China, but encourage it to join in international norms. The worry is not that China gets more powerful, but that it gets more powerful and doesn’t play nice with other countries.
Most of the conflicts that emerge between the U.S. and China come out along those lines. It doesn’t help that China internally often presents their policies as just taking back what’s “traditionally” theirs. 


Jinglei Wu, studied at British Literature
Just like Florian Huthmann said, China used to be a world powerful in the history. Why can't China take it back?
Every country has the right and freedom to develop, why do America wanna prevent the development of China?
If not the modernization of humiliation beginning with the opium in 1840 and the wrong route, principles and policies, e.g. the movement "great quantum leap " and the culture revolution, I believe China will be more powerful than today.
And like Joseph Boyle said, america has been doing everything to aim at China, but China still do not stop it's progress and are describing its new development blueprint today.
Although there are still many problems in China due to the economical development. Some of the problems were unavoidable, given the current stage of development, some resulted from a faulty understanding of development. But most of the problems happened in most of developed countries. China is still in the exploration stage of its development. Giving China an opportunity, tolerating the plight of China in today, China will be better tomorrow!



Steve Staniek, Lifelong advocate for peace through non-violence.
Why should the US prevent China from becoming a superpower?
History shows that the world absolutely needs a balance of power. Look what happened when the USSR was deconstructed. As soon as the USSR broke down, the USA came out of the closet, and stepped up its aggressive war agenda as though all the rules of good conduct were gone. US corporate agents, Bush and Co., attacked innocent: Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan, overtly, and many other nations have been attacked covertly as the US uses corporate terrorism to advance its greedy control over Muslim people, lands, and resources.
Actually, a world survey shows that the rest of the unaligned world thinks the US is the biggest terrorist threat to world peace. Americans never get to see what the rest of the world thinks of them, because the American Patriot Press protects Americans against real news from the outside world that might conflict with the bogus official narrative used to keep Americans on a constant war footing. American war crimes have been sold to the American population as “rescue missions”, and Americans never get to see the results of the wars they pay TRILLIONS, to make against largely innocent families around the world. 


