最富英国色彩的事物之慢慢死亡篇 [美国媒体]

《纽约时报》在大约30年之前就认同了这种令英国老人们越来越关心的趋势:那就是饮茶作为最典型的英式消遣方式正在失去它的荣光。人们不禁好奇为什么会这样?这其中的主要原因在于它失宠于年轻人——年轻人要么是没有时间去延续这项传统,要么是真的对它不再感兴趣了。当年已六十多岁的知名英式美食作家德里克·库珀对《纽约时报》讲: “我们是一帮老人,而且只有我们喝茶,所以我担心, ” 。

The slow death of the most British thing there is


By Roberto A. Ferdman

May 4, 2016


Almost 30 years ago, the New York Times nodded to a curious trend that many older English folks were growing concerned about. One of the most quintessentially British pastimes was losing its luster, largely because it was falling out of favor with younger people who hadn't the time — or really the interest — to prolong the tradition. "We're a graying bunch, we tea drinkers, I'm afraid,'' Derek Cooper, a well-known British food writer in his 60s, told the newspaper.

《纽约时报》在大约30年之前就认同了这种令英国老人们越来越关心的趋势:那就是饮茶作为最典型的英式消遣方式正在失去它的荣光。人们不禁好奇为什么会这样?这其中的主要原因在于它失宠于年轻人——年轻人要么是没有时间去延续这项传统,要么是真的对它不再感兴趣了。当年已六十多岁的知名英式美食作家德里克·库珀对《纽约时报》讲:  “我们是一帮老人,而且只有我们喝茶,所以我担心, ” 。

Cooper was a tea lover, but his kids preferred coffee. And that dynamic was growing all too common. Between the mid-1970s and the 1980s, tea consumption fell by 20 percent in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the country's taste for coffee was blossoming, so much so, in fact, that in 1986 coffee sales in the U.K.outpaced tea sales for the first time in history.


The generational sipping gap was both real and really pronounced. But fast-forward to today and you see that the trend was also only just beginning.


The collection of line charts below, which were made by KILN, a British data visualization and digital journalism institute, and use data from the U.K. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, allow you to peek at how the British diet has changed over the decades. And few things have changed as much as the British appetite for tea.


Tea consumption per person has fallen consistently since the early 1970s, plummeting from almost 68 grams per week in 1974 to only 25 grams per week in 2014, as shown in the chart at the bottom right. The plunge of more than 63 percent is one of the biggest among all beverages in the country. Only malt drinks and coffee essences (whatever those are) have had greater drops.


Coffee's trajectory, however, has been just the opposite. Its consumption has tripled since the early 1970s. (Have a look at the line chart in the upper right corner.)


The years have transformed what originally seemed like a decade-long quirk into a tectonic cultural shift that now spans nearly half a century. And there is no end to the collective tea abandonment in sight.


Just last year, volume sales of standard black tea bags fell by 2 percent in the United Kingdom, according to data from market research firm Euromonitor. Sales of coffee pods — the fastest-growing sector of the coffee market — rose by 33 percent. In each of the coming five years, Euromonitor expects overall coffee sales to grow and overall tea sales to fall.

"Our forecast is based on a range of sources, including interviews with trade groups and other industry players, and none of them expect the standard black tea that is most commonly consumed to recover," said Fabian Staudenmeyer, who is an industry analyst with Euromonitor. "If you look five years out, it really doesn't look good."

作为“欧睿”的工业分析师,费边·斯道登梅耶说:“通过分析大量信息,包括采访各种贸易组织及其它工业竞争者,我们发现没人预测标准红茶何时恢复到需求最旺盛的时候。如果你往前再预测五年,行情真的不好。 ”

What. A. Bore.


There are many reasons for the decline of one of the most celebrated tea drinking cultures in the world, but both one of the simplest and most significant might be this: tea, or really the kind of tea that has traditionally been drunk in the United Kingdom, is seen as being, well, kind of lame.


