How terrible is racism toward Asians in the U.S. ?
Henry Lin
Updated 12h ago
Unsurprisingly, most of the answers here so far come from non-Asians who don’t have the slightest clue about the Asian American experience other than the Model Minority Myth, some stats that support this myth, and other stereotypes perpetuated by western media and society, so let me add an Asian voice to the conversation.
Contrary to some of the opinions here, I’m just going to flat out say it: Asians do experience some of the most terrible racism in the U.S. Why? Because unlike racism, but really racial prejudices, directed towards other groups like blacks, Jews, and even none racially rooted ones like LGBTQ, it’s “OK” to be racist towards Asians (i.e. incidents involving anti-Asian speech or action get a pass, at worst a slap on the wrist).
与这里的一些观点相反,我要直言不讳地说:亚洲人确实经历了美国最可怕的种族主义。为什么?因为它看起来不像种族主义,但却是真正的种族偏见,针对其他群体,如黑人,犹太人,甚至是没有种族根源的群体,比如LGBTQ群体,都没有这种根深蒂固的偏见,对亚洲人有种族歧视是“可以”的( 例如,涉及反亚裔言论或行动出现后,最坏的情况也不过是扇一记耳光)。
People in the US are programmed to laugh whenever Asians are the butt of the joke, whether it be in the form of the fake, mocking “Asian” accent, which I’m sure everyone is familiar with, or overused “jokes” about how we are “weak, nerdy, effeminate” and eat dogs or have small penises, which unless you live in a bubble or are from 19th and 20th century America, you’d know are completely false and rooted in racism (unsurprisingly). Let’s not forget the near universal gesture of pulling one’s eyes to denote Asianness, which I’d argue is as popularly understood as the peace sign or middle finger is.
No matter how harmless these jokes, gestures, and mockery may seem to non-Asians, they can greatly affect the emotional and mental health of some Asians. These actions and speech can instill feelings of self-hate for some because it uses our physical appearances, parent cultures, and racial and ethnic groups, things we can’t change about ourselves, to attack us as individuals. It’s not because we’re soft, can’t take a “joke,” or are easily offended. It’s because again, these instances of racist behaviors toward Asians are widespread, ingrained in western society, and worst of all, usually not taken seriously, where the harm lies.
无论这些笑话、手势和嘲笑对非亚洲人来说多么无害, 它们都会极大地影响一些亚洲人的情绪和心理健康。 这些行为和言论会给一些人带来自我憎恨的感觉, 因为它利用我们的外表、父母文化以及种族和种族群体, 这些事情我们自己不能改变, 但被攻击的却是我们个人。 这不是因为我们软弱, 不能接受"笑话", 或容易被冒犯, 这是因为这些针对亚洲人的种族主义行为在西方社会广泛存在, 根深蒂固, 最糟糕的是, 通常不会认真对待, 这正是危害所在。![]()
Here’s a clip from a biopic about Bruce Lee that I think brilliantly captures how most Asians probably feel under such circumstances, despite being largely quiet about such matters:
下面是一个关于李小龙的传记片段, 我认为这个片段非常精彩地描述了大多数亚洲人在这种情况下的感受, 尽管他们在这些问题上基本上保持沉默:
Additionally, for some reason, racial slurs like “chink” and “gook” aren’t taboo like the word “nigger” is, even though all three have a history of racial oppression from, you guessed it, whites. Again, this goes back to my point about how it’s more socially acceptable to be racist towards Asians, but not other groups for some reason.
此外, 出于某种原因, 像"chink"(译注:对中国人的蔑称)和"gook"(译注:对韩国人,日本人,菲律宾人的蔑称)这样的种族歧视不像"黑鬼"这个词那样是禁忌, 尽管这三个词都有来自白人的种族压迫史, 再一次,这又回到了我的观点,即出于某种原因,对亚洲人,而不是其他群体的种族主义歧视在社会上是更容易被接受的。
On the opposite spectrum, less to do with comedy and more to do with world politics, Asian countries are often viewed as threats to western countries, especially China. These feelings of fear and resentment, blown out of proportion by American media, unjustly label people of Asian descent as “enemies,” and this sentiment unfortunately has carried over to American people of Asian descent.