"It has a serious image problem here," said London-based Emma Clifford, who is the senior food and drink analyst at Mintel, an industry research group. "People, especially young people, are not excited about it at all. It's just too mundane."


Part of that, Clifford said, is intrinsic to black tea. A report released earlier this year by Mintel found that consumers associate standard tea with "tradition" more than anything else. And there is little younger generations care for less than parading around as their elders do. In many ways, the Times piece from nearly 30 years ago captures this:


Tea's fading popularity is attributed to faster-paced living, a generation gap and a stodgy image. Many people these days do not want to take the time to brew tea, and even fewer will interrupt their busy days for the leisurely, civilized ritual of afternoon tea, a 19th-century invention of Anna, seventh Duchess of Bedford, who decided that tea and cakes were the best antidote to a late afternoon ''sinking feeling.''


... To many young Britons, tea drinking apparently has a dated image, vaguely reminiscent of the ''old England'' stereotype that young people find irritating. ''Tea has an old-fashioned, dowdy image,'' conceded Illtyd Lewis, executive director of the United Kingdom Tea Council, a trade group that seeks to spur tea sales. ''It is unfortunately viewed as a down-market drink.''
Many of these observations, which help explain why the generational gap is so pronounced, are just as keen now as they were then.

……大部分年轻人认为饮茶是一种明显过时的标志,会让人模模糊糊联想起令年轻一代大为光火的 “老式英格兰”之刻板印象。英国茶叶委员会的执行理事伊尔蒂德·刘易斯承认“茶自带一种过时的、土里土气的形象。它被看作是正在被市场抛弃的饮料真的很不幸。”不论是过去还是现在这样敏锐的观察从未间断过,它们帮助解释了代沟为何出现得如此毅然决然。

But part of black tea's wounded reputation today is also relative. The British, unlike their European counterparts in countries like France and Italy, don't have a history of coffee snobbism. Quite the contrary, in fact. The United Kingdom is among the surprisingly large number of countries around the world where people (actually) drink instant coffee more often than any other kind of coffee, a sign, above all, of coffee amateurism. And that has left a lot of room not only for innovation in the coffee space, but also excitement for that innovation.

不过今天伤害红茶名声的部分原因也是相对的。不列颠不像它的欧洲同僚——比如法国和意大利——那样有着一批自命咖啡优于茶饮的势利分子。 事实还正好相反。在这个星球上存在着大量的以消费速溶咖啡为主的国家,这种现象很令人吃惊,因为这种迹象说明了咖啡的业余性,而联合王国就位列其中。这就不仅为咖啡改革留下了大量空间,也刺激了人们去改革咖啡。

The United Kingdom "is a special case where they have long preferred instant coffee, the cheap powder coffee that really has an unsophisticated taste," said Staudenmeyer. "But that has changed dramatically."


New technologies, like coffee pods, have proved extremely popular in the United Kingdom, likely because they are such a marked step up from the instant coffee the country has long endured. As have new caffeine-centric experiences, like coffee shops, which are quickly becoming a staple of modern British society. Today there are more than 20,000 shops in the country, a number which jumped 12 percent just last year.


Even within the tea world, a number of other less popular teas—many of them green and herbal—have been branded as exotic, tied to health benefits, and, as result, associated with coolness in a way their run-of-the-mill counterpart is not.


"When you compare standard black tea to all these other drinks, like fruit infusions and green tea and coffee of course, where you have all these innovations, standard black tea is not keeping up with the level of innovations," said Staudenmeyer. "These drinks are interesting and new and exciting and fresh. Standard black tea is not."


The problem, Staudenmeyer points out, is that standard black tea still accounts for the vast majority of tea consumption in the United Kingdom, making the bore that is standard black tea all the more important for the overall tea market. As standard black tea goes, so does tea broadly, and volumes sales of standard black tea have fallen by 8 percent since 2010 alone, bringing the broader tea market down with it.


Wake up call


Questions of coolness aside, there is a certain level of practicality that has propelled both the withering appeal of traditional tea and soaring popularity of coffee culture in the United Kingdom.