Such instances have resulted in the largest lynching in US history (Chinese massacre of 1871 - Wikipedia), the only time when a whole group of people were banned from entering this country (Chinese Exclusion Act - Wikipedia), the only time when a whole group of American people had everything taken away from them, rounded up, and sent to concentration camps (Internment of Japanese Americans - Wikipedia), and incidents involving people like this guy that Thomas Griffin mentioned:
What’s screwed up is even after all of this downright racist mistreatment, Asians and Asian Americans in this country today are still treated with question, a concept known as “perpetual foreigners.”
这类情绪导致了美国历史上规模最大的私刑事件(1871年洛杉矶华人大屠杀维基百科) , 这是唯一一次整个群体被禁止进入这个国家(排华法案维基百科) , 也是唯一一次整群美国人被带走、围捕并送往集中营(日裔美国人拘留-维基百科) , 以及托马斯·格里芬(Thomas Griffin)提到的这个人:![]()
即使在所有这些彻头彻尾的种族主义虐待之后, 今天这个国家的亚裔和亚裔美国人仍然受到质疑, 这个概念被称为"永久的外国人".
Doesn’t matter if we fought valiantly for our country, while simultaneously being betrayed by said country, and STILL go on to become the most decorated military unit in US history (442nd Infantry Regiment (United States) - Wikipedia).
Doesn’t matter if we killed essentially our own people (i.e. ethnic Chinese) to protect our fellow Americans like what Lieutenant Chew-Een Lee did in the Korean War.
Doesn’t matter if we died holding the doors during a school shooting so our classmates and teachers could escape before us like what Peter Wang did in the recent Florida mass shooting (Parkland student Peter Wang gets posthumous West Point admission).
And, it doesn’t matter if we represent Team USA at the Olympics because that’s our country, where we are from, and go on to win medals for the US like in the recent Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.
不管我们是否为了保护我们的美国同胞而杀害我们自己的人民(也就是华人),我们仍然像Chew-Een Lee中尉那样在朝鲜战争中浴血奋战。
不管我们在校园枪击案中是不是会抱门而死, 我们仍然像王彼得在最近的佛罗里达枪击事件中那样做了,让我们的同学和老师得以逃跑。( 帕克兰学生王彼得死后获得了西点军校的录取)。
不管我们是否能代表美国队参加奥运会, 我们仍然为美国赢得奖牌,就像最近在平昌举行的冬季奥运会做的那样,因为这里是我们的国家,我们来自这里。![]()
Asians and Asian Americans will continue to be viewed with skepticism and have their loyalty and identity questioned.
You may think “Oh, these are all examples from the (not so distant) past. American society has greatly changed since then. We live in a post-racial society now.” Do we though? Have perceptions and attitudes really changed? Based on recent news, especially under the Trump administration, it looks like Chinese people are again back on top of the US enemy carousel, this time for economic reasons. Some higher ups like FBI director Christopher Wray have even gone as far as labelling all Chinese people in the US as “threats” (FBI Director Defends Remarks That Chinese People In U.S. Pose Threats).
你可能会想:"哦, 这些都是过去的例子。 从那时起, 美国社会发生了巨大的变化,我们现在生活在一个后种族社会。" 不过, 我们是否会因此而受到影响? 认知和态度真的改变了吗? 根据最近的消息, 特别是在特朗普的领导下, 看起来中国人又回到了美国敌人的旋转木马上, 这次是出于经济原因。 联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗雷(Christopher Wray)等一些高层甚至将所有在美国的中国人称为"威胁"( 美国联邦调查局局长辩称所有在美国的中国人都构成威胁 )。
This sounds oddly like the start to something that happened to another group of Asians and Asian Americans I mentioned. And you can bet that Cray, I mean Wray, is not the only American who feels this way. Given how most non-Asian Americans can’t tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese or Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sinhalese, or what have you, along with Americans of these various Asian ethnicities, some innocent people will continue to be harassed or attacked simply because of their outward appearances.
这听起来很奇怪,就像我提到的另一群亚洲人和亚裔美国人的情况一样。 我敢保证, 并不是唯一一个有这种感觉的美国人,大多数非亚裔美国人无法分辨中国人、日本人、菲律宾人、韩国人、越南人或印度人、孟加拉国人、巴基斯坦人、僧伽罗人等等,以及这些各种不同类型的亚裔美国人,一些无辜的人将继续仅仅因为他们的外表而受到骚扰或攻击。
Look, there’s just too much to cover for one Quora answer alone, and in no way am I an expert on this subject matter. I’m just sick and tired of how Asians are always told or expected to keep silent when it comes to social issues that affect us. Here’s a great video detailing some of the injustices Asians and Asian Americans have faced in the past, which aftereffects can still be felt to this day:
你看,对于Quora 来说, 这个问题的答案太多了, 我绝不是这方面的专家,我只是厌倦了当涉及到影响我们的社会问题时,亚洲人总是被告知或被要求保持沉默。这里有一段很棒的视频,详细描述了亚洲人和亚裔美国人过去所面临的一些不公正,时至今日,仍能感受到这些不公正的后果:
Racism, hate, violence, call it what you want, but there is no doubt that Asians have faced some of the worst of any group in this country. And, perceived success and wealth, of “making it” in America, doesn’t cut it, especially considering all the micro- and macro aggressions we have faced and continue to today.
Thomas Yom, MBA & MSM from Colorado Technical University
Answered 17h ago
Thanks for the A2A Lynn Cai!
How terrible is racism towards Asians in the US? Nowadays, not as bad for me and my family. To put this in perspective, let’s take a walk down memory lane. Back in the late `70s to early `80s to be precise. I grew up on the north side and suburbs of Chicago. My parents were part of the first wave of Korean immigrants during the 70s-80s that helped establish the Koreatown on Lawrence Ave. Growing up in the city wasn’t bad. There were a lot of different ethnicities which made Chicago a big melting pot. Moving to the suburbs was a big change. I went from an urban apartment life to a suburban house surrounded by cornfields. The move was all in the name of a better education for my brother and I. However, the big change is that Koreans (or any Asians) were still a tiny minority out in the suburbs. I’ve written a lot about this topic:
Thomas Yom's answer to What was it like for Asian people, growing up in a place with few Asians?
Thomas Yom's answer to What was your worst experience with racism?
Thomas Yom's answer to What was it like to have been an American of Asian descent after the murder of Vincent Chin?
ThomasYom对《在Vincent Chin被谋杀后,亚裔美国人是什么感觉?》的回答
To rehash it, my brother and I were racially teased and bullied both inside and outside of school. I recall not being able to ride my bike into certain neighborhoods without being ganged up by feral kids and called “chink.” I believe the correct terminology these days is “free range” kids. Back then, kids would stay out unsupervised until sundown. The reason I say feral is because these kids had no manners and would stay out on the streets way past 10 PM. This just goes to show you what great parents they had. But I digress… Whenever I would go to the market with my parents, these feral kids would be hanging around the shopping plaza and call us chinks at a distance. They would even trail our car in their BMX bicycles and harass us as we were leaving the parking lot. My parents’ English language skills were limited at the time but it really shook me to the core as a little boy that they could just sit and take the abuse.
You see, back then… There was no Internet, smartphones, or on-demand entertainment. You were stuck with a landline phone, Saturday morning cartoons, and having to deal with people face-to-face. In short, people could get away with racism towards Asians because nothing could be documented.