"You can't really talk about these trends without talking about caffeine," said Clifford, the analyst with Mintel. "The fact that coffee has so much more caffeine, that it has so much more of on an energy-boosting functionality, has made it much more important to young people."


Clifford points to the success of energy drinks in the country, sales of which grew by more than 60 percent between 2008 and 2014, according to a 2015 report by the British Soft Drinks Association, as evidence.

She also says that there's another, often overlooked factor. The growing villainization of sugar in the Western world, which has been most pronounced over the past 20 or so years, has led to a considerable scaling back in the consumption of many treats traditionally eaten alongside tea.


To many others, sweets might be an ideal accompaniment to coffee, but not to the British, says Clifford. "There is much stronger link between biscuits and cake consumption and tea consumption," she said. "They're seen as the perfect pairing, but now that the country is cutting back on these items, the occasion to drink tea is becoming less frequent."


I'll have whatever they're having


Before the British were abandoning their favorite pastime, they were going to battle for its preservation. In the 1970s, right around the time that consumption of standard black tea was hovering around record levels, a workplace dispute became a question of great national interest. Tea breaks had been a part of the British workday since at least the late 1700s, when workers brewed sugar-infused pots to keep their energy up. But suddenly they were under attack. Or rather, the leisure with which they were enjoyed was.


An effort, led by then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, aimed to shorten the daily breaks, which they argued were weighing British productivity down. It was, in some senses, a revolt against the old British system by the new order. But tea breaks were held in high regard, especially among those who enjoyed them: workers. Tea time was considered a perk, just as paid holidays, medical care, and reasonable wages were. And so the effort to scale it back met fierce opposition, particularly from trade unions, which led to a series of "tea break strikes."


The battle to preserve tea breaks was, of course, lost — they are no longer the staple they once were. And that defeat seems to have reverberated for decades, making its way from the workplace to just about every other place in British society.


Some might mourn the slow but steady fall of standard black tea. But in retrospect, the national obsession might have benefited from a bit of scaling back, at least according to outsiders. As NPR noted earlier this year, around the same time that British workers were vehemently defending their right to take long tea breaks, American expats living and working in the country were "baffled by the rigor with which teatime was observed." It just seemed pretty inefficient, as an incredible anecdote shared in the piece shows:

有些人可能会哀叹标准红茶缓慢却无法阻挡的衰落。但是追根溯源,这个令举国魂牵梦绕的东西本来是可以从略微后退中获得好处的(至少在外人看来如此)。正如今年(2016)早些时候国家公共电台指出的那样,就在英国工人激烈捍卫他们争取更长时间茶歇的权利的同时,生活并工作在该国的美国人“对他们看到的茶歇的那一套僵硬刻板感到困惑。” 就如下面这段令人难以置信的趣闻中讲到的那样,茶歇似乎真的没有效率。      

In the summer of 1976, Lucas was shooting the first Star Wars in England's EMI-Elstree Studios, chosen for its enormous empty studio space. He had a hellish time, writes J.W. Rinzler in The Making Of Star Wars. The English crew had little respect either for Lucas or his peculiar film involving light sabers that kept breaking. And while Lucas admired the crew's technical skills, he was bewildered by their work habits. Work began at 8:30 a.m., stopped for an hourlong lunch and two tea breaks at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., and ended at 5:30 p.m. sharp, after which the crew promptly went to the pub. When it was break time, filming would stop dead, even if things happened to be mid-scene.


Today, there's a bit of irony in the sort of culture clash Lucas experienced while filming in England 30 years ago. The decades have turned a growing number of British against their national pastime, and onto coffee, which has long been a staple of the U.S. workday. Meanwhile, just across the Atlantic, Americans are fawning over tea. Sales of tea quintupled between 1999 and 2013, according to data from Euromonitor. And they continue to grow. Just last year, the market for black tea grew by 5 percent in the United States.


Everything is relative. Even the coolness of standard black tea.