Let’s fast forward to today…
With the power of the Internet, smartphones, and social media… People who continue to call us chinks, gooks, and do the ching chong song at us CAN’T run away. Look at these idiots below:
Racist Long Beach Woman Cowers Away When Asian Couple Starts Filming
Because of my experiences dealing with racism, I learned to never let people (both children and adults) get away with racist behavior. As a parent myself, I will NOT tolerate any racism towards my own children. If my children receive any form of racism at school or in public, those people had better be prepared for an angry, rabid father to retaliate tenfold…
Lynn Cai, lives in The United States of America
Answered Sat
As an Asian-American, I have hardly experienced any racism minus a few incidents.
Growing up in a city in the Deep South (New Orleans), I attended public schools my entire life. Never once was I ostracized due to my heritage or called a racist slur. I was well-accepted by my peers.
However, experiences can vary from person to person, region to region. Yes, racism towards Asians can still exist in the US, and yes, it can be overlooked. However, it’s not exactly as black-and-white as you think it is. It’s not as if people would cry out “chink” or “jap” or “go back to you country” on the streets.
Yes, a lot of us have gotten that “where are you really from/which country are you from” question. I admit that I’ve at least received it once or twice (even from Asians) , but I never really took offense due to how the question was asked. For example, a white lady once asked me where I was from. When I told her New Orleans, she acknowledged it, and asked about where my parents were from, indicating that she was curious about her ethnicity. When I told her that I was Chinese, she brought up that her daughter was half-Chinese, and even tried speaking a little Chinese with me.
当然,经验可能因人而异,因地区而异。是的,对亚洲人的种族主义在美国仍然存在,是的,它可以被忽视,然而,它并不完全像你想象的那样黑白分明,这并不是说人们会在街上喊“中国佬”、“日本佬”或“ 滚回你的国家去”。
Steven W Rodgers, University of Virginia
Answered 2h ago
OMG, it’s terrible! Asian Americans are only the wealthiest demographic in America! (The truth is, if people work hard, obey the law, and mind their business, no one much cares who you are or where you came from)
Matthew Miller, USA born and raised.
Answered Fri
I, an American, lived and worked in China for many years. I have a Chinese wife and Chinese family. I am not Chinese. I can tell you that racism against all non-white people is pretty bad in the US compared to most other developed countries. It is also very bad against Asians.
Maanasa Reddy, lives in The United States of America
Answered Sat
Pretty bad.
I have a lot of stories to tell.
A large chunk of it is because we’re racist to each other. I know a couple of Indian people who are SUPER racist to East Asians, and vice versa. An East Asian classmate of mine has a locker close to mine, and I heard him say, very clearly, “If I had a drop of Indian blood in my veins, I’d kill myself.” Even more disheartening, a friend of mine, another friend who’s desi were talking. Randomly, the non-desi one goes, “Asian men are disgusting, especially south Asians. They’re all so hairy and gross.” I had no choice but to laugh along. I’m pretty young, so this is probably just kids being kids. But still, it really hurts.
Any discrimination against us is funny. Yet another story I have to tell. I was in Music Class, and these two boys were talking to this Chinese guy who has an accent, but still speaks English very well. I forget how, but the subject of speaking Chinese came up, and the other kid goes, “Is this Chinese? Ching Chong Wing Wong.”
Heck, I’m not even treated like an Asian. A concerning amount of people consider Indians African over Asian.
It’s, once again, just awful.
ANY, and I mean, ANYTHING discriminatory against black people in our school is taboo, which is a good thing. But asians? Fair game.
A girl that I’m kind of friends with (verging not friends at all, you’ll see why) came up to me and said, “You smell like curry.” I hadn’t eaten any Indian food in a couple days, nor had my mom cooked any. I took a shower that day, AND I wore body spray. I knew for a fact I didn’t smell like curry. She still took the time out of her day to say something like that.
In summary, it sucks. And it happens often.
有些对我们的歧视很可笑,我还要讲另一个故事,我当时在上音乐课,两个男孩在和一个有口音但英语说得很好的中国人说话,我忘了是怎么回事,但是话题转向了说中文,另一个孩子问:“ CHING CHONG WING WONG,这是中文吗? “
( 译注: 外国人认为中国人说话只有两个音节 CHING CHONG,用来嘲讽中国人的口音。)
Ronald Kimmons, Entrepreneur (2009-present)
Answered 13h ago
So…I’m a white American guy who speaks Chinese and (some) Indonesian. I admittedly have not been on the receiving side of such racism, but I can tell you what I have seen.
What I have seen is that racism against Asians in the U.S. is less angry and hateful and more dismissive.
First, Asians are often lifted up as the “model minority”. For example, whenever black people complain about anything, someone will always say: “Yeah, well, look at these Chinese people who came over here with nothing, started a business, and now make more than the average white person. And their kids all make straight A’s and play the cello.” On the surface, this seems to be a positive thing for Asians, but the thing is that it contributes to a certain expectation that Asians in the U.S. should excel at everything. So if you are really good at mathematics, of course you are good at mathematics! You’re Asian! Asians are good at mathematics! It’s not because you spent many hours studying. It’s because you’re Asian and Asians are good at mathematics.
As a white guy, I get annoyed by the fact that people tend to think that it is basically a social travesty whenever I excel at anything. Of course you were able to do that, because your ethnicity made it easy for you. Asians in the U.S. often experience the same kind of thing - only worse. And, ironically, coming from white people.
Then there is the matter of plain ignorance. As I am a language guy, the term “Asian” kind of peeves me to begin with because it encompasses so much. Russians, Arabs, Indians, Cambodians, Chinese, Japanese…all technically Asians. Even if we are limiting the term to everything from Pakistan to Indonesia to Japan, that still encompasses, you know, like half of the population of the world. The very use of the term “Asian” in this way shows the total ignorance of Americans when it comes to differentiating between Asian cultures. It says a lot that we see Hispanics as different from “white” Americans but we cannot differentiate between someone from Bangladesh and someone from Korea.
Actual questions that I have heard my fellow countrymen (black and white, respectively) ask people from Asia:
“What’s the difference between China and Japan?”
“What’s the difference between India and China?”
How would we feel if someone from China asked what the difference was between Canada and Mexico, implying that they are basically the same?
There is also the matter of language. My Chinese is pretty good now, but once upon a time, it wasn’t. It was lousy. But even when it was lousy, when Chinese people heard me speaking, they would be tickled to death, and they would always tell me how amazing my Chinese was. They were just so happy that I had taken the time to learn a language spoken by only about a billion people. However, for a Chinese guy in the U.S., not only is he expected to speak English, but he is expected to speak it perfectly. If he has a heavy accent or lousy grammar, Americans will assume that he isn’t very smart. If he has put forth the effort to speak like a native, that’s just par for the course.
Lastly, there is the inability to accept ethnically Asian people as Americans. I know an ethnically Chinese guy whose family has been in the U.S. since the Gold Rush. When people ask him where he is from, he says New York, because that is where he was born and raised. But that often isn’t enough, as they will follow up on that with: “No, where are you really from?”
As a final, only tangentially related note, it annoys me when Chinese people living in my country refer to me as 外国人. You’re not in Tianjin anymore, Grandma.
David Henderson
Answered Sat
As an outsider, I would say it looks very much like racism towards Asians is tolerated in the U.S. to a much greater extent than racism against other minorities.
As an example, imagine if it came out that George Clooney was convicted and jailed as a young man for the racially motivated serious assault of a black man, during which assault he is heard to call his victim a “n****r”.
Clooney would be a pariah in Hollywood and would likely never work again.
Now compare it to this guy:
In 1988, Mark Wahlberg beat a random Vietnamese man with a stick to steal his beer, when running from the police after the incident he asked a different Vietnamese man to hide him, when the police cruiser passed he punched the man, blinding him in one eye. The police arrested him and he referred to his victims as “g**ks”, “slant-eyed g**ks” and “Vietnamese piece of shit” respectively.
Mark Wahlberg went on to have a successful music career and is currently one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.
From what I understand, Wahlberg has since made amends with at least one of his victims, however the point stands that the American public were willing to totally overlook Wahlbergs actions for years when other celebrities have been ruined by relatively minor incidents involving other races.
1988年,马克·沃尔伯格(Mark Wahlberg)用棍子殴打了一名试图偷他啤酒的越南人,事发后他逃避警察的抓捕,他要求另一名越南人把他藏起来,当警车过来的时候,他打了那人一拳,把他一只眼睛弄瞎了,警察逮捕了他,他说他的受害者是“亚洲猪”,“斜眼亚洲猪”和“越南狗屎”。
Answered Sep 24, 2017
Going anon because bashing Asians, e.g. could be interpreted as racist.
In general, I would say that racism towards Asians is definitely present to some degree on wide scales. You know, stuff like “Oh well of course she aced that math test, she’s Asian.” It’s very engrained and shows no signs of letting up
However, I would say that racism towards Asians is much less than that which is applied towards black people or even Muslims. I would say that in America, those two groups face much more derogatory racism (and, sadly, violence/hate crimes).
However, I can detail some personal experience with Asians. What follows is why I’m going anon on this answer.
I live and work in a college town. Every school year, Asians flood the area at a rate of nearly 40% local occupancy. There is an Asian supermarket and more Asian restaurants in my neighborhood than I can count. There are a LOT of Asians here.
What I’ve found is that a lot of Asian college kids/young professionals are dissociated and lack empathy towards other people. There’s common courtesy stuff, like moving into a packed train/bus when there’s space. They’re often oblivious to stuff like that. Many have a loose grasp of English even though they live and study in a English-speaking location. I recently saw an Asian couple at a standard American supermarket who could barely answer simple questions asked to them in English. It was really mind boggling to see these people who had very little grasp of a local language for where they live for most of the year.
The second part of my Asian “racism” part has to deal with work. I work in tech and so there are a LOT of Asian people at my work (sarcastic “Yay, racial stereotypes!”). This is where my view of Asians really gets bad.
In tech, an algorithmic mindset is what gets you ahead on the technical side of operations. Think like a computer and you can master them; this is how many non-Asians in tech operate. Asians, on the other hand, tend to have one of the most convoluted minds and ways to get from input A to output B. I don’t know why this is and I’ve been trying to figure it out for a long time. I strongly believe that this has to do with upbringing and how you’re raised as a child as these sorts of thought patterns and ways of thinking are engrained from a very early age. However, some Asians have either escaped this mindset or have somehow learned to be algorithmic. Exactly what makes Asians go one way or another is beyond me.
然而,我要说的是,对亚洲人的种族主义比对黑人甚至穆斯林的种族主义要少得多。我要说的是,在美国,这两个群体面临着更多的贬损性种族主义( 暴力/仇恨犯罪)。
Thomas Griffin, American living in Europe
Answered Sep 24, 2017
Well, unless you run into Mark Wahlberg (zing!), I think you'll mostly be safe from violence in the U.S as an Asian. In fact, Asians seem to do quite well here, and many of them supported Trump. It seems to me that most of the racism Asians encounter is obnoxious stereotypes perpetuated by media and entertainment (I.e Japanese girls are all sexually open school girls waiting to be deflowered, Asian men are socially defunct nerds, etc.). The Asians I know seem to think these are annoying, but not necessarily intimidating or threatening.
One interesting drawback, however, is because Asians seem to excel and thrive wherever they migrate to, it's still socially acceptable to make fun of them. Where there is serious stigma around stereotyping black people or Latinos or Jews, Asians are still fair game. So i dunno, ask an Asian.
Abbey Laurel-Smith, works at Politics
Answered 20h ago
It is terrible. Pretty bad! Problems is Asians are divided on an issue like this. Also, we need to realize when we talk about Asians in America, we are not only talking of the Chinese, the Japanese and others that look like them, we are also talking of Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and others from that region.
They are not being slighted by name and gestures alone, they are being denied housing, healthcare and other essential services.
Problem they face in classrooms is another thing entirely.
But then, the way Asians talk about themselves (Korean, Chinese or Japanese) is another bummer.
I campaigned about this from 2014 to 2016 for the presidential election, and upon seeing my banner, someone in downtown New Haven (Yale) commented, “You have a yellow fever Buddy!”
This is the banner pic.
很可怕,很糟糕! 问题是,亚洲人在这样的问题上存在分歧。同时,我们需要意识到,当我们谈论美国的亚洲人时,我们不仅在谈论中国人、日本人和其他看起来像他们的人,我们也在谈论印度人、巴基斯坦人、孟加拉人和其他地区的人。
Neel Patel, former Lawyer
Answered 7h ago
In my opinion it’s pretty terrible because you are always an outsider, you have little political power compared to other minority groups like Blacks or Jews, and you are labeled “successful” and “smart” even though you are discriminated all the time. So it’s the worst of all possible worlds.
Moreover, overt discrimination against Asians is one of the last socially acceptable forms of discrimination in America (other than openly hating on Muslims). Whites can make fun of Asians with small penis or slinty eye jokes and it’s tolerated. There are plenty of examples of celebs who openly make fun of Asians and they suffer basically no repercussions. In contrast, make fun of Blacks or Jews and maybe you lose your job.
In addition, American society has emasculated Asian men. They are portrayed as asexual, nerdy and unappealing. This is partially the reason so many Asian American women date white men and other races. Statistically over 50% of Asian American women marry outside the Asian race. This is absurd and the by product of massive racism against Asian men in American society.
此外,对亚洲人的公开歧视是美国社会所能接受的最后一种歧视形式( 不是公开憎恨穆斯林)。白人可以取笑亚洲人的小阴茎或小眼睛,这是可以容忍的。有很多名人公开取笑亚洲人的例子,他们基本上没有受到任何影响,而取笑黑人或犹太人,你可能会丢掉工作。
At work, Asian Americans may by the highest earning income group but they face the “bamboo ceiling” where they can make it to mid level management but above that they are labeled the worker bee or lacking leadership skills. Asians are still used for their hard work but not rewarded with proper promotions.
I have seen all these things first hand growing up in a city in the US that was majority Asian and then living in large US cities with high Asian populations. I remember a high school teacher openly accusing Asians of being more prone to cheating on tests. The penis jokes against Asian guys were non stop as were Jackie Chan jokes. I recall many times whites openly said racist shit against my Asian friends on the street, in bars, etc. When I worked at a big company I saw firsthand overly qualified Asians being denied promotions while less qualified whites were promoted. The amount of BS Asian men deal with in the dating scene is absurd, so many Asian American women will say things like, “I won’t date Asian guys”. I have personally heard this dozens of times from Asian women and white women are even worse as they act as if Asian American guys don’t exist.
In many ways Asian Americans have it worse than any other group in the US in terms of racism even though on paper many Asians are successful in terms of academics and economics. Whites will never accept Asians as true Americans. With the rise of China and Asia whites will just cast more and more blame on Asian Americans. If the US ever gets into a war with North Korea or China then God alone knows what will happen. There is already a sad history of mistreatment of Asians, whether the Japanese American internment of WWII or incidents like the Vincent Chin murder in the 1980’s.
I wish people in Asia would think about this when saying they want to move to the US so their children have “more opportunities”. They don’t understand all the BS their kids will deal with growing up in a racist country like the US. And with the rise of Trump and white nationalist politics racism in the US is just going to get worse.
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